Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. You're welcome. The video I shared is from a reputable channel with high-quality content. He knows what he's doing and just check out the comments to see the responses and use your own judgement whether it's for you or not. Keep in mind that to see any results require an identity shift and the purpose of these videos is to transform the mind in helping it to shift to the new identity so you can attract things to you that aligns with that new identity shift.
  2.'re not. But it's OK since you're not. lol
  3. What does this even mean. For your cells to work properly, you have to violate Truth? For your heart to beat, you have to violate Truth? For you to be able to go to the bathroom, you have to violate Truth? Make me understand.
  4. He might not be the best but I think between him and Ludacris they are the most creative.
  5. Yes my Prince ❤️practice makes perfect.
  6. Yeah, that's why I try to keep myself in check with how I'm projecting because sometimes you can get lost in moving too much on either sides and not realizing how both are relevant. But I have you to keep me in-check now don't I..hehe Integrating both sides can get challenging at times but Reality keeps me in-check on it's own without me even trying anyway because of the Reality of both, so no real effort is really needed if you stay with Awareness. Awareness is the key.
  7. Oh boy, when two treasures appear in the same show.
  8. I don't need to do any work when it comes to dating. I don't need to read a post from someone teaching men how to not get hurt. I don't need to connect any dots, I don't need to listen to men gripe about how women are hard to get when they are the ones who created this dynamic by calling women sluts and hoes because they've slept with a man on the first date. I don't need to patronize any man's ideology of what it takes to be a man chaser and to be his slave. I don't need to listen to any dating advice unless i'm planning on getting married and make myself secure in an exclusive monogamous relationship where I've been taken off the market and will be provided for. I don't need to.......i could continue but it's of no use. When men stop considering women easy and washed up because they've slept around or give it up too easy maybe then and only then you will have an easier time getting laid, but women have gotten tired of being the punching bags and taken advantaged of because they choose to sleep with a guy for who he is and not for what he's got, and then he dumps her for the hotter chick who isn't giving it up so easy and who he has to work for. Now you guys are complaining when you're the ones who made the rules and now it has backfired in you because women have wised up to the game and are making you work harder for what you wanted to work so hard for. If she's easy, you don't stick around, if she's hard to get, you complain. Can't have your cake and eat it too. Don't worry about me looking silly, because looking silly and unused is better than feeling silly and washed up.
  9. Yeah silly, running to the bank of sillies. I don't play games, I create them. I don't need dick. Dick needs me. Now you can go chase all the pussies you want, I'll stay over here, chasing the bag. Call it what you want, at least i don't have to make videos like her bitching and moaning about gawkers. I welcome them.
  10. I was going to comment on this video after I saw it and decided not to because I had enough slack already in this thread and I get tired of hearing how I'm a woman and don't know about men's problems. So, I decided not to; but I agree with you. Their solution is to go out and date multiple women and divide up their assets so not to get burnt by one but by many. Makes sense, and to hire us as servants and maids to do their dirty work so we don't get what they worked so hard for for free while they sleep around. Not sure if the maid talk was in this video or the one follow up suggested one on YT, but its the same guy. I couldn't even comment.
  11. @DreamCryXI'M NOT interested in a post from 2021 please, I'm not even going to read that as it doesn't pertain to the video and definitely doesn't pertain to Leo's comment in this thread. People change their stances on things.
  12. What's this. I'm tired of showing evidence on here when I'm being challenged about what was said and how I'm making shit up. I'm just gone leave you guys alone when it comes to the dating section especially when I suspect you're young and immature and have to rely on some video or watch red pill bullshit and social media crap. I ain't got time for this anymore unless I see it's of some substance and worth my time,
  13. I was referring to his post on this thread, which was what we were discussing. I was not referring to some past video of his. If you go back to our conversation within the last 15mins, thanks.
  14. Channeling again, this time from Aunt Jezebel.
  15. Yes, this is Infinity where everything exists. So does humans who like to pet tigers in a zoo. I'm sure there are humans who enjoy being mistreated and being manipulated; matter of fact some people actually pay to be mistreated. Still missing the point of the story.
  16. I just re-read Leo's comment and yours.....doesnt seem similar to me.
  17. I didn't see him saying anything about women liking assholes and liking to be mistreated and manipulated and half of the other shit you were saying. Why is it rebellious when a female speaks her mind on this forum. If a guy is saying twisted shit about women on here and defending his stance with his toxic mindset, I don't see anybody here calling him rebellious.
  18. I've interacted with you a few times, not as much as the others but mostly because you're hardly in here plus your conversations are usually about enlightenment and I don't talk about that too much. I mostly have questions where that's concerned.
  19. Never did psyches. I do devotion - meaning on-the-spot meditation, spur of the moment. Why are you acting like you have amnesia. You're acting strange😂
  20. Geesh, after all that, no time for sleep.