Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. You can only get to a certain level state in this realm of the 3rd dimension. The mind at this level is just not equipped to go beyond whatever state of consciousness you're at and beyond the 3rd or 4th dimension you would have to not be human anymore to go beyond that. There's a reason why things are the way they are. You cannot force ripe a fruit . It has to grow on its own and given the right conditions. Thats why psychedelics have to wear off because that state wasn't naturally induced. So many have psychological problems after taking them because their nervous systems couldn't handle it and they went into it with too much emotional baggage.
  2. No, of course not. It's not about that but more of feeling the ever present presence of the One Love that permeates through everything and everyone and knowing that it's all emanating from you and no matter what the circumstances, it is ever present in the background, untouched.
  3. This is a very powerful video. I highly recommend it. Just see it through and you'll see what i mean.
  4. They are Love. God is Love. Everything is God so Everything is Love.
  5. Nice video. It could potentially help some of these guys who are struggling in the dating world. Hopefully, if they watch it, they'll do so with an open mind and leave behind their "buts" and "what ifs" and excuses of why this and why nots. It's always about going within and not just with-out because it's all about you; because existentially, there is no other. I've come to recognize that. Even though there are others appearing, they are just a reflection of the All there is.
  6. Good, I didn't think so, I was just saying. Anyway, I'm nosey so keep me posted on the not-so-personal details and since it's pretty much the topic of this post, we won't be straying from the topic. Just whenever or whatever you feel like sharing. I'm happy for you. The Universe is always granting us our wishes, the only problem is we're not communicating with it properly. So, it's granting us what it thinks we want. You were probably aligned and vibrating on a frequency that allowed it to bring to you this beauty. You weren't in the dating section constantly complaining and focusing on what you didn't want, that's why I felt it was the right vibe for you, amongst other reasons. I'm always getting flack for my "woo woo" talk, but it's the same people who keep complaining and complaining and problems after problems. They won't listen to the girl with the short dress on, they feel more comfortable choosing the bearded man with the robe sitting on a throne, when the Universe sent me to tell them things, they just ignore it. Only a selected few will notice. Now, I just need to figure out who it send for me to listen to and i believe it's you. Honestly, no joke. Don't take that as a compliment or trying to fill your head up because I have my own secret divine reason why I said that.
  7. You don't have to hold back in telling a woman how you feel about her and how you find her attractive and however else you find her that's flattering. Just don't overdo it and say it when it's appropriate, only because you don't want to come off as trying to "bribe" her into anything or saying it when you've fucked up somehow. Just don't focus on speaking about her looks too much so she doesn't feel it's the only reason you're with her (even if it is). Notice I didn't say "don't focus on her looks" but speaking about it because I can't tell you what to focus on in this arena because attraction is personal. You'll get used to her looks at some point though, but for now enjoy it while it lasts. Not her looks but you gawking at
  8. No, it's not a bad sign, as long as you don't mention this to her. Fuck all that traditional stuff and what you're supposed to do and how long this should take and what you're not supposed to think about and ray ray. You're already in tune somewhat with the Universe, so just go with where it takes you without wondering if you're doing anything right or wrong. It would be more of a bad sign if you weren't thinking along those lines. Remember, imagination is the key so keep it there if that's what you desire. Don't listen to the bully - the mind.
  9. Ok, Leo speaks in parables. I have to constantly be told what he meant to say. Thank God for his translators because his mind and my mind are so connected that we speak the same language internally but outwardly the message is received the know, like the Universal mirror. So, from now on I'll just translate what he says myself by seeing it as the opposite of what he says. See, geniosity at it's finest. One genius reflecting the other. That's why our relationship is from a distance because together we'll be a hot mess.
  10. Idk who or what you're referring to. I was simply stating how a shared video made me feel and why I couldn't watch it. Then a few comments were made regarding that. I don't know who is seeking attention.
  11. Ok, thank you. It worked with you. Are you diabolical? Why do I need to seek attention. Makes no sense. I'm just being myself...effortlessly. I don't have to think too hard about it, its natural. Go bite a horse if ya don't like my character...or maybe step yours up a bit, it always seem so cranky and stuck up, lighten up a bit, ya just might like it.
  12. Lol. Not by my Bazooky Prince. I'll never throw up from hearing his my head anyway. @Bazooka Jesusyour pic is being used as an experiment over here. Lol
  13. That's not masculine and raspy. That's some Freddy Krueger type shit. Ok, I'll listen. Hopefully I don't throw up.
  14. I couldn't even get pass the first minute. His voice was making me feel some type a way. Even when I tried to ignore it and just listen, I couldn't do it. Is there a way to change someone's tone of voice while watching a YT video? Maybe speed it up.
  15. I understand but moving out-of-state just for something like a bartender job is pretty steep unless you're trying to turn it into a career. Unless he's really into that sexual lifestyle and it shows on him, meaning he dresses like a woman while obviously a man, then he should chose a bar with that in mind. But on a general scale its just a job and shouldn't matter regardless of sexual preference that you need to move out of state for. No need for a big city to work as a bartender, plenty of small cities have bars.
  16. Some successful people were once cashiers. You have to start somewhere.
  17. Are you serious. Moving to another state just to get a bartender job is like moving to another state just to get laid. Plenty of bars everywhere just like plenty of girls everywhere. If it's for long-term, now that's a different story. Yeah, I know getting laid is a serious ting, so don't compare. I know, I know.
  18. That wasn't the point. It's still a job that's best suited for a specific kind of personality whether temporary or not.
  19. Good for you. Happy to hear. Now go kick some ass.
  20. Pistachios are very nutritious. They contain manganese, phosphorus, copper, vitamin B6, potassium, fibre, antioxidants such as lutein, zeaxanthin which are great for eye health. Polyphenols and tocopherols are also present which are also antioxidants. The antioxidants present are highly bioavailable which means they are easily absorbed. They are among the most antioxidant-rich nuts available. They are also low in calories and are second only to almonds when it comes to protein content. Plus they are delicious and fun to eat. I personally notice when I eat pistachios I feel 10x better than I normally do and I usually feel pretty good. I'd say to myself, why am I so energized today, then I remember I had pistachios the day before and it happens all the time. So eat your pistachios. They also help with joint pain immensely. Add them to granola, oatmeal, salads. Use to make pesto and sprinkle crushed pistachios over fish, homemade banana ice-cream and so much more. I just like to eat them as is.