Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Every forum member from now on in the mental section, dating section and personal development section, or any section, please, if they are having life issues that needs to be attended to and are seeking advice, please pop in all of them and tell them "good, beats being stoic. Nothing wrong with having mental issues and life issues and have feelings of unworthiness and low-self esteem and can't find a job or can't get laid or feeling depressed and suicidal. NO, NOTHING WRONG WITH THESE FEELINGS. KEEP IT UP, Don't be stoic, that's life". See how well that works. I also know of people who are happy, well balanced, enjoying life, their families and friends, travelling and having a grand ole life and they are not stoics. Acceptance doesn't equate to agreeing with and giving up on. It means to recognize that life does have challenges and to not resist and fight them. To recognize them for what they are and address them accordingly without ignoring yourself and becoming nihilistic. One doesn't have to stay depressed or sad or miserable because they are practicing acceptance; acceptance comes in when you realize it's a part of the equation because of polarities, like you said, allow it to be there and find more conscious ways of solving those issues without getting into permanent or long-lasting states of hopelessness. Its not about escapism but to try and not let those energies grab a hold of you for too long in the first place which requires practice, understanding and knowledge of how to transcend those lower vibratory states. Not to just surrender and accept them to be just that and to live miserably because of polarities. THEY EXIST TO SHOW US WHERE WE ARE GOING WRONG, not just to accept. That's why suffering can be a blessing in disguise but it's not a blessing if you're stuck in hell.
  2. Exactly, not to take away from OP's post and concerns, because they are legitimate and have some truth to it. It's just not all of them are like that and it's also a bag of mixed races and ethnicities and environmental issues.
  3. Nothing is ruining anything for me. It's quite the contrary. When you know thyself, life becomes easier not necessarily materialistically, but mentally. I like to go deep and beyond, not just surface issues, and for me it takes to look at both the Absolute and the relative simultaneously. You can enjoy the daily things in life even more when you understand the nature of things and become less delusional. Most people out here are depressed, anxious, angry bitter, envious, jealous, sad, confused just because they don't know the truth of who or what they are. Integration and proper discernment is the key and learning how to separate/combine the two without leaning too much on one way or another. You say to live a little and enjoy daily life but if you look around you, most people are doing these things superficially and are using coping mechanisms just to get through the mundane life so obviously something is wrong there other than to just ignore the nature of who you really are and ignorantly pretending to be something you're not. Everything someone says, especially if that's the way of being they have embodied and are Spiritually inclined, doesn't always mean they are parroting Leo's teachings and all topics have to be whatever you said. Leo didn't invent anything, and his teachings are only delivered to us in his style, presentations and most are very in-depth and relayed to us through his unique personality. Most of his topics aren't new and are things he's done extensive research on, but that does not mean we are only influenced by his teachings and others' and not through our own direct experiences, insights and in-depth contemplations through these direct experiences. Thank you.
  4. By stop judging yourself and others. The Universe reflects back to us our own state of consciousness. You only judge others because you judge yourself. This is the by-product of close-mindedness and thinking your standards is the only way people should live. You will encounter judgemental people who will judge you if you don't stop or reduce the judgements that are within you. Become that which you'd like to attract, because it's energetic even though the opposite can also attract because it seeks balance.
  5. For your information, it's not just blacks who live in the ghettos. There are Whites, Mexicans, Indians, Spanish people in ghettos too. So this post is not about race, it's about behavioral patterns from people in general who live in the ghettos. It all depends on the state and city, some are mostly a particular race, some are mixed and proportioned, and some are more violent and oppressed. Please don't make this about race because there are plenty of non-blacks who live in ghetto areas. I'm using that word because that's the word OP used and doesn't really matter as it still means to live in an impoverished and low-income urban area of a city. There are also plenty of people in these areas who don't act like animals and are trying their best to work jobs to get them out of that life-style or not just that, that are well behaved law-abiding citizens. It's just you predominantly find most of the kids acting out because of whatever reasons and also some of the adults, but i'ts not all.
  6. Lol
  7. We're self-obsessed because there's only one mind. One SELF. That one mind is Absolutely obsessed with itself. It's all there is. Don't you see it. It's so obvious. We can try to explain away all we want, there's only one thing in the Universe. It's obsessed with itself, it's obsessed with imaginary others, it's obsessed with it's creations. Thats why we're addicts. Absolute obsession.
  8. Try the 4-7-8 method. Breathe in for 4secs, hold breath for 7secs, exhale for 8secs. Do it at least 4x. More if needed, twice a day or just right as you're trying to sleep. It really does work. Dr. Weil recommends it. I tried it years ago when I heard about it and i think I only made it to the 3rd one before it was morning.
  9. Yes, @NightHawkBuzzplease don't go on too much about these kids though, we understand your point but @abundancehere is making a good point in his whole message.
  10. Hookers don't need to understand that. That's besides the point. Anybody with any sense understands that. I'm not referring to all wives. Some are only in it for the money. Again, we all know that. Not all, but some. The only difference there is a commitment and a piece of paper. My point was not to say can't make a hoe into a housewife, that was irrelevant. It was to say some wives marry for dollars and there's no difference other than what I stated. I've seen too much hypocrisy in this field to even flinch with what people have to say about it. To go even further, there's no difference between a guy who just wants to get laid by any chick for free and someone paying. Take the piece of paper out the picture and what's the difference. At least in the field it's straight up with no manipulation tactics and on the regular (without paying) most guys just brag and boast about how many chicks they can score, at least the fucking hookers are getting paid. So don't be hating on chicks who gets paid for what other girls who aren't in relationships or married do for free without any commitment. Guys always talking bout women but can't see the hoe in themselves. It's all over this goddamn forum. I don't see not one female up in here trying to get laid up just for the sake of laying up. A bunch of hoeing men in here just want to get laid, so you can stay there bout can't make a hoe into a housewife, they don't want to be. Don't need to be, because all some housewives do is stay home cook, clean, and become sex slaves.
  11. The addiction isn't in the sending money to women and more of the feeling that one gets by doing that. Could be an addiction of feeling self-importance, self-worthiness, an addiction to a certain emotion. Those can become addictions too. It's not a matter of the $$ nor the women. If that person felt a sense of completion doing something else, it would be that something too. Take the contents out the equation. They mean nothing, only what you give it. It's the underlying need for the need to feel fulfilled that drives the addiction. All addictions are rooted in the same thing. No need to demonize those men.(not saying you are, just in general). It's a feeling they are looking for that they are unaware of how to generate from within. We all do that. It's the content of our addictions that's different.
  12. Depends on who is coping and what from. A drug addict can recognize, go to therapy and quit, while a shopping addict can go on shopping and becomes a broke ass ex shopping addict till they die. Just an example. Which one was better off.
  13. Dollars and cents. Get locked up, spend a few hrs in jail, go to court, pay the fine, REPEAT. Wives and gfs are having sex for money, indirectly, all the time but noone notices. Not even the husbands. Then they discriminate against hookers when their wives are just glorified hookers in disguise. Let's see when the divorce gets settled who is taking half.
  14. It's important to note that addiction can be hidden and is not subjected to smoking, alcoholism and drug use. So just telling OP it's a coping mechanism or to just try and quit or to seek help, which is all good advice, will only lead to another addiction of some sort. We are all being distracted in some way shape or form and are all using coping mechanisms in some way shape or form. Do you not think excessive shopping, excessive need for sex, excessive need to always be working, excessive eating, drinking soda, eating junk food, excessive talking, excessive use of this forum,,.....i mean we are all distracting ourselves from ourselves. It's just cigarettes and drinking and drug use are the most noticeable. Life itself is a distraction and a coping mechanism. We have separated ourselves from our SELF and are finding ways and means to get back to the SELF. That's all that life's about.
  15. If there is no "you" then there's no "other". Other only came from the distinction between things. The mind created other. There's no absolute distinctions between anything, only what the mind creates. I'm "me" and you're "you" creates "other". Notice how everyone says I AM. You say I AM, I say I AM, we all say I AM. Where is the "other" there? YOU AM? THEY AM? No There's only one I AM from different perspectives. Other is an illusion. Still exists, but only as an appearance.
  16. @NightHawkBuzzPlease ignore @Creatorbeinghe's only projecting his own beliefs and is the one discriminating against you. Everything he's accused you of is coming from within him. You are asking a legitimate question which stems from what you have observed. That's called psychological analysis Mr @Creatorbeing.
  17. C'mon, totally nothing to do with his post. YOU ARE THE ONE PROJECTING.
  18. Why would you tell someone there is no truth in their observations. He never said why they acted that way only that they did. Saying why he believed they acted the way they did would be grounds for you to disagree or not, not with what he observed. BTW, it is true.
  19. This wasn't necessary. He was just making an observation and wanted to understand why this is the case. Everything he said was true. They are more violent, aggressive, and fights break out all the time in these areas. He used the term ghetto which is just a term to describe the areas which he's referring to. It is a legitimate term and is even in the dictionary. Not once in his post did he seem discriminatory or prejudiced. Not once in his post did he mention race. You asked by ghetto, what race are you referring to but his post wasn't about race, YOU made it about that. Your mind went there not his. So be careful what questions you ask that aren't pertaining to the post because it's only showing your interpretation of what's being said. Nothing wrong with him wanting to understand why a certain group of people from a certain environment act the way they do.
  20. Isn't this what most men are anyway. Men are usually taller and have larger frames than women, period. Your statement here isn't saying much.
  21. You don't need to see Reality clearly. You are Reality. Whatever you give life to with your light of Awareness becomes real for you and is the only Reality there is. There is nothing outside of your own consciousness. Reality is not one way that you have to clearly see. You are creating it as you go. Thats why everything is changing and always moving to fit into your world. And mine, and every conscious being. There are Infinite Realities. That's Infinity. Your thoughts, beliefs, assumptions about yourself and the world is shaping your Reality as we speak and will determine your experiences. So see clearly how you want to experience your world because that's all that exists for you. RIGHT NOW.
  22. Before you were "born", you knew of none of these things. Do you think your presence here changes that? Embody the unknown. It is not up to you. Allow the mind to wander without getting involved. This is just mind and thought. They have no life, only what you give them, which is groundless. They will not survive if you pay them no attention.
  23. They're made of Consciousness.
  24. You cannot lose what you innately are. You are what you are. You cannot lose Awareness. Awareness is what is aware of your fears.