Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. I just read the blog post. I don't know why I get so much flag for what I've been saying all along when the blog post is the epiphany of what I've been saying in some of these threads about attraction. Leo is perfectly right here. Not saying Mr Black here will get all the hot girls and women will be lining up for him but he is a prime example of what looks look like for a woman. She sees a confident, authentic, dont-give-a fuck, kind of guy who isn't trying to impress her and who has a lot to offer just by being himself. Not some fat hero with a foul mouth and doesn't have any respect - no, no, that's completely different. So you can't be going around with a not giving a fuck attitude with a foul mouth and disrespecting women and looking all creepy and shit it won't work because that's not authentic, that's a show and a projection. I was married once. I met my ex-hubby when I was a stripper. He was balding with a beer belly and was much shorter than me, but he captivated me with his personality. I'm still attractive but I was really hot then, one of the hottest black strippers in a mostly white strip-club even the owner wanted to date me. So, believe me when I tell you, looks ain't that important, its the attitude that counts more, amongst other things.
  2. Like attracts like? 😜😜😜
  3. This is just my opinion so don't take it at face value or as something that I know for sure. I think this happens to those who didn't allow for the mental pain to surface, didn't give it recognition, didn't allow for the energy to breathe - so-to-speak. It was there crying out but was ignored. The suicidal energy. Energy that wasn't nurtured or paid attention to. So it died. Went extinct. As when you don't water a flower and it withers away. When people voice their suicidal tendencies or seek help, or become sad, or tell someone, or write about it or acknowledge it in some way or express it, that is giving it life so it lives on. That's why we can be suicidal for years and nothing happens. We have given the energy life. It is when it is suppressed that it suffocates and dies. It commits suicide like a suicidal cell in the body. When you don't see a human, but something in energetic form, that's what you see, not a person that committed suicide but a an energetic form that couldn't survive without love and attention and transforms into something else. Again that's just my take on these circumstances and I look at everything that way. Energetic forms. I don't see the human I see energy in form.
  4. Of course, I'll feel the pain physically. Suffering is not the same thing. Suffering is after the pain is gone and healed and i get traumatized by it. The stories behind the pain. Like when we have depression or anxiety.
  5. @YaliI'll tell you a little story. Once, I had physical pain; nothing much but it was painful. I decided to test something. I detached from my body and looked at it like I was observing a tree or something. Like it wasn't mine. All of a sudden I felt no pain, but it didn't last very long because it's not something I practice. The pain was still there but I wasn't suffering from it. It was if I was observing the pain. I couldn't sustain it though, I could only do it for secs at a time. This is why I know it is possible to not suffer from pain but it takes lots of practice to sustain.
  6. I guess it takes for Leo to give you an answer for you to be comfortable with and agree with. Until then you will fight me to the core.
  7. Ok. You just have the same meaning to the two different words as I do. I look at pain as physical and suffering as mental, even though they are one of the same. Having pain and suffering the fact that you're in pain to me is totally different. Very subtle. You can still suffer long after the pain is gone. We don't have to get into this as we won't see eye to eye on this even though I get where you're coming from. I just have a different look on it. You can have physical pain without suffering and you can suffer without having physical pain. The suffering is the mental stories about the pain and the physical pain is just the sensations felt, raw and unfiltered.
  8. This is just a fantasy, fear is love. Just a defective energetic form. Infinitely more beautiful in your limited mind. Humanity couldn't flourish without fear. What would be the driving force. There's nothing to strive for if everything is seemingly perfect. Some fear is necessary for this to happen. Fear is the illusion. All is love.
  9. @Thought ArtLol, it does sound like me tryna hit a Mariah Carey high note.
  10. I'm the queen of music my sweets. I can even sing it too.💕
  11. While we're at it, this is my fav make-out track. I put this on, drinking some wine, chillin' out in my fav lingerie after cooking some nice romantic dinner for two made of turkey chili, with cilantro, avocado, chopped roma tomatoes and creamy Greek yogurt on top with a delicate Caesar salad with shaved Parmesan topped all over with a creamy avocado Caesar dressing and sauteed anchovies on the side with crispy garlicky pita bread to slurp up all that chili goodness while toasting each other and sharing pita slices back and forth with arms twisted and held together like two newly weds sharing two glasses of champagne and drinking from each others' lip-smacking crystallized sparkling bubbly champagne glasses. After which I awaken to find myself naked on the bed all alone from the worst nightmare I ever had to realize I was dreaming up this luscious rendezvous and trippin'.
  12. We're speaking about suffering here not pain. They are two different things.
  13. Pain vs suffering are two different things. "Most surely suffering" is your thought.
  14. There's somebody right now in a hospital bleeding to death, nobody cares.
  15. I didn't see Sadhguru said he was suffering. No one said accidents, health problems or brain injury or whatever ailments won't happen to enlightened people. Not one single thing in these reports about Sadhguru said he was suffering. Check your assumptions and ideas about what's happening in this case because they are not what's being said. If you can quote me something that you've seen or heard Sadhguru said that he was suffering, I'll retract my statements.
  16. Yes, now go date men who are the exact opposite. Or stay single.
  17. BULLSHIT. UGLY girls are more attracted to physical attractiveness in a man than pretty, hot, beautiful, and cute girls. Most attractive guys will always believe it's because of his looks that got him the girls' attention; and it is, but not because he was so attractive but mostly because she loved the way he looked, attractive to most on societal terms or not. A short guy will still get it, a fat guy will still get it, a chubby guy, a bearded guy, a muscled guy, a skinny guy, doesn't matter, rich, poor, kind, not kind, whatever, THE BIGGEST AND MOST ATTRACTIVE THING TO MOST WOMEN IS CONFIDENCE amongst other things not related to looks. No matter how it comes and what it looks like. You will have a very hard time if you are ugly and no confidence, but will fair OK being attractive with no confidence, but if you are ugly, unattractive or whatever but you have tons of confidence you will fair better than the rest especially beyond just a 'hi how are you'.0 The problem is, a lot of guys who are unattractive, short, chubby or whatever don't exude confidence in this field so it seems like girls only like attractive guys but they hardly keep those attractive guys because now the work begins for them and half of these handsome dudes think their looks alone should or can do the trick but it doesn't. Women will fair more in the looks department and will get away with more shit if they are hot but eventually that will run its course too especially if the guy has his shit together. Being fat though is probably the last thing on the list so guys should work on that more than gaining muscles. You don't need muscles to get hot chicks, fat...not so much but you still can if that fat comes with status, confidence etc.