Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Yeah you're right because the guys I tried to make it with without the money factor in the past, changed on me for the worst. I wasn't the one, they were. It's like they couldn't believe I would date them with that not being in the picture. So you're right when it comes to that but please don't look at it from one side. I've gad men told me before that they look up more at women who do this work than to give it up for free. Bias may play a role for me here but I can assure you that i'm also speaking from a more generalized perspective as I do in most areas. I don't need to be biases if i'm speaking from what actually happens and not from speculation. I will leave you be with your speculations of me and this field of work as I can see where your bias will lie also in your interactions with me.
  2. Not everything you're doing in your life now is good and i can guarantee more than half isn't. Doesn't mean you need anyone to tell you to stop and go elsewhere or do something else.
  3. Just because she says so, doesn't make it so. She has some good points but her use of the word manipulate doesn't say much. You have to understand that some women have been cheated on by their men with a more beautiful woman than them and they will go around saying things like these about women because of this.
  4. Silly, silly, silly. It takes two to tango and i'm the girl guys are trying to get so yes I do have a say. Plus I also do have a say on this topic because it is what I do for work. So double-whammy here.
  5. Thank you. I married my husband as a stripper and I wasn't traumatized nor was I using him and only taking his money. He proposed and i accepted. It was that simple. This isn't stripping, but it's still in the so hated critized adult industry.
  6. Could you not do this please. Nothing in the OP says she made him think he had a chance at anything other that what he signed up for. No one has to be good or bad at what they do if a client came on board and willingly paid for a service that they desired. Every business is in the business to keep their customers spending money, so don't expect hers to be any different.
  7. This right here will be very challenging to do when it's from a site that mainly deals on a sexual level. From my understanding, there are non-sexual interactions on this site like cooking and people showing their non-sexual skills and having an audience and subscribers doing so, but I'm assuming she's one of those doing sexual things. Not sure, or even how far and in what category. People just hear Only Fans and start assuming things unaware there are plenty of non-sexual category on there. Regardless, all you need to do is ask her, talk to her about how she feels about it. Most people that do this kind of stuff are usually pretty open with how they feel about things when asked; and she will most likely let you know up-front if that's feasible or not. If she says no, then that's it, don't try to change her mind because it won't work. I'm speaking from a place of doing this type of work myself, even though I'm not on OF and have never done anything of the sort via camera or through the internet but I'm in the adult industry and have been for some time and know a lot of girls in this field. Not all are the same, and the most important thing to look for is if they are on drugs or have pimps. Having a pimp is a no no as far as meeting her on a personal level and doing drugs, especially heavy drugs, will speak more about her character, of which I mean she will be more likely to be very misleading and untruthful with her intentions with you. It's all a matter of personal character and not just the fact that she's on OF.
  8. All of this is speculation. Not everyone needs to meet their other half in the traditional way. Most people back in the day before the internet and dating sites met their worst nightmares from doing approach and meeting one on one. So he doesn't need to delete anything if that's what he desires to do because you can meet the love of your life through any means. He just needs to approach it differently and be careful of how he interacts with her and use proper judgement. It's that simple.
  9. I hate it when you guys do this. You're all judging someone purely from what they do to support themselves. No idea what her character is like. It's not even that she's personally interacting with her clients on this site, it's pure fantasy of which most of these guys are aware of. Calling what she does fake is like calling a movie fake. What the hell you want this woman to do whose job is to sell a fantasy. To the OP, your worst advice will come from the male perspective; why, because of how most view this type of work. They think because they can get sexually turned on by a woman's body that women are the same and view it as fake when she is able to do this work without any legitimate sexual feeling so they call it fake. It's what she's paid to do and is able to do because of how we're wired. Men have no problems saying how they can have sex with a woman on a purely physical level with no feelings attached, but when it comes to a woman who can do the same thing to support herself, NOW ITS A PROBLEM; and they look down on her for the same thing they are capable of doing which needs an erection to accomplish. A woman need not get wet for this to happen so she's the one who can really detach. On top of this, she's doing it through a computer screen; and as far as we know, isn't being physical with any of her clients, which is still beside the point. I will agree, however, that it's hard to say if she will look at you as anything other than a client and will really have emotions and feelings for you because that will be on an individual basis and is unique to the situation and circumstances and who she is as a person. Please don't listen to what anyone says about being traumatized or of low character and will just be using you because that's not what she's doing now. When people provide a service that's not using, it's simply a give and take because you're also using her to satisfy a particular need of yours, if you want to go down that route. It's comical to me how people can easily judge these women that do this kind of work in a negative way off the bat without knowing them personally but when we look at the characters of other people who do other supposedly perceived prestigious jobs as in Presidents, doctors, lawyers, and some school teachers and pastors some of them are the worst scumbags that walk the face of the earth.
  10. You're experiencing it right now. It just looks like a bunch of assholes walking around and a bunch of dilapidated buildings and cockroaches and ants. Also beautiful trees, the moon the stars and actualized forum.
  11. I want all you guys who are struggling to find a date or a romantic partner in your life to listen to this and save it on your computer and listen to it night after night and come back and report back on the forum if it worked for you. Please don't dismiss this and call it nonsense because it may be the activation you need to remove all the blocks you have within the subconscious mind to find that so well needed partner and to experience some kind of loving relationship, or just to have that experience you long for. It is live right now, but you can save it and listen to it over and over at your leisure. I suggest you listen to it when you're in delta state meaning right before bed and right after your wake up when the mind is more at ease and more susceptible to absorbing the contents of the video. Leave all your doubts behind and become open to receiving what the Universe can do and keep listening and listening over and over. There's no time limit as to when this might work for you because it depends on how open your mind is to receive. Please come back here and make a comment if you've seen any form of improvement in your love life and share with others so they can see that it has the potential to change lives. I have done this in other aspects of my life with other subliminals and have seen first-hand what they can do. It's not the video that's doing the trick, it's you, but it is there to help the mind in removing it's limiting beliefs and helping to activate what's already within you. @EmotionalmosquitoEspecially for you. At least give it a try for at least a week faithfully before expecting any results. Some may even see results after listening once. I wish you the best and hope this helps.
  12. I don't know whether to cry or bark.
  13. love this guy!
  14. I will stop here because this is not what the thread is about but you are silly to think a woman is going to believe an article over her direct experience and also what she has seen other women capable of. It doesn't even make sense as if it's only 20yr olds that are attracting men. That in of itself that I'm sure you've witnessed, ( plenty non 20-yr olds attracting men) is proof enough. If you are only attracting 20yr Olds, something is wrong with your psyche. I can attract 20-100yr Olds.The end.
  15. You might want to look into why you think I'm hurt. I wouldn't want to become 20 again because of how naive I was. I'm the one attracting the 20yr olds. I can walk down any street and have teenagers and young adults gawking for my attention, so I'm not the least bit hurt, i'm just showing you how limited your young mind can be and how your gawking at 20yr old children is not a feat to be so proud of, neither is my ability to attract children, i'm just saying.
  16. You have made some good points. Never really looked at it like that.
  17. I watched that video you posted a while back where he was walking through a town with no one in sight. Was that you or you randomly got it from YT? That shit was creepy asf. Loved it, though.
  18. The brain is also imaginary. EVERYTHING is imaginary including enlightenment; it has to be, or else nothing is imaginary.
  19. Might be good for you but definitely not the 20yr old. She'll be saying later on in life "what the hell was i thinking". True magic happens when both are in sync with what's happening and a 20 yr old just hasn't developed that ability yet. Neither have you because at your age, it's compatible with a 20yr old female because women mature faster than men. Anyway, even though it's your thread, let's not derail it talking about 20yr olds and your despicable tastes in them and their love for red apples.
  20. haha, you're right being a 20yr old sex toy is way above my head.