Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. I understand that. I don't just go with whatever I'm told. Thanks for the wise advice. I will say thank you and then contemplate it for myself by going within and using my experiences to validate.
  2. Nice perspective. You are seeing beyond the seen. Things have to be shifted before we can clean up house; but it starts from within.
  3. Ok fine, let it all out. That's a start. Believe it or not, that's healing. You brought it out from the dark into the light. Now they have been exposed. Those energies. They cannot hide within you anymore. All they need now is to be shown some love. They are seeking attention. They are fearful. They know they are distorted and they seek to rectify themselves and be transformed. But only Awareness can do that. Becoming aware of how they were formed in the first placed and latched unto your being. Only Love exists. They are a distorted form of love. Your emotions and feelings are guiding you towards the light. They are telling you you are moving in the wrong direction. Allow those feelings to be there and see them for what they are, distortions. It is up to you now to see them as distorted and to remove the veil of distortion and let your true being emerge. The one that's not fearful and distorted, The one that is witnessing the fear and distortion. It is seeking to emerge from behind all the distortion and to reveal itself to you. Stay in that state and when the bubble pops, you will have no choice but to clear the distortions away. That, my friend is what's called suffering.
  4. Nothing in my post implied I was looking to not suffer. Please drop that fantasy and see my post for what it is. Show me where I said I was suffering and wanted to stop.
  5. I don't want to get into it with you, but I just want to say this. Forgive yourself for what you have done. Stop the self-shame and blame. It can destroy you. This is why you judge others, it's because you judge yourself. I'm not surprised you said this. It was obvious to me that something was lurking in the background. We've all been there including myself. The hoponopono prayer really helps with this. It helps to heal. Look it up to understand how it works. It's just 4 phrases you repeat to yourself " I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you". It's a very powerful prayer. It's very important to forgive yourself or you will project unto the world your pain and eventually causes low-self esteem and extreme insecurities and low-self worth. You know the other day when we had that little spat, I did hit the ignore button, but I removed it; why, because I was sending a message to the Universe that I was ignoring it's messages to me. It is using you to point out my weaknesses and my shadows, I finally became aware of that, aware how it's using you to help to heal. I'm always fighting with you and i went into self-introspection and it made me realize some things about myself. You see, everything and everyone i come into contact with is put there as no accident because you are me and I am you. Your energy clashes with mine, even through the computer, all the time and i realized why. I won't get into that, bug it revealed things to me that I wasn't consciously aware of. It takes for me to forgive myself and also you to heal or bring it to the light. I recognized the importance of your character in respect to mine and they clash for a reason. So please look into why you feel that way about yourself because it is not true, it's only your ideas and stories around what you did, no matter how wrong you feel it was that you're feeling. It's not who you are. You don't have to judge these people in the video, just watch them if you feel like it, and leave it at that. There's a higher being at play here and everything fits in perfectly. The mind won't understand it, but it is the case on an existential level.
  6. I understand that. I'm going deeper, look at my comment to @Bazooka Jesussee if you can see through what I'm really saying.
  7. Ok, so this is what I'm saying. Just being born = suffering. Can't escape it. Goes hand in hand. It has to be that way. Designed that way. The process of cutting that cord is what birthed suffering. That's how suffering came about. Not saying the cutting of the cord, per se, but the energetic meaning behind the cutting of the cord. Separation. Pain, hurt, trauma. Inevitable, just in different degrees. It's what it means to be born. That's why we suffer, have trauma and experience hurt etcetc, Not from the contents of these mental pain but as as an effect. Is this what you're saying too.
  8. Please don't tell me questioning = suffering. You sound like the pastor in the church that says don't question the Lords word. I will not buy into that rhetoric. I can see where attachment= suffering or wanting something to be different, but not questioning the nature of Reality. Being curious means I'm devoted and have a deep interest in learning. That's not suffering.
  9. Thank you for this explanation. I am very curious by nature and Spirituality is something I'm still curious about and probably always will be, especially pertaining to the existential nature of existence. I want to have a deeper understanding of certain aspects, even though I recognize the power of not knowing. You explained it perfectly - the balancing of the two. It's just the same phrases people keep repeating and the same Spiritual lingo, at least you give examples and break down the language barrier a bit for a deeper understanding.
  10. I get that. The question goes deeper than that. Suffering is a thing, right. Why is it a thing. Why do we attach to thought then this thing called suffering appears. I understand it's the way it is, but how did suffering come about where we suffer via attachment. There's an existential reason for that. Not just we suffer because of attachment to thought. Why does Consciousness suffer.
  11. . Your ego is very fragile. You can dish it out but can't take it. You whimp and whine as soon as somebody says anything to hurt your fragile ego and call it an attack. You're just crying for help. I told you what to do. Go out into the world and take control of your life, don't give it over to women by getting upset with them for calling you a creep. If you're not a creep, it shouldn't bother you. Move on and approach some more with confidence. Plenty of women out there. Creeps attract creeps. You're not a creep so you'll be fine.
  12. No it's not. If that's the case every guru who teaches emotional mastery that tells you how you're giving your power away and to take control back is attacking you. The sensitivity is unreal and problematic. I feel sorry for you. You have given your power away immensely and thinking you're actually doing something brave. You're not, you're just whining because you've lost your power and don't know how to regain it back. I'll tell you how. Ignore the women who call you a creep and move on to the next. Done.
  13. I can see why you wanted to help, your website says it all. You're in the field and can spot this easily.
  14. If you call my statement a personal attack, you don't know what it is to verbally attack someone. Saying to someone that you gave your power away without realizing it is not an attack.
  15. I can be talking to my husband and he might say something to me which I may respond in a joking way ,"ooh, that's creepy". He will say, no it's not, you're just being too sensitive, and I may say. I'm not, its just creepy. Then we change the subject in a flowing way, go home and have crazy sex. Why should I advocate to make the word creepy taboo. I call a spider creepy.
  16. This is how much power women have over him, power he gave away without realizing it. It will forever haunt him.
  17. If you really made the rules, you wouldn't be concerned about anything then. You think lawmakers in Congress worrying about civilians when they're making rules. No, they just make them with keeping certain things in mind, but they don't go around recruiting other Congressmen saying we are out-numbered and have to up our game. They just fucking make the rules. Why don't you just go make some dating rules in the real world instead of just talking about making rules. So how well that works for ya.
  18. You go creep. Love it. Now go and show the world what a creep is. Now you know what it feels like when men call women sluts and whores just for sleeping with them. For having the same body count as them or less, for liking a dude and sleeping with him on the first date, while he gets called a player and how much he scored and he's the man. Women call men creeps and men call women sluts. Perfect trade-off. But whose hurting more. At least sluts and whores can get paid, where is this going to land you. On a forum talking about how women called you a creep and needing revenge. Your revenge is to act like a creep, a slut's is to be with the creep and get paid.
  19. No one is suffering. One only appears to suffer.
  20. Yeah, the only reason we suffer our thoughts is because we give them life and believe in them. See them as passing clouds and only entertain the ones we feel good about.
  21. Awareness. Observing the bully mind. If I was to tell you half of the stuff your bully mind tells you, you would hate me, but you listen to the bully mind. Not just that, you obey it. It's your master. You believe it. It's not just neurotic and unhealthy, it's downright insanity. Pretend it's me actually saying these things to you and see how it feels: You're an idiot. You're not good enough to sustain a relationship. You mess up everything you lay your hands on. You're lazy. You can't get anything in your life right. You're such a fucking moron. Girls see you as a loser. You can't even stick to what you say you're going to do because you suck at life. I mean, you would curse me out and probably use the ignore button, if everyday I kept saying these things to you. Feel free to insert your own words here, I'm just giving examples. Now imagine these are the same things your own mind is saying to you repeatedly. Everyday for a month straight. Would you push the ignore button. Would you tell it it doesn't know what it's believe it, you entertain it. The mind is having a hell of a party with you being the lovely entertainer. But you would ignore me. And probably report me. But with the mind you accept it to the point where you don't know what to do, you're asking for advice. Now who's the maniac here, you or the mind. Lose the mind and gain your senses. Leave the mind alone. Mind your mind. Use the mind, don't let it use you. You have made the mind your master and turned your heart into your servant. Do the opposite. For every negative thought that pops up, follow up with a positive one, and keep doing that over and over and over and over and over again. That's how you train the mind to be your servant. Your thought patterns will eventually change on it's own through repetition. Doesn't even have to be replaced with a positive thought, just a thought that you would like to entertain.