Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Don't be concerned with this, just stick with the basics. You can barely find one, now you're concerned about multiple. Learn the principles which can then be applied to anything. Again, don't be concerned with timing. That's the conscious mind still trying to control. Let that go. Just do the processes and allow the Universe to do it's thing. The mind will get involved and causes resistance. Don't be concerned with any of the how and when. That's not your job. The video is only activating what's already inside of you and you don't want the conscious, logical mind to get in the way. Just imagine what it would feel like. Don't really imagine a person in particular, leave space for anyone to enter. Don't focus too much on the logistics of the video, the main thing is to tune in to the frequency of love and attraction, let it penetrate you.
  2. Did you listen to the video. Tell me about that. How long. Nice that you met a sweetie pie. Not surprised she was feminine and sweet. Thats how shit works sometimes.
  3. Yeah, right. Now, I'm going to want to study that sentence to see where the real message is at. That's how my mind interprets things. I'll be like, no that wasn't a typo, that's what happened. That was meant to be. 😂
  4. This is exactly what i've been trying to tell some people on this forum. What your words because they have meaning. Not inherently, but they come with feelings and these feelings can put us in a state of despair. Saying we lost something implies now we have to go searching for it, while it's right there within us. Claiming a certain condition as in "my arthritis" implies it ain't going nowhere, cause it's now mine.
  5. My mom and dad screwing, I end up growing in my momma's belly and shoot out of her vagina with some strangers watching while my daddy is out drinking beer and I'm crying like someone just took my teddy bear away, and sucking on my momma's titties to eat, taken home to grow up and figure out what the hell i'm doing here in all this chaos and having to figure out a way to survive and deal with the consequences of mommy and daddy screwing each other and having me as a result. After all that, comes the fact that I have to live this life and survive this thing that I never asked to be a part of while my momma dies and is back to glory land while leaving me here to suffer in this hell whole piece of shit called life. NOW, THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. All that being said, i couldn't have asked for anything else and nothing will ever take the place of all that I've experienced to be right here, right now where I'm at. Nothing will ever come close to what and how I feel to just exist. Hell hole or not, heaven or not, wacky avatars or boring scenarios or not. Doesn't matter. Now, that is what makes sense
  6. This is a comment i made to Leo in the "guys who think it's easy for girls" (something like that) thread. So, you're not the only one. I wouldn't say cute, but handsome. I think you're extremely physically attractive especially in those photos you have on Instagram. The one in the white shirt and the one with the sunglasses especially, amongst others on there. Have you ever looked at your hands and fingers, they are perfectly designed, ever looked at the shape and structure of your head and how your ears stand out perfectly in conjunction and proportioned with your facial structure. Ever notice how your forehead isn't too big nor too small but is symmetrically aligned with your lips and cheek bones. Ever notice.........i could go on. If that's having a fixation then so be it. You are very photogenic and I think you would kick some ass in looks if you would feel that way about yourself. You don't see it because of your ideas of what you think is physically attractive for a man. You even have the height, which isn't necessary but is usually not a turn off. Plus that hairy chest of yours turns some women on.
  7. Learn how to choose your words wisely, especially when dealing with self-confidence and trying to improve how to manage how we feel. The word failure is disempowering. You said it in the end, "never stop trying". Saying, "to be successful, you really have to keep trying and our relationship to effort has to be one where we will never stop trying", is so much more empowering to the mind. Look at your heading. That's why you feel like a "loser". It implies failure. You use that word twice in the same sentence here and you wonder why you feel like a loser. I'm not nick-picking here. Just pointing out some nuances that you might not be aware of. Another thing I notice you mentioning is how you have to work on this and work on that. That's also not registering positively in the mind. The mind doesn't like to "work", it's lazy; say improve on. Which one sounds better "self-improvement" or "self-work". There's a reason for that. This is why most of us find it hard to "do the work" because of how the mind interprets the word "work". Saying 'it's something i would like to get better at", relates better. @mmKayreally do make some good points too. I bet you it took a lot of training the mind to get to that level of thought process. It's just a matter of re-contextualizing. Starting to see things from a new perspective.
  8. So true. If we walked around naked all the time, the naked body wouldn't even be arousing anymore to some. We'd have to rely totally on mental stimulation. Which is what is being stimulated anyway from vision, but we don't see it that way. We think it's purely from vision. The "men are visual creatures" line, to me, is pure hogwash and is purely overlooked that the reason why we get turned on visually, is because of how the mind interprets it as in a woman's hips suggests childbirth and youth. Women are also visual creatures, just in a different way. But both stem from the brain.
  9. I told you, your post would fly over some heads. They're just not going deeper and what they are saying also has another level to it, going backwards. Even what you're saying, but we have to stop somewhere or we'll end up in the void. Haha
  10. Ever since I saw that somewhere, I started peeling bananas from the opposite end. It really is easier. Learn from the chimps.
  11. How can there be a process to become Awakened or Enlightened if time doesn't exist. If time is an illusion, and we say we are doing things to awaken and doing Spiritual practices to awaken, aren't those futile. I'm not saying one shouldn't do practices or meditate or whatever it is that we do, but I'm just wondering how is it possible to achieve something as awakening if it isn't already the case. I understand that Reality appears in a linear fashion in order for us to make sense of it; but it is only an appearance. We also say on an existential level there is no difference between anything and it's only the mind that makes these distinctions and it's all One. Where is the existential division between someone who is awake and someone who is not. Isn't that just mind and thought. I also put enlightenment in this category as it is said they are two separate things. Leo has said in his videos that there is no difference between me and a coffee table, so how is there a real difference here in awakening versus not being awake and isn't that also an appearance as opposed to what really is the case. Creation is already finished, and what is just is. We are only drawing from this Infinite field of Infinite possibilities experiences that are aligned with our states of being, so to become awake one has to be in alignment to have that experience of being awake; but since Enlightenment is not an experience how is it possible that some are and some aren't.
  12. He was just kidding. Lighten up. It'll feel very refreshing and less burdensome. He was just being playful. Geesh, you must be suffering a whole lot due to the mind. Crack a joke once in a while. Laugh at yourself. Take some pressure off. Let go of the past. Free your mind. It has enslaved you. It pains me to see this. Stop ruminating on what was, and try to see every moment fresh, like a little kid, but in a mature way. Not everything has to bother you so. Life is what it is. Let go of yourself. You will see how much better you start to feel within. Saying this with lots of love and respect.
  13. Now, now, that's a little too advanced for me. I'll have to write that down and contemplate on that one. Hehe. No, I got it. The good can rise above but the Great has no where else to go. I think that's it.
  14. @Consept You said, "to add context". This is how we create our story. You had to add the context to match up with your current life to make it make sense why you're feeling the way you do. When I say, I see how I'm creating this character, (which I've said in a previous post), this is what I'm talking about. And you will keep adding on more context after context to build more structures and more context and weave that storyline some more. This is how I observe myself doing the same thing, by hearing others tell their stories. It wasn't enough to view it as what happened, it needed a storyline to make it make sense. Geesh, the egoic mind is deeply embed and it gets deeper and deeper. What will happen 10yrs from now, is something will happen in your life and you will tell the story of how you lost or drew a football game and felt bad about it and blah, blah and that's why you're the way you are and thats why I did what I did, just like you're saying about being anxious and ocd. I'm not undermining your situation, just bringing to your awareness how we build our characters and are believing in them. I'm sorry, but I've heard and seen too much to not notice these things anymore. We live in the past and future never in the present. That's what creates suffering, along with identifying with personhood.
  15. Yeah but if you apply the principles, anything is possible. The Universe might even find a way to get you out of your country, I dk, the principles doesn't rely on conditions. It's what you are a vibrational match to. Listening to you talk, you have a lot of excuses and are focusing on the exterior conditions. That's not what it's about. It's about changing your frequency. Outer conditions doesn't matter. It's not easy to do, but that's the way it works. Bob didn't make his millions cleaning floors, he used to clean floors before he read the book and that's how he elevated himself. He left the floor cleaning business.
  16. Those are relative lies. Not Absolute lies. Can't have the truths without the lies. An Absolute lie is when they tell you the relative truth. Figure that one out.
  17. This is not a low quality post. It is actually what a lot of guys are facing and going through, from what I've been observing. It is a very serious concern of yours and it shouldn't be taken lightly. Kudos to you for writing it out, atleast, to release some of that energy. I feel your pain, even though it's not me, but I know what it's like to feel rejected. I've been there. When I was very young and my first. But that was child's play as I was just a teenager. It's not about you. It's not that you aren't attractive. It happened and you will need time to heal. Allow yourself the time. Attractiveness has nothing to do with it. Don't beat yourself up. See it as a chance for you to grow and show yourself the love that was denied to you. You owe it to yourself. Forget about her, don't hate her because the hate will destroy you more than her. Show yourself some love. This is an open opportunity for you. Don't let it slide. Buy yourself a shirt and a pair of pants and go out on the town and celebrate. Celebrate your being single and are open to finding someone more suitable for you. She wasn't. You did not get rejected, it only feels that way. You were chosen, chosen by someone else, now go find her but not aggressively, find her by showing yourself some love and attention and start to exude that love and the love will find you.
  18. What do you mean. It works for all humans. The Universe doesn't discriminate.
  19. My advice probably won't do any good because it's a bit woo woo, even though it's the case and it's all there is to it. You have identified with the mind. You are attached to your thoughts. The mind is the biggest bully and it will put you down like there is no tomorrow. It's the source of 99.99% of all the people on here who ask for advice similar to yours. Who don't feel worthy, like you're not good enough, like you don't matter, like you're......I mean the list is endless. You have succumbed to them and believed in them. If I was to tell you the same things your mind tells you, you wouldn't like me too much but you listen to the mind and honor it. They are not true. Change the way you see yourself, change the way you view your losses, don't take them personal. Say I will do better next time, practice makes perfect, oh well, it's only a game. Whatever you have to tell yourself, consciously without listening to the mind. See yourself how you would like to see yourself and not what the mind says. You are only feeling those feelings because of thoughts that preceded them. Test it out if you don't believe me. Next time something similar happens, be conscious, change your thoughts to a more empowering one, one of love and purity and see how your feelings change.
  20. What's the matter, you just lied to someone? People can be trusted. They can be trusted to not be 100% honest at all times. That's good enough. Lie to me baby. Lie. Don't tell me you cheated. Don't tell me I'm too skinny. Don't tell me my breasts are too small. Lie baby, lie.
  21. So if a black man tells another black woman he loves her hair blonde, that's racism, right. You show your true colors everytime you speak. You're literally saying that blond hair is better than any other hair. Nobody else said that. YOU ARE PROJECTING THAT. You are speaking your mind without even noticing it. You're coming off as racist without saying so directly. How the hell does white supremacy have to do with the color of one's hair. It is your version of white supremacy, Mr Buck. I'm really through this time.
  22. So black people who prefer to date black people and no other race, is racist,.right? A whole lot of Chinese racists and Indian racists around. Most only date within their race. White people who prefer to date other whites are not racists. Racism has nothing to do with preferences. I will end this right here. No need to go back and forth with you. Its always a challenge with you. It's pointless.