Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. you said existence is all the above I mentioned. How come the sun never gets sick and diseased if sick and diseased is existence and the sun is existence. How come its only humans and animals getting all this stuff and not the sun, moon, stars. It's all existence, right? So how is all of nature seeming so perfect but we're all sick and diseased. Explain.
  2. Yeah, so I guess existence is depressed, anxious, traumatized, have ocd, add, sick and diseased.
  3. If the ego doesn't exist, what's there to drop. Where is the self to drop.
  4. What is myself. What does it look like. I can't find it. But what's talking. Who's talking to me. If you have no self in your body, whose typing.
  5. Awakening from what? My dream? How you gonna tell me what to say in my dream, then tell me wake up from it. The word jibberish is just a thought, remember.
  6. What's the ego. You were never born? Who's your mommy and pappi? Do you say to them I was never born. You're just regurgitating stuff someone told you. Again, shit don't make sense.
  7. No. It actually makes sense precisely because it doesn't make sense. It's not supposed to make sense. Why do you accept your birth as making sense. It only make sense because you're used to seeing it. Used to seeing birth, death, people having sex all of it. Two dumb ass people having sex, one gets pregnant and out comes the most complicated, sophisticated machine to ever exist. One dumb ass woman who can't even read or right can spin out a complicated human body out her vagina and we don't think twice about it. Immortality? Research? What's there to research. Research why no two fingerprints are alike. Research that. Research how a bunch of idiots running around like chimps and scared of everything and can't even get their lives in order and having to quiet the mind to not go crazy, how we all are able to live for years and years and years for generations upon generations and keep it going for thousands of years when most don't even know what a thought is. Something that we do every nano second. We make posts asking what is a thought. What is something that occurs within us every second of our lives, something we do without thinking about it, we don't know what it is, we know what oxycontin is but not a thought. Scientists are baffled by the brain, using the baffled brain to try and solve the baffled brain. Using thought to try to figure out what is thought. I can write a book about all the stuff that is going on here in life that doesn't make sense, but to whom, me? I can't even figure out what came first, the chicken or the egg, but I want to make sense of life. I have to make up shit just so I can make up more shit as to why I made shit up in the first place. All day everyday, I'm making shit up just for somebody to tell me, I'm crazy and need therapy. Then I make up more shit to stay in therapy for them to tell me shit they making up. Let me stop before you all think I'm crazy.
  8. Notice how in the whole wide world people aren't running around crying how they're gonna die someday. They're only concerned about surviving. There are no chaotic outbursts from people having existential crisis's running around saying, jesus i'm gonna die someday. Notice how things are orderly chaotic. The sun shines every morning, night falls. Spring, summer, autumn, winter every year. Ever since you've been born every year same thing - except for contents. As in human bullshit, accidents, murder, wars, etc. Then natural disasters, hurricane, tsunamis, earthquakes etc, predictable chaos. I could write a book, just add in some stories, that's the only difference. That's what a DREAM is. That's what it is when there's nothing here, no people, no earth, no death, nobody doing anything. No mind no thoughts, no nothing. A friggin' void. No earth, no stars, no moon, no sun. No constellation, no planets, no clouds, no sky, no aliens, no people, no nothing. Tell people, they are God, they freak out. Tell people they don't exist, they freak out. Everybody wants to save you from hell, but ask for some rent money they tell you to fuck off. Everybody scared of something. Everything You name it. Somebody scared of it. All kinds of phobias. All kinds and of diseases. Everybody addicted to something. Taking drugs, alcohol, smoking, if not, work, sex, something. Gotta cling. Cling for dear life. Holding on for dear life. Hoarders hoarding some shit they don't even need. Gotta find something to do. Can't sit still. Hyper. Even if they cool with no worries, same shit. They so scared they just caved in and letting things ride. Wherever life takes them they say, Scared as shit. They're the most scared, so scared they chillin', cause any more scared they'd burst. At least the anxious getting it out somehow. Every other person wanna kill themselves at sometime or another. For 10 years they wanna kill themselves, but they even scared of that. We hate people but we on social media everyday, talking how much we hate people. Cant stand people but they on there everyday. We hate the world but cheer on the babies for coming here and mourn the dead. We hate life but scared to die. Don't make no sense. We hanging on, hanging on for dear life. For what, just to die anyway. We kill so we can live longer just to die anyway. We eat garbage, killing ourselves slowly but say suicide is wrong. Slow death, eating pure poison and rotting our insides but we're scared to die. That's it. So that should tell you something. Nobody is going to flinch. Nobody cares. That's not a part of the story. We're supposed to be living not dying. Why is everything like this. Because there's no one here, nothing here, Noone but the almighty Source. Source of everything. Nothing but It. Doing it all. Being it all. Experiencing it all. Loving it all. THE END.
  9. There's nothing being said here. Just a bunch of jibberish.
  10. If it was said to be appreciating the beauty of Leo's nose or ears or arms, you wouldn't have made that comment. Because the word ass was used, now it's please respect. See how we're constructing meaning. Everyday I'm seeing more and more that this thing called Reality is just a construct of the human mind. I'm waking up just by observing.
  11. Lol. It's one little small post with only a few comments. Variety is the spice of life. No big deal.
  12. And men can drop you for the smallest thing because of their logic. That's not gonna work, this not gonna work because of so and so. Rationalizing and logicilizing. Being on this forum and hearing some of you guys talk is the exact same things I hear women saying about men. They can drop you for the smallest thing, don't invest too much, don't do this, don't do that. Blah blah blah. Meanwhile.......
  13. Nice post. Makes sense. Not that feminism is right, but just the general post. I'm not a fan of terminology when it comes to certain things especially dating. I'm old school and simple, but with a twist. What really is feminism. Is there masculinism. Just give me a man and some food and a house to live in to have sex and i'm good. No isms around here.
  14. Stop giving excuses for your promiscuities or inability to be monogamous. As a human species is the word, nothing special about the fact that men can't keep it in their pants. It's not a man thing. Its normal for women too.
  15. Just to see you, or she was going anyway?
  16. its not always always always about improving the "NoSELF". Thought there was NoSelf, so whose doing the improving. You even have a double whammy dose of this as your name suggests. It wasn't enough for you to say it once, but twice. NO SELF I repeat NoSelfSelf. The forum has different sub-topics politics is not about self-improvement. There's also an off-topic, fun section.
  17. Is that possible. Would love to see a pic of her. Maybe tell her about the forum and ask her if its OK to post a pic. She might not mind.
  18. You don't know how true Jack shit it. I'm not posting a video here to try to put you in a good mood. The goal us to change the subconscious mind. Not to fucking put you in a good mood, you can manifest of attract in a bad mood. Doesn't matter. Some people say we really don't attract we align or whatever the word. THE ONLY REASON YOURE ACTING LIKE A SPOILT CHILD about all this saying, "that's just not good enough" and you can't wait and blah blah" is because DEEP DOWN YOU KNOW IT'S ALL YOU and YOU ARE EVERY FUCKING THING AND EVERY EXPERIENCE, YOU ARE FUCKING GOD, and you are asleep and dreaming EVEN DREAMING That its hard and blah blah. That's why. People don't ask deep enough questions so we don't get deep enough answers. We stop at the surface. There's a reason why you feel this way and its not because you're lazy or you're REALLY traumatized or whatever negative thing we might say. ITS BECAUSE YOU ARE ALL THERE IS. BUT that's another topic. Most of the world isn't going around depressed have anxiety odd add ofl bkp cjy or whatever else we diagnose ourselves with because thats just life and deal with it. No, its because deep deep deep down there's a truth were not aligned with and all these energetic patterns have gotten distorted and has manifested distortion and dysfunction in our lives. But there's something deep down that knows the truth of who we are so you will fucking have temper tantrums and complain about this and complain about that and whine and bitch and moan and want to kill ourselves because deep down we know but we just don't know how.
  19. Idk, but I never said anything about you have to wait for so and so or its gonna take this much time. I said, DONT WORRY ABOUT TIMING. That means take your mind off of the amount of time it will take and don't be concerned with that. Telling you to not worry about the timing and you saying you're not willing to wait is like me saying this is an apple, take it and you responding thanks for the orange. The Universe knows nothing about time. Everything is happening NOW. You already have your date. You just have to align your frequency to match up to that frequency, that's where the video comes in. That's what it's for. Everything, everywhere all at once, literally. No 20yrs, no future. The future never comes. We only experience time because we would go crazy if we didn't. The brain is designed that way. I cannot be explaining every little detail to you, if you don't know the basics. Learn about yourself and the Universe. How the subconscious works etcetc. so I don't have to keep explaining every little detail to you. You already see progress, you already experienced something out the norm for you after just watching the video a couple of times. Imagine just sticking with it and dropping all your resistance and all that stuff you carry on with. IMAGINE THAT. You can't always listen to what everybody says, including me, but I'm just saying. YOU DONT HAVE TO PUT IN HARD WORK AND LABOR to get what you want. The Universe is mental and requires for us to align our minds and hearts. Etcetc. You can choose one or the other, put in hard work and labor or using the mind and generating from within. That's a program, the hard work stuff. That's coming from conditioning. Do you see the sun putting in hard work and labor to shine, or the moon or the birds to fly, even your heart to beat or whatever, that's a man-made concept. Not saying no work is needed but it becomes effortless when you're not struggling or putting in HARD WORK. Thats not how things work. But you have to REALLY understand what that truly means. It doesn't mean to be lazy and just expect things to be handed to you. I can't keep explaining every little detail, if you want to understand go do your research or just watch the friggin video without complaining, there's too much to explain and for you to really understand it takes more than a long-ass forum comment and you'll also be distracted by other peoples comments who don't know what they're talking about when it comes to certain things. I'm not even gonna proofread this so excuse all the typos.
  20. It's never the video itself. It's you. The thing is, you're not recognizing your own power so it is being done for you (so-to-speak). Everything is coming from you. You just need some help, but understand that it's still you doing it all. Just try to keep logic and reason out of it and go with the flow. The subconscious mind is illogical so leave all the logic behind.