Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Don't just love it because it fits inside your own biases, world views about relationships etc. See it for what it is without judgement; because if you look deep within your own psyche, you are doing the same thing in some other way and with some other thing or you wouldn't have been able to understand it the way you did and assessed it in the way you did. It's not simply an observation with you, it's because it IS within you. We cannot see anything outside of our own consciousness that's why it's not wise to judge and or condemn people for doing things the best way they know how to survive that particular identity they have ascribed to their character which are many simultaneously. You are doing the same thing as a person who identifies as single and see no point in relationships. Same thing as not wanting to have any beliefs is still a belief.
  2. Yeah, I get it, but I bet he's their idol. They looked up to him and see him in their mind's eye when playing, no matter what level. It's called inspiration. They are in touch with his spirit as they move and that's what drives them; whether it's Michael or some other being or thing that is above them on that scale.
  3. It's how the short fat guy makes them feel. We are all seeking a feeling. The FEELING is the SECRET. These guys don't know anything about that. Looks are important, but what is the look. Short and fat could be the look. That's what looks are important mean for a woman. How does that look make HER feel, not how does it make YOU feel. But hey,.I don't know anything since I'm just an emotional babe just looking for someone to love and get attached to and with no clue what a man goes through.
  4. That's what Alien Consciousness looks like in the mind's eye.
  5. I said this in a comment I made before that the very attractive girls aren't out seeking attractive looking males. Most of the times their husband or bfs are just average looking. Listening to these guys talk about looks and wanting hot chick's, they have no idea what it takes to land a hot looking chick and looking all attractive in your lovely dress code, being muscular or fit with a six pack and 6' tall silhouette with a bank account with 6figures isn't the main catch. The catch is HOW YOU MAKE HER FEEL. Go figure that out instead of just trying to get your rocks off by them. (Not you, just saying in general).
  6. Lol, once I had a car stop to allow me to cross the street while the light was green and I was patiently waiting for it to change and I wasn't even wearing anything revealing, just the hair was fabulous that day. The power of sexy hair.
  7. Love this post. I remember about 2yrs ago, I closed my eyes and, for the first time, noticed shapes and forms floating around in the black screen. I was amazed at what I was seeing. Whenever I focused on it, it would get brighter; but when my mind drifted, it would kind of go away until I focused again. It was beautiful and reminded me of something I couldn't put my finger on. I didn't think anything much of it and dismissed it as just an eye effect. Deep down I knew it mean something existential but I didn't know what. Now, this post makes me understand what that was. I will do this exercise the way you phrased it and experiment with it some more, now that I know what it is. Not everything I resonate with when I hear it, but this I do and will delve deeper, mainly because it's so intriguing to witness. Thank you. What is that headband you posted and where to get it. @Jowblob This post is underrated and is partially what life is all about which is to explore the existential nature of ones Self. No outside forces needed except the equipment used. The best kind of self-exploration. FABULOUS.
  8. The "problem" is, most of us aren't living like this in our daily lives. Some call it woo woo stuff and tell you to get real 'cause this is the real world with real problems not recognizing how the mind creates the illusion of problems and how thought can reflect what is not actually the case but something we are projecting. Thanks for uploading this, I will watch it again to remind myself about the illusory nature of thought because this is really the stuff im into and have seen how it has destroyed so many lives and has turned us into self-destroying machines. Plus I just love this stuff.
  9. I AM. That's the word. I AM. Whatever you say after I AM is what you as God is declaring to be in the moment. God is you and the I AM is what you're being. I AM a doctor is what God is being. I AM a human, I AM an idiot....whatever. There is only one I AM and that is why everybody says I AM....viewing itself from different perspectives.
  10. How to properly make lemon/lime water. Zest a lemon or lime, in this case, a lime into a cup and add the lime juice. Pour over hot or warm water and stir. Can use a slice of lime for garnish. The use of this water to start your day is the best pick-me-up, and your body will thank you for it as it has tremendous effects on transforming your health. The zest is not the added bonus, the juice is, as the zest has much more health benefits. It will not get in the way and will kind of melt away in the warm water to balance out the texture. Even without the zest, it is highly beneficial to start your day with lemon or lime water. It helps to cleanse the liver and wakes up your digestive tract amongst other huge benefits. I cannot stress enough what this practice can do for your overall health. Google for more details. Even if you drink coffee, just drink this before and wait atleast 10mins before the coffee, but this will sustain your energy in a more stabilizing way than coffee can ever do. I never put anything in my body before drinking water in the morning even if it's just plain ole room temperature water, never cold.
  11. You've called prostitutes, prostitutes and women who aren't prostitutes normal. So I guess in your eyes a woman who works as a teacher teaching how to build bombs to blow up schools is a normal woman and every other woman who works as something other than prostitution normal. People use money everyday to purchase poisons that destroys their bodies but all of a sudden you have a problem with using money to purchase sexual pleasures. You will enjoy spending your hard earned dollars to buy foods that are rotting your gut but demonize the use of money for pleasure. What you're saying is sex is sacred but the body is shit and I can feed it whatever I want because I don't respect it, but your biases and ignorance will make you not see how the purchasing of sex for money is no different, and from your arguments not mine, than the purchase of poisons is ok. I will not argue with you anymore on any topics ever again because you're the perfect example of how if you argue with a stool, they will try to eat you up and spit you out just to bring you down to their level. And whatever else you said up top does not refer to me only your ideas of me and what your mind concocted up to fit into that idea. I rest my cases with you and will no longer engage with you here on this forum because, you and I are always battling out a lost cause that never leads to anywhere, and all its doing making you look like an ass and I will save you the embarrassment. Ignored.
  12. God didn't literally create anything. It creates by BEING. So, God IS the word and ALL finite things. Finite can only be possible because of the Infinite. Nothing finite stands on it's own. Just like if you cut an orange into pieces, you need all the pieces to make it whole again.
  13. What the heck, I pick them all. Doesn't really matter since I'm none of those things. I don't even care to be happy as happiness is only a temporary state. I AM is the one who is ever witnessing it all and I am not even the I AM as the I AM is even the seer of what I claim I am. So, it doesn't matter. I choose all or none.
  14. Lol
  15. No, you emulate Michael Jordan while you're playing middle school basketball. Thats how you reach to the top and not stay stuck where you are. When I say top, I don't mean literally, because there's always going to be someone better than you at something; but your suggestion is like saying just stay where you are and don't strive to be above that.
  16. Yes, I just watched it. It was very enlightening and more of us should focus on how to enhance our lives with the things you've said instead of trying to fight systems we don't have any control over. We have the innate ability to make ourselves healthier in more ways than one and to not indulge in the poisons we are so frequently exposed to on a regular basis. We are all suffering due to society's influence not recognizing that we are powerful enough if we use our minds for what it is designed for and not to be a slave to it and the environment that it can so quickly adapt to unconsciously. Thank you for that video and your service to mankind; and keep going at it because society needs more people like you who are just trying to enhance the quality of life the best you know how and is coming from a place where you know first-hand what it's been like to suffer through your own challenges; and now you're being kind enough to pass on how you made it through the challenges you faced. Thank you.
  17. There's no need to kill what is just a construct. You only need to reform it. The ego is needed to experience life. Do you want to walk around like a zombie? You are only interested in "killing the ego because it brings you suffering. Learn to transform the ego and suffering will cease to exist. Understand that you are not the egoic mind and who you truly are is beyond anything that the ego can construct. We are trying to reach somewhere where we already are. How silly is it to be at the car dealership saying you want to go to the car dealership and you want to kill the very transportation that will get you there. All you have to do us deconstruct the mind and start from scratch and rebuild a new home, not try to kill it. Can you kill a thought, can you kill an idea. Yeah, abstractly, but that thought and idea will never die and will be floating in the ether from whence it came, forever. Ego death is just a silly term for people seeking liberation but don't know how.
  18. please watch the video I posted, maybe it will illuminate you.
  19. No, triggered is not the word. The word is PASSIONATE. Passionately in love with life, passionately in love with human's freeing themselves, passionately in love with the sacrilege of the divine wisdom, passionately in love with every friggin' thing I touch and stand for, passionately in love with love itself. I don't need anyone to love what I stand for, I only need to stand for what I love, not fight against anything.
  20. Its not about agreeing with my negative outlook. Actually it doesn't become negative when you are aware of it. I'm just keeping it real and stating what is. I never said two people can't be genuine, I'm saying some are not in it for the right reasons and a piece of paper and a pastor to seal it doesn't make it so. Get with the program buddy and go with where presence resides and identify with that. That is your ticket to salvation and freedom, not a piece of paper and society's constructs. You will always be struggling with your own mind thinking so and so should be this way and so and so should be that way. Make the presence within you your master and not society. Yes, obey all laws and live within the construct, but not be of it. Don't become a slave to your own mind. Free it up from mental slavery and understand that this is all just temporary and who you really are doesn't need morals and is always free. Stop demonizing hookers and understand its just a role they are playing just like God is playing you as a human who demonizes. Its all just a friggin' show, don't take it so serious while still holding on to your own sacred integrity, which means to acknowledge the presence within as your true identity that needs nothing. Pay that some attention and it will guide you into the liberation that you so adamantly seek and won't have to make posts about who is judging you or not.
  21. You have the wrong idea about what I'm pointing to, my friend. I'm not saying 2 people can't love each other, I'm not saying 2 people can't come together and share life under the same roof and respect each other and blah blah, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that SOME are just in it for the dollars and sense and what one can do for them. A marriage contract is only just so the government can get their piece of the pie. Some men will marry just to have a housewife to work for them while they go out and satisfy their sexual fetishes and some women will marry just for what the husband can give saying SOME. Deny this and you're just too young to understand. Just like you told me about how men will use women for sex and their egoic needs why do you think married couples can't use each other for egoic needs. JUST BECAUSE OF A PIECE OF GOVERNMENT PAPER, I don't think so. Morality doesn't just fly out the window because somebody said I DO. Please don't misinterpret my message most people do genuinely love each other when they commit but not all and marriage is an INSTITUTION. Nothing sacred about it only what humans created. Is divorce sacred? Why not.
  22. just so you know, most hookers' clients are married men or if not, have long-term gfs.. Get off your high horse about how marriage IS a sacred bond. Marriage was introduced into society because of the business it generated, So does divorce, so is birth, as in your birth certificate which is a symbol of a contract your parents signed to make you a commodity of the system, so is your social security #, and so is just about everything else that you legally sign. You are just a freed slave working for a system that sees you only as a commodity. You were branded with a friggin' number that they call social security just like a friggin' inmate. Marriage is only a legal contract between two freed slaves. You will deny this, call it conspiracy theory or come up with some brainwashing excuse or reason how this isn't so and defend your slave masters and that is why they are able to do this and get away with it because of people like you who have been brainwashed and conditioned into a society that doesn't have your best interest in mind and just about everybody is on pills, in therapy, or some form of something to try to cope with a life we weren't designed for. Now go take that sacred bond bullshit to the bank and go support the slave masters some more with your ignorance and high-morality complex and don't post another friggin post asking for advice as to why you're so and so and why is this happening to me. It's because we are all traumatized and now have to look to the same system that traumatized us for answers, go figure.
  23. Lmao. The first video's point is hilarious. He came in 20th in his own look-a-like contest. Oh my! You're right, don't care about what people think about you because they don't even know you; they are only going off an idea they have about you.
  24. You're in there for such a short time that I wouldn't be too concerned with that. Phone and electronic use are more of a concern and microwaveable foods. IMO, there are other more serious ways of radiation exposure to be concerned about than a very quick airport security scan.
  25. I'm not speaking about disassociating from anything, but to recognize that challenges are meant to be overcome and doesn't need to be associated with a permanency of state of being as in that is just what I am and I need to just accept it. Life sucks so deal with the negativity and I need to just associate my beingness with this sucky life. I'm not even concerned with disassociating here in these comments because I'm not referring to that. You seem to be complacent with not growing yourself into the best you can be and to just accept the sucky part of life because it exists. Well, I have news for you, it only exists because of duality and duality is not the truth only half truth. Do you want to live in hell or heaven. You can do that by abiding in the Awareness that you are and surrender to your true nature who knows best and can guide you to more peace and tranquility in order for us to live a more fulfilling life without too many of those negativities. Some will be there but they will be quickly transcended and reformed without being disassociated from.