Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. If there is no self, who is awakening? Is the self awakening to itself as being no self? Is it God awakening to itself as God? What does no self even mean? If we're all connected, then how can you awaken without me being awakened? We're connected, right. We say everything is God, even the tree is God. Does the tree awaken? Why is God asleep to itself as a human only? Why out of everything in the whole wide world and everything that exists in nature and Reality, why is it only humans that can awaken or are seeking to awaken? If aliens exists, do they also awaken? if not, why? Nothing stays still, everything vibrates at certain speeds. Things are always changing. What are we awakening from and to what, if nothing stays the same? Awareness is always aware by its nature. That's why it's called Awareness. Is it aware of awakening too? Then, who or what is aware of awakening? Those are two distinct things. Awareness and Awakening. If we are not the body nor the mind, what are we using to awaken? Is it the mind, which we are not? We're using something we are not to awaken to something that we are? Can someone please quote any of these questions and answer them please.
  2. I cannot listen to anything you say after reading this nor will I even say anything to you. The same instrument you're talking out of is the same you'll be listening from and that instrument is your ASS.
  3. Yes. And all that is ok. Don't resist. Embrace. I felt every word you said. Welcome home.
  4. Kiss me baby. I can feel you. Right here. Right now, Make love to me. Don't stop. Touch me, baby. Keep going, baby. Feel me baby. Taste me baby. R I G H T F U C K I N G N O W.
  5. I'm ready. Ready for that intimate partner. So long I've been single by choice . But I'm ready. Ready to explore. Ready. This is a documentation of my journey.
  6. I need you, baby.
  7. Letting it all out. Releasing it all. I'm, ready baby. Whomever you are . I'm preparing to receive you. It will take some time, but it doesn't matter. I'm ready. No more waiting to be ready. Ready NOW. Here I AM , my love. I'm ready. I feel you here. I smell you here, I can touch your body even if you're miles away. You're here now.
  8. Love songs that gets my juices flowing that has no bearing on past relationships is a start. I will get back to my passions which one of them is music. Music that I love, but doesn't bring back memories, just for music's sake and what ignites my soul. Getting out of my system. Feel it baby. Feel it. Move on, move on. Don't let those feelings hold you down. Release it. Feel it.
  9. I guess you speak Portuguese
  10. Didn't ask where you were from I asked what is your main language now I have to go look up Brazils main language,
  11. What is your main language.
  12. That's what lol and hehe and 😂and 🤣are for, to alert the recipient that you are teasing because of language barriers and in abilities to spot jokes, hehe
  13. It's OK, this comment is only showing lack of comprehension as to what my comment meant and as it was recognized and appropriately answered by the intended recipient, who kindly explained and didn't deny that my observation was correct and didn't see it as me implying that to stick mostly to one topic or section of the forum was a double standard, which is absurd to even think I was implying that. I tend to be very observant by nature and can observe people's patterns without even focusing on that persons patterns or trying to deliberately focus on it. It just appears within my awareness and will make recognizable image and or pattern that i can associate someone's behavior with it without even trying. I can say I've noticed most of your posts are accompanied with videos. Also English is not your first language, and I could probably assess more but its unnecessary at this point and irrelevant.
  14. It's OK, this comment is only showing lack of comprehension as to what my comment meant and as it was recognized and appropriately answered by the intended recipient, who kindly explained and didn't deny that my observation was correct and didn't see it as me implying that to stick mostly to one topic or section of the forum was a double standard, which is absurd to even think I was implying that. I tend to be very observant by nature and can observe people's patterns without even focusing on that persons patterns or trying to deliberately focus on it. It just appears within my awareness and will make recognizable image and or pattern that i can associate someone's behavior with it without even trying. I can say I've noticed most of your posts are accompanied with videos. Also English is not your first language, and I could probably assess more but its unnecessary at this point and irrelevant. Not to mention that NoSelf and i just had a brief conversation about him not having a gf and we spoke briefly on the subject and my comment to him here was just not coming out of the blue.
  15. Ok. It wasn't meant to be a criticism on my part just an observation and was pointing something out that I noticed. Thanks for explaining why and you didn't deny that what I said was true, you kindly replied to say why. Thanks.
  16. how do you get bliss, may I ask. This bothers you because it feels like it's crumbling when someone points out something that deep down you know isn't true. No forum can pollute a world view. You're just feeling more and more insecure towards the one you constructed and it is slowly shattering Infront of your eyes and it's an uncomfortable feeling. Why would that bother you to no end. You feel weird about one trying to change your worldview but having problems seeing through others'. Maybe it's a part of their worldview to listen to someone and go with what they say if they have been helped before by this person and have seen dramatic results in their life and will rather stick to the same figure because they see the benefit in it. Most people understands that not everything someone says is Absolutely true or has no flaws, but when you get to understand that most people tend to do things because there's a benefit that stems from their behavior whether good or bad, smart or foolish, and makes no logical sense, it wouldn't bother you as much. Most people aren't making conscious decisions, the decision is being made for them. Just like you being bothered by this is not your choice to be bothered by it. Why would you choose that, why choose to get bothered. You're getting bothered by people listening to his advice, ask yourself why, You are recognizing your own instability and shaky grounds and feelings of fear is arising because of their groundless nature. No one can steal your joy if it is rooted in true happiness that's not attained from the outside. You are seeking happiness from the outside world and are getting to a point of frustration because you can't seem to sustain your so-called bliss state and anything that gets in the way is now the problem. What's happening in this post is that a deep recognition is being birthed and it feels uncomfortable and that recognition is that "outcome happiness" is unsustainable and nothing on the outside can truly make you happy. That realization is coming in the forefront with you, but your blaming others for this is causing your refusal to accept this and to even recognize that this is happening,
  17. Brilliant! It's all around us. Everywhere. No need to have sex to have sex. You're penetrating and birthing as we speak all the time through the mind. One penetrates the other and gives rise to new creative ideas, thoughts and insights which then manifests into our world as physical things.
  18. Something is odd about the fact that you say you don't have a gf and don't want one, but 90-95% of your posts, comments and threads are in the dating section, at least from what I've noticed. You seem to have a lot of interest in this category, but at the same time have no interest in dating.
  19. OK "they can be" put it into a different perspective. I thought you were saying that notice how everyone around you (in your life) isn't as conscious as you and that applies to every single person, because they are dreaming everybody up do how can "others" be more conscious.
  20. Yeah, as @mmKaysaid, maybe, if you can rename the title. It doesn't really do justice to what the thread is about. Loved the advice given there too.
  21. Are you saying the people around me cannot be more conscious than me because I'm dreaming them up.
  22. It's like I literally went in my head and saw that pretty much everyone around me I don't want to say unconscious or say I'm more conscious than the people in my "real life" but I can't really find one. It's all online where that is. So I was wondering if that's what he meant and how that's not a coincidence.
  23. This is false. Beliefs aren't based off of experiential evidence. Its the other way around. Beliefs are formed through repetitive thoughts that then gets proven to us through the RAS system of the brain then gets lodged into the subconscious mind which is illogical and acts as a filing cabinet and stores whatever it gets impressed with based on your repetitive though patterns and behavior. It doesn't rely on evidence it shows evidence, it doesn't need reason and is incapable of forming beliefs. The conscious mind does that. You pretty much got it backwards. It is very impressionable and programmable simply because it is based on repetition and is illogical and doesn't think. This is why you're able to tie your shoes without thinking about it (repetition) and habits are formed (repetition) you can't just think your way into a habit.