Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. It's not about the words but what the words symbolizes. I cannot go within you and change how you see yourself and God and your relationship to it. Me changing your words is still giving you the same meaning. You have separated God from yourself by believing in it and now you are telling me to use whatever words best suit my liking. Doesn't matter. You will still feel the same.
  2. I don't believe I have an arm and fingers, I know I have an arm and fingers. I don't believe in God.
  3. You are limited precisely because YOU ARE UNLIMITED. Marinate on that.
  4. All of this is just so you don't have to take Spiritual Responsibility of your Self. Stop placing everything on God because it is you. There is no God outside of you. Take responsibility for your shit and wake up to you. That is the only saving you need.
  5. Excuse me, but if there is a video posted and I make a comment referring to the video posted, that is considered on-topic. I do have a right to state how a particular posted video makes me feel especially if I'm not carrying on and on about it. I'm not interested either in you bossing me around by telling me how to consume posted contents and it is very inappropriate for you to say to me "just listen to it", just for that sake, but not to mention that there could be a legitimate reason why I was unable to listen. Please don't tell me to just do something that I have a choice at because this forum is not under dictatorship and we have a choice on what we choose to listen to. Who determines what is low or high quality inside a particular already started thread and where a continuous conversation is at hand. That will be determined by whose looking and evaluating. For the most part I try to stick to the topic being discussed and there was a video posted and I was referring to the posted video. I always pay respect to all the mods but I think you overstepped your bounds with me by telling me to "Just listen to it". If I felt the need to state why I couldn't, I don't think I should have to have a moderator tell me that I shouldn't or order me to do otherwise.
  6. I know, Bazookidookie, i can tell you're not the type to just wanna "ram it in". You need more than just tits and ass, you need some type of connection. I can tell you're romantic and will treat your princess with respect while still holding on to your dignity and without ass-licking. These things shines through energetically even through the computer. I can tell you're not a pushover while you can still be 'nice' and respectable to a woman and allow her femininity to make your masculinity shine through and vice-versa. When I speak how I speak on these topics i don't refer to all men only some. As a woman, we have to always be on the look out for predators and we shouldn't have to deny our feminity because some men are not able to control themselves.
  7. This "men are visual creatures" maybe true but it is not an excuse for some men to blatantly disrespect a woman's privacy and go around just gawking publicly at their bodies when they're just minding their own business. The things you mentioned are your preferences, not all nor most men are necessarily attracted to that. You have used your preferences as a baseline for what you think most men prefer and that is not true. Some men like skinny women. The skinnier the better. Also fat women. Some men like fat sexy women. Also some men prefer older women. I could keep going, and I'm not just referring to that one exception, but many. You are saying you have zero control over the type of woman you're attracted to as if you believe you have control over anything else you're attracted to. So that's not the issue. Attraction is based on certain factors that are not controlled by you. Men are attracted to women, period. What type of woman will be determined by circumstances beyond their control and will change from time to time depending on their state and level of consciousness, environment and state of being amongst other things. I watched the whole video and that woman was not addressing what men and or women were attracted to. She was not speaking about the evolutionary process in which attraction is based off . She was addressing how she thought men liked her for her and didn't realized the looks and greetings she was getting from men were sexual-based and how she couldn't go anywhere without men staring at her ass and how she couldn't bend down to pick up her keys without looking up to see some strange man looking at her butt and gawking at her as if she was ice-cream ready to be licked. This whole statement right here is just heresay, based on nothing but what you've heard some angry, bitter red pill mgtow, social media crap, forum talking bullshit. You have completely turned this observable relative truth into some personal unobservable false rumoric run of the mill ideological, crappy nonsensical, bullshit, unadulterated, unsustainable, statue of liberty forming, country song writing story-telling symphonic bullshit. It doesn't even deserve a response made from well put together sentence with adjectives and pronounces complimented with commas, quotation marks or conjunctions. There is some truth to it but is more nuanced than a woman just liking assholes and wanna be manipulated and abused. It is not enough to just be a "nice fucking guy", neither do women want to be manipulated and we're not attracted to men who do nasty stuff to us and whatever else you said. You need to take things into context and understand what these things really mean. I suggest if you haven't, to watch the channel "Hoe_Math where he can explain this dynamic in better terms and breaks down what is is that makes women attracted to bad boys and why nice guys can sometimes finish last. Has nothing to do with wanting to be manipulated and treated like shit. And, by the way, not all women like bad boys either and that shit can get played out when a woman grows up and matures. Sorry for the rant, but I do relate to what this woman is saying. I have found myself dressing certain ways because I didn't feel like getting gawked at that day. I have found myself crossing the street because I didn't feel like getting cat-called or being bothered by drooling guys. It is not acceptable to have to live our lives like a bunch of caged chickens because we're concerned with who we might turn on today by just existing or have to watch how we dress because men are visual creatures and cannot control themselves or how lady-like we have to be while men can just run around and wear whatever they want, fuck whoever they want without being called names, and demonstrate behaviors that might be considered macho while women are judged and criticized for the same thing. Men sexualizing us is not the problem, I don't have a problem with that, because I can turn that around and use it to my advantage and make that work for me. The problem is when they blame us for it or make excuses for why they can be the way they are. Not all men are like that and not even the majority. So this is not about all but whomever the shoe fits and I can tell it fits you from the way you speak. I'm done.
  8. Are you saying you recently experienced Alien Consciousness, like for real???
  9. Women do have looks preferences, The difference is, that man's ass is also connected to a personality. Men will sleep with the ass while women will sleep with what's connected to the ass.
  10. This is such baloney. This is what creates confusion. This is why people are depressed and suffer from anxiety. This is what's keeping us from ourselves. This is what's keeping us delusional. This is what's keeping us fearful. This is what's causing suffering. This is what's perpetrating evil. But you won't understand this. Because you've been indoctrinated into believing that we need saving, that we need to be "good" to enter the kingdom or whatever else you've been indoctrinated with. It doesn't even make sense when you look at it from a broader perspective. What does 'doing good" even mean, by whose standards. What about unsuspecting children, what about those who are closeted and never heard of the "word" what about animals and aliens and whatever else exists but humans. We're so arrogant and ignorant we believe we're the only thing that exists and need saving. I guess the tiger that ravishes the bull for food is OK but the man that chops off a chickens head for food is going to hell. Or is that good.....or bad..... dunno.
  11. Environment plays a huge role in growth. The body also needs the proper environment to flourish. It's funny because the "belonging" aspect seem more applicable to me than even competence. But after reading this, I can see how competence can play a huge role also. So huge that I believe that's a big reason why a lot of us are depressed, anxious and unhappy; because we are not expressing our innate abilities. We have been stifled through the need to survive and working jobs and have stunted our growth as innate creators. We aren't expressing our gifts and displaying our talents and exercising what we're competent at naturally. A sense of belonging, to me, is easier to achieve in today's society because of all the social networks and different clubs and places where different people with the same interest can physically go to meet up. I think we can sniff that out easily and fit in without too much pressure and work because of it being "ready-made". We don't normally have to build that from scratch, just find somewhere to fit in; while to express our competency requires more work.
  12. Now you just revealed another blockage. Abundance of $$. Yeah, I know, money don't grow on trees. Money is hard to come by. Abundance is for the rich, etc, etc. Do you see there's no shortage of lack. Watch your words and thoughts about $$. It's energetic.
  13. If we didn't choose to be born, nor do we choose to die how are we choosing to live. Take away all that "you were never born stuff and there is not death stuff", and let's be practical here. You didn't tell your mom and dad to have sex so you could be born, neither do you know when and how you're going to die. No choice was made directly by you. How are you choosing to live. I didn't choose to come here, nor do I know when I'm going to die, but yet I call this my life and my choices. I'm still alive right now and I'm thinking it's because I haven't made the choice to end my own life and that's why I'm still here and why everybody else is still here. You might say, well I can choose to jump off a bridge; but even then there's no guarantee that you'll die. Something could happen that stops you from dying - anything. So how are we choosing to live, as in making choices in life, when we didn't choose life to begin with, it chose us. And if you say, life didn't choose us, we are life, then who is making choices. I'm not saying anything on this either way, I'm just curious as to how you guys see this,..,,,,,whatever it is....point.
  14. I like the previous one which I bookmarked. This one is filled with mumbo jumbo. Yes, I said it, Leo.
  15. Why are we always analyzing staged videos.
  16. There is no problem in this regard for there to be a solution. The Universe is recycling itself, why stop the forum from doing the same. New things will come from the old.