Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Not a mistake, and it can only hurt you by you keeping it alive. You are reliving the experience again by remembering it and now you will experience others' traumas by just hearing about it. It is not personal to me so It won't affect me as it did you because you were the one experiencing the emotions as the events happened and my brain didn't take snapshot of it as yours did. I can say, though, that by reading your story it did release some chemicals within me and made me briefly think of certain incidences unrelated to yours. But because I don't dwell on them and have not identified with them as being real in the moment because of my Awareness, it's not a big deal to me. You are unaware of the body's response to emotional triggers that's why you might not think twice about doing this but it does affect it negatively somehow if not backed up by a corresponding positive emotion. The body is being constantly traumatized on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis without us being aware of it that's why we tend to react to things the way we do and feel negatively towards them even if it's nothing to be worked up about; but it's the emotions that we felt from what happened that may trigger a completely different scenario that we react to and not the scene itself. So we are constantly being in these states, so why contribute to it if we don't have to. Anger, resentment, guilt, shame are all from snapshots we have put meaning to from the past and now a new event that happens to trigger those snapshots puts us in those states and it becomes a cycle.
  2. This is very, very profound. When you read this and really grasp what it's pointing to, it can change the way one sees themselves and the world. We would have no problems if this is really understood and if we lived from this place. This is really what enlightenment is, nothing to really achieve but the recognition of what is already the case.
  3. Isn't it enough that you're reliving your own traumatic story by keep telling it. Now you want to add others' to your memory bank. The brain doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's being imagined, so every time you tell your story the body is going through that experience over and over and over and over. The more you place that story in your Awareness, and give it light, you are reliving that experience over and over and over again. The brain will release the same chemicals that it did when the event happened and the body will contract. This is why you'll forever feel traumatized because the mind believes it's actually happening again and you will forever need to go to therapy or have them reminding you of them whenever something happens to you in life that triggers a snap shot you've stored in your memory from the incident If you keep repeating those stories instead of trying to find ways to get over them and release the stored energy in the body. Asking people to tell you of their traumatic experiences just for the hell of it will only prolong what may be necessary to help you heal. Please don't take this as being insensitive to what you've been through as it's coming from a place of love and care and having your best interest in mind. Sometimes the body can get addicted to these feelings and we tend to sabotage ourselves by seeking out ways unconsciously to be able to feel those feelings again. You do not control the body, your thoughts do, and if you have not gotten to a place yet where those events haven't been completely gotten over and you have no more trauma, you will be unaware that the body is even doing this because it has gotten so used to it and can cause you dis-ease. Sometimes others telling their story may potentially make us feel like we're not alone, but it doesn't really do any good but only reenforces the trauma.
  4. Of, course, I would be silly to deny that. I dress to attract all the time because it's what I do for a living. But you see, my dressing to attract may not come off as dressing to attract because of what I wear and how I wear it. Believe it or not, the types of guys i'm looking to attract, doesn't require for me to dress in very revealing clothes. Sexy, yes but that could still be just wearing a pair of jeans and a nice top with some heels or boots. Or a simple dress or clothing that's not considered "slutty" as some may call it. I'm more conservatively dressed most of the times as a working girl, trying to attract, more than some of those girls partying and clubbing on the week-ends and I still get dates. Why, because I concentrate more on the face and hair. I'm very tall 5'10" and I already stand out in a crowd when I'm dressed mainly because of my height and pretty face (not bragging but been told all my life so I must be), so I don't have to dress too out there to attract. Just enough to look feminine, but you'll have to love pretty women and nice hair only because sometimes I'm very covered up and even wear jackets and coats trying to attract. I don't need those revealing clothes to do it. Plus, I can hold a good conversation to keep him interested wherever it goes. It's all mental.
  5. Yes, but you and I know this wasn't the kind of consequences he was referring to, but I understand where you were coming from with this. It's not about dressing to attract. There are feminine clothing and there are masculine clothing. A happily married woman dressing in a short mini skirt and going out with her gfs is not trying to attract, she might just enjoys wearing mini skirts. Most of the time women dress in ways they like to dress not necessarily looking to attract anything. Men are the ones that seem to think we're always trying to attract them by the way we dress at times or even do our hair and make-up when it was just solely for the purpose of how it makes us feel. Sometimes women may dress purposefully to attract a mate, but it's not most of the time. Women's clothing is different from men's not because they were designed to necessarily attract the opposite sex but for the sole reason that women's bodies are different than men's and it's what fits and compliments her figure.
  6. Well, i was getting ahead of myself in my imagination. I'm sure you'll handle the pace at your comfort level and are capable of not getting too much ahead of yourself on your own. You know I had to squeeze in a bit of humor there. Right attitude my Prince. Love it. Ms. Nosey hear wants to hear briefs about the trip so don't be shy. At some point, I'll be "unnosey", but at least brief me a little bit on how the trip went. I don't want these other nosey people to get too much into your love life like myself, hehe, so I'll understand when the right time comes for you to cut off on giving us information but you'll use your discretion when the time comes and when you see fit. Hope you enjoy the trip and have a blast.
  7. Women don't prefer a man having high values and men of status because they lust after them. The definition of lust is to have a sexual desire for. They do it because of how secure those men could potentially make them feel. Why do men lust after attractive looking women. Nothing to do with security.
  8. And how exactly does one dress like a slut. Is it by wearing shorts and a tank top. Wearing a mini-skirt. Wearing a short dress. Wearing a top that shows cleavage. Or is it wearing a garter belt and stockings with stilettos and just a bra. Maybe tight jeans with fashionable rips in them that shows some skin, or a sexy black or red dress that sits just above the knees or a little bit higher that shows what she naturally has and cannot be avoided by wearing that type of dress. Is wearing a bathing suit to the beach considered slutty or only if its worn other places. Is it appropriate for a hooker to dress a certain way as in very revealing clothes, but if a regular girl wears the same thing now she has to watch out for the consequences. And how exactly, sir do women not dress like sluts. Wear baggy pants and sneakers, corduroys and flannel, wear a Habib and a tablecloth, or is it what you consider to look slutty because of what society has brainwashed you with in addition to your own thoughts and beliefs about certain clothing. Why do women have to live their lives worried about how they dress because of the consequences, and I'm sure you weren't referring to indecent exposure to the point where the authorities has to get involved because of public nudity or a similiar violation of the law. What are the consequences, may I ask, is it rape, is it unwanted gawking or somewhere in between. As you're so aware of the consequences, could you enlightenment me as to when these consequences happen more often so I try to avoid going out those hours and avoid going to those places. Aww shoot, doesn't matter because I've heard of little girls getting molested without having to dress in revealing clothes and even females dressed in conservative looking clothes even in their school uniforms and pajamas. So, I guess I'd better beware of the consequences just by leaving my house, anywhere anytime, wearing whatever. Nothing in the video suggests what this girl was wearing at the time she was being looked at. It was your ideas of what you assumed she was wearing and the only consequences a woman should face by the way she dresses is if she's violating the law where she's located to the point of public disturbance not because you have a problem with it and it makes you feel some type of way on a personal level. I wonder what are the consequences men face by dressing a certain type of way. Hmmmm, i'm not sure. If he walks around with no underwear to the point where it is noticeable, are there any similar to the consequences women face according to you or if they go topless or wear tight pants, are there any similar consequences, if not why. Answer that and you'll see how ridiculous your statement is.
  9. WoW! Nice going. I wanna come!!!!. Lol. That's lovely. I'm soooo happy for you. Seems like it happened at the right place, with the right one, at the right time. I can't wait to hear about the grandkids running around like little Buddhas. Seems like she's not only beautiful but a nice lady who likes you a lot. This is amazing!!
  10. Welcome to the forum. Hope you have a blast.
  11. Trippin' are we. I would say to it, please don't make me start 5 threads in one evening.
  12. Now, you seem to be angry. It ain't about who the thread is going to help but what can you extract from it.
  13. I guess Chinese people prefer whites. I guess Indians, prefer whites, I guess Italians prefer whites. I guess rich Bionce prefers whites. I guess rich Kardashians prefer whites, I guess rich Opera prefer whites. I guess all the white money gawking women who drool over basketball and football players and rappers prefer whites, I guess I could go on to Infinity and you'll just come back at me with some philosophical bullshit. I guess that's why white men have made up the majority of my escorting jobs over the years, it's because they preferred white women and why some of them wanted me to act as their gf and roll play because they preferred white women, and because they weren't worried about what their neighbors might think if they took home a black girl. I'm not saying here that they preferred one over the other but that people will pretend in public but behind floors secretly prefer something else but don't choose it because of what they think people might think about them. There's nothing special about ones race, were just conditioned to choose what we choose. Don't kid yourself, everything you think you know about life is backwards. All your beliefs are constructions and are things your mind concocted up because of repetitious thoughts. You have the right to believe what you want to believe, more power to them. I don't need to intervene into your world, I'll just stay over here in mine and allow you to explore Infinity how you choose.
  14. You're welcome. You deleted your message I guess.
  15. Its ok. You don't have to receive the message. Even if it was something i learnt from a guru, if it didn't come from within me, I wouldn't have been able to articulate it the way i did and spit it out in a flowing manner. You are even complaining about how long it is and telling me how I should have wrote it to suit you, You're not seeing how you're trying to control the uncontrollable. How we do one thing is how we do everything precisely because were operating from patterns. You have a pattern and it extends throughout your entire life, whether you realize it or not. You say it sounds like it came from a guru. You're the guru. You see, you're blinded, blinded by your own conditioning. We are our own gurus and you just told me it sounded like its coming from you, It takes a different state of Awareness to be able to spot these things and to be open to life and the many ways it tries to communicate to us. Because I'm regular girl on a forum you dismiss the message and attached it to a guru, when that guru is you. When you start to see the interconnectedness of Reality, you will start to see the unseeable and start to perceive things differently; until then, you will be stuck within your own constraints and are only able to see what's in front of you. If my response to you didn't resonate, you wouldn't have said it sounded like it came from a guru. You just didn't authorized me to tell you what I told you, you authorized it to come through a guru, or you won't accept it. That's the game we play. Thanks for reading my loooonnnggg response and I wish you the best.
  16. Those are not advantages when it comes to dating. They are only advantages when it comes to privileges. Stand beside a 5'5" black millionaire with brown eyes and the same looks and see who gets more dates, if the girls are aware that he's a millionaire.
  17. Life will show you that that's not an advantage nor a disadvantage, like Leo said, it wasn't enough to have results. Looks, status and money in this material world, is more of an advantage in dating than being white with green eyes. Looks, status and money are also shallow reasons but a bum can be white 6'2" with green eyes and it wouldn't matter. A 6'2" black basketball player with brown eyes will score better than a bum with the same features. Get with the program.
  18. Yes, I understand that. I expect my partner to be respectful, I expect my partner to be loving, I expect my partner to be understanding, I also expect to be those things towards him. Have you ever disappointed yourself, have you ever not been a certain way you said you would and not done that, so has your partner. Have you ever expected something out of life that it never gave you. Isn't life filled with disappointments. Do you go around blaming life, cursing life, feeling heartbroken with life. Maybe, maybe not. Does life owe you an apology, does life expect anything from you. Life will be there regardless of how you feel about it. Regardless of how it has treated you. Life doesn't discriminate, life just is. There for you to make the best if it. Do you sit on your ass and say "life, do me today, make me happy today, make me this today, make me feel that today", no you get up and make it happen for yourself, even though you have felt disappointed by it many times. Treat others the same way. Give them the same respect that you give life. Understand that having expectation will get you hurt, make you feel disappointed, make you angry and upset. Not saying don't have them, but just as you're expecting from others you need to also expect expectations to disappoint you. After a while, when you start to see through this cycle, when you've felt enough disappointments, when life has thrown you enough curveballs, and you've come to your wits end, it will dawn on you that it is not what happens to you, but how you respond to it, how you perceive life, how spoilt you are thinking that life owes you anything. You owe it to yourself to make sure you don't disappoint yourself by expecting anything from life. Life isn't there to give you anything. Life just is. Learn to accept the disappointing feelings, learn to see that no one owes you anything, learn to see that you are life, learn to see from within not through without, it will free you up from your own mental chains. Invisible chords that you have attached yourself to. All these feelings of disappointments are trying to teach you something. They are there for a reason, but you've been blinded by them because of your own selfishness and child-like tantrums. Expecting others to be a certain way for you, and when they are not, you throw a fit. You see how you have set yourself up. You don't see this because you're too busy chasing pleasure and avoiding pain. Pleasure leads to pain and vice versa. When you have had enough, you don't become bitter or cold, you learn to accept, Acceptance doesn't mean agreeing. It means to surrender. Surrendering doesn't mean to give up, it means to give in. To allow. To get over yourself. To accept that things are the way they are. Even your feelings of disappointment. They just are. Accept them and move on. Keep on moving on and try to see that life is just unfolding as it is. You are not in control, because if you were, these feelings wouldn't have control over you. If you were in control you could make yourself happy and content every day of your life. You could, but it takes for you to drop the self and to be able to see that life is just what it is. Not saying to not see yourself as an individual and to not acknowledge the Self, but to see that the self is how life unfolds, how it's able to have experiences, how it's able to become this and become that, because if it weren't for you it would remain no-thing. It couldn't be all these things that it has become. Let it. Allow it. When you do that, magic happens, it starts to unfold in ways you couldn't dream of. Not talking about financial gain and material things because you only want those things because of the way they make you feel. You will start to generate those feelings despite those things, despite how others treat you. Then you'll start to feel as if you don't need those things, and then you'll start to give more, give more because you don't feel like you're lacking, you won't feel disappointments and shame and guilt, you'll start to give to others what you've generated for yourself and when you do that you will in turn start to receive those things back because giving is receiving. You see, this is the cycle you want to maintain, not the cycle of crying and bitching and moaning about life and how others have done you wrong and how disappointed you are, but to connect with that part of you that doesn't complain and bitch and moan. Acknowledge that. Pay that some attention. Say hi to it. Feel it, because when you do, it will acknowledge you back and attend to your needs and desires more than any other can and how it does this is by using others. That is how you surrender, that is how life works for you, pay no mind to it's contents, pay no mind to what you don't have, start to pay your SELF mind because the SELF wilk pay you back. Afterall, it is what you're searching for. It's right here right now. Always, waiting for you to acknowledge it, until then, you'll be searching until kingdom come for Mr. Nobody. Sorry for the endless ranting, but that was my automatic writing self. The part of you that wanted me to tell you this. That's coming from you to you. This is how it works, i've learnt those things so I can pass it on to the other part of me. I've been through what I've been through so I can become wiser and to help others through this. You are also there to help me see through this as I can see myself through you. I don't know how I do this because it just happens.
  19. Yeah, enough with the gay talk, though, or this thread will be locked for too high-quality.
  20. Right, no one cares, only him. Shouting at his subconscious mind trying to convince it. Lol
  21. You seem to have a lot of excuses. If it means that much to you, you'll find a way. Loud music or not.
  22. No, you're right. Gays are pickier especially the males, actually only with the males. Not that lesbians don't consider looks but they usually go more for the vibe and how they feel around you especially the feminine ones. Anyway, lets not turn this thread around and start talking too much about gays, then it'll definitely turn into hot pepper and bring out the homos. Lol