Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. This guy is a genius. Please subscribe to his channel to get more practical wisdom and some great advice. He's the real deal. Sooooo much knowledge delivered in ways I've never heard put before. Really opens up the mind to see things from a broader perspective. Thank you @Davinofor posting and i had to repost here, it was so good.
  2. No, you do it all the time. How? Are you the same exact way with every single person at all times. No. You're different with your teacher, your mom, your lover, a stranger, your kids, your pets.....all different sides of you is revealed. You wouldn't go into a bar and try to be reserved you'd be trying to unleash the side that's more fun and uninhibited that's why people drink. You don't drink in a church because you're not trying to unleash and become uninhibited. Same thing. If a guy is trying to impress a girl, he may exaggerate himself or tone it down depending on his intentions. We all have different sides to us and sometimes different people brings it out depending on what you're responding to. So if he's pretending to be something he's not, that's not creepy behavior, it just represents maybe insecurities, wanting to impress or not being authentic, which btw, isn't about not being yourself because you cannot not be yourself; it means you're not representing what your highest values are and standing in that truth.
  3. Yes my Prince. Don't you build a cosmological worldview on that thought. Don't cling to the idea of my calling you my Prince, or do.😜
  4. This is going to sound a bit weird, but I've been asking myself this for a long time. This suffering thing has been brought back up on here lately and it came to mind again - I just had to ask. Do you think that suffering exists, or most humans suffer (maybe all at sometime in our lives) because of how we were brought into this world. Not sure how to word this, but I'll try. The umbilical cord was cut; and because of that, the energy that was released caused an energetic imbalance that we call suffering. For Christ's sake just about every baby cries when born. They say it's to produce air in the lungs of the newborn that was stuck in the womb for so long and it helps in the breathing process, but that's biological. From an energetic standpoint, do you think that has anything to do with it since it's all energy at play here. God or Source separated itself from itself; and even though we're not literally separate, we are energetically. It's like severing a finger from your hand; that would be pretty painful. So, God suffers from the separation. When it attaches itself back to itself, as in Awakening or Enlightenment all suffering ceases. Of course, it can return but that's because of mental separation again and what the mind is doing. As in a C-section birth, suffering still happens but not as severe - maybe. I have to do research on if babies born that way, if they have a as much mental suffering in their lives. I read that people born c-section are much calmer. (Read it on Google). Since there wasn't a chord that was cut the apparent separation occurred in a different way to cause less suffering, not to the mother per se but energetically so and the transference from the process to the baby had a different aura to it. I know this sounds weird, but it's something i pondered about and would like to hear your thoughts on it. All the contents of our suffering varies, and depends on the individual but all suffering is mental and has an energetic flow to it. There's a difference between pain vs suffering, which i'm sure you're aware of. I'm speaking of mental suffering. Seems almost a surety in humans at one point or another and I was wondering if what I mentioned had anything to do with it. What do you think. Keep in mind Energy, Frequency and Vibration when considering this notion. Please don't make fun of me if this is absurd thinking, it's just my mind can get pretty radical and a lot of times things that I thought about in the past that seemed a bit weird to me turned out to be a thing so i'm not putting this one down just yet.
  5. I watched that part up till the 1:00 mark. NO THATS WHAT NOT A CREEPY PERSON IS. He described what it means TO CREEP. Creeping around stealing your roommate's food doesn't mean you're a creep, it mean you are creeping. Pretending to be someone you're not to women just to get them to like you isn't being a creep. What he says at the 1:10 mark is true though about women. He didn't describe what it is to be a creep in the sense of how women feel a creep to be. It's a feeling women get about a certain vibe that some men emit. Here's a line from Google describing what a creepy vibe is, quote: "A feeling of discomfort, unease or fear that arises when encountering someone with unsettling body language". That's how women FEEL when they call men creepy. It's a feeling they get. Another meaning was "they make you feel very nervous or frightened". "Causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or UNEASE". I put the word "unease" is bold because that's precisely it. That word describes it perfectly in a less aggressive way. This guy didn't do the definition any justice as far as how women see it. He described what it means to creep.
  6. Yeah sure. I get what you're saying, and I agree. One question. If I'm just experiencing without interpretation and putting my own meaning because of the mind's interpretation, is that still not to be trusted. Are you saying that because of my human nature, I'll always be apt to interpreting everything I experience because it's innate that I do that, or can I be aware and consciously not interpret and then see it for what it is? Hope that's clear.
  7. I saw somewhere that psychedelics ruined a lot of folks because of their inability to process what they saw or had so much psychological baggage going in that it messed them up badly. Unprocessed shit can get revealed and if the body's nervous system is weak, it can really mess with the psyche after they've come down from it. I believe a lot here on this forum have had this effect.
  8. You know what's funny, when I was writing this post, I said to myself someone is going to say, "I think you're unto something". Didn't know who, but I imagined it. The power of imagination. Don't know, but I'd be getting these weird insights and they don't just come out of nowhere and then again they do so who knows.
  9. You're not responsible for how someone feels. It's impossible. You can only feel responsible, but you are not physically responsible. You cannot go inside someone's mind to activate the feeling response. They are doing it themselves, or I should say the body's response mechanism is responsible for this. It is a very sophisticated process that not even the feeler can control if they aren't mindful. It's a process. Thought is prior to feeling. Can you control WHAT a person thinks? No. How a person feels will depend on the thought that proceeded. You are putting too much responsibility on yourself for how things turn out. Your job is to be conscious of how you respond to how things turn out. Yes, we can strategize, but your strategies can only go so far when dealing with another person, especially if you don't know them well because people are always RESPONDING to, not responding because of.
  10. Be careful here, sometimes we just want somebody back to make things right within ourselves. To rewrite the story and then move on. Don't fall into that trap. Saying "it might have been ALL your responsibility" and "IF you just acted a little different', is an indication of this mindset. No, everything worked perfectly to reveal to you whatever it did. There's no if you had acted this way or that way. If, is not Reality. You were both responsible. Takes two to tango. Guilt is very destructive.
  11. If it worked well, where are they now. Well, the last one, since the first one didn't work too well, hence the second one. I don't know if people break up because things are going well. You don't have to answer, since my question is rhetoric and I don't want to pry into your affairs.
  12. Thats what I'm saying. I AM Consciousness that mentally separated myself into thinking I'm just a human. The illusion. You're basically saying the same thing I'm saying. It's just you're seeing Consciousness as a separate entity by saying 'it" and "you". I am both. I separated myself from myself. I am the "it" and the "you" you are referring to.
  13. Great post. I bookmarked for reference and understanding because I think this is the root cause of all the issues the sexes are experiencing in respect to the power struggles and confusion between the sexes. This post is like the answer to the one i created as to why this is happening and the need to get to the root issues and to try and understand the sexes instead of demonizing them when it comes to relationships. You dug deep; and in regards to the masculine and feminine side of things, if we understood these polarities more on an existential level we could at best understand why we have our own issues with the opposite sex and to better understand our own behaviors. Thank you for this.
  14. @Understander @ConseptGreat points, but those are on surface levels. The effects. The after effects. She's explaining why those things arise in the first place, and like she said, which leads to more this and which leads to more that in her 3rd to last paragraph. The cycle that lead up to all you both are discussing. Most generations usually experience effects of the previous generations that preceded the current one. When we see certain trends in society, it's because it was being birthed from generations before and now has been born and manifested for the current one to physically experience. Anything we're doing now within our generation to see changes with, won't be visible for generations to come. This, of course, depends on variables and some will be revealed earlier than some. Each generation creates history not the present, linearly. IOW, what we're experiencing now is what was being formed generations ago, and generations to come will experience what we're birthing now. I predict things getting better in the future as there has been more Awareness on issues spread through the birthing of social media and what we're currently experiencing is the SHIFT towards that betterment.
  15. She went below this surface. You're speaking from a societal pov, she speaks from an existential pov.
  16. If you notice I said your relationship to that identity. You will not suffer if you don't identify with the identity. Meaning, you will see the negative and positive for what they are and not suffer with the negative nor get attached to the positive. You'll be able to see life for what it is. Both the apparent negative and the apparent positive, because they are both only appearances. Appearing from the one Source, which is your true nature, which just is void of all appearances.
  17. If younotice Ok, everything temporary is within Consciousness. That's it. The only thing that matters is if you want to have a joyful experience or one filled with suffering. Your choice, and what will determine that is what you identify as and your relationship to that identity.
  18. Ok, everything temporary is within Consciousness. That's it. The only thing that matters is if you want to have a joyful experience or one filled with suffering. Your choice, and what will determine that is what you identify as and your relationship to that identity.
  19. Everything is temporary. Name one thing that's permanent except for impermanence. One.
  20. You will suffer from something else if you don't confront the root cause of why you suffered to begin with. That was just a symptom. The mind's delusion. "It doesn't matter", you say, but what does matter is you're not conscious of your attachments. She's gone but it will be something else. Contents doesn't matter. She was only a passing band-aid. Now the band-aid is off waiting for you to put another one on because you are still trying to heal the wounds. Wounds that aren't there. So you will forever be band-aiding yourself through life trying to find relief from the mental torture of the mind. Solution: See yourself as whole and complete and also see yourself as not whole and complete. Recognize the duality and live your life with the recognition that the egoic mind seeks to ground itself and it tries to latch on to "things". See it for what it is. Observe it but don't identify with it. Detach from outcomes and embrace the impermanence of life because you are that which all of life's impermanence emerges.
  21. Yes, I understand that. But what are the mechanics of suffering. How did it come about to begin with, not why we suffer. Only @Bazooka Jesuscame close to explaining this. The mechanics of it. I still believe it's the mechanics of the belief in separation. When Consciousness separated itself from itself. Mentally. That's why it's in the mind because it originated in the mind. Birth is separation and death is reunion. A severed hand suffers, put it back together it begins the healing process. Mentally separating ourselves from ourselves we suffer. Unity is wholeness, hence no suffering. We're all trying different band-aids to heal the separation. Through all our desires in life, you name it. It's all an attempt to heal this severance. We just are not putting on the right band-aids which is to recognize ourselves as Source and to live from that place, no matter what.
  22. Ok, whatever you say, my friend. The truth needs no defense. I will say this, though. I have suffered enough. I have made a conscious decision to not let the mind drag me into it's delusion of suffering anymore. I used to suffer, this was before Spirituality found me; before Source revealed itself to me. Now, I only get sad from time to time, but I don't allow the mind to keep me there. It doesn't last long. I rise above it quickly. When I see the power I have to do that, I keep doing it more and more and more. I also try to show people how to do this in my personal life and they are also seeing results. They have told me this. I am a curious being. Too curious sometimes. I want to know about Reality. I am in love with Reality, so naturally I want to know about it's nature and all the intricacies. I find it fascinating. Even suffering. Even happiness. All of it. As much as impossibly can. It's intriguing to me. Everyday I wake up and open my eyes, it feels weird that I was knocked out for a few hrs and here i am again, with the mind blabbering. I pay attention to that, I pay attention to every thought, emotion and feeling. I don't take them for granted. I have become an investigator. There's nothing else to do but to try and survive. Even that intrigues me. Why am I surviving just to die. All if it even suffering, that's why I ask. Only out of curiosity. My suffering now is miniscule. I observe it. I see it for what it is. I empathize with sufferers. I want to help them, but that's only so I don't have to suffer from seeing them suffer. It's still a selfish act. I'm aware of that. I'm learning to let go of the need to help others with their suffering. They need it. Just like I needed mine to get to this point. There lies my biography.
  23. Why? Survival and fear. We see sex as survival. Having our needs met. "You're a threat to that", each says. "What we don't understand we fear. What we fear, we judge as evil. What we judge as evil, we attempt to control; and what we cannot control, we attack". - Unknown Our best defense is knowledge. - Tuvok We don't understand each other. Instead of attacking, why not try to understand. Not just about the sexes, but why there is fear present. Is it vulnerability. Loss of control. Do men feel a loss of control and do women feel vulnerable. Investigate these feelings. This requires self-awareness, evaluating our motives and agendas. Of course, most won't do this or even see it as essential or necessary to combat this issue. "I just want my needs met and you are getting in the way of that. I have no control over what you say or do, and I feel threatened by this so I'm going to retaliate and show you where you're wrong and i'm right". Now, the battle begins. This doesn't just starts and ends on an individual basis; now all men are this and all women are that - no exceptions. All are categorized and lumped into the same bag. The veil is on and the perceptions gets skewed in all cases - unless we become emotionally intelligent enough to see through the veil of perception. To see through our fears and survival mechanisms. But first we have to care. We have to want to understand. The more selfish one is, the less they will care to and will also blame the other sex for this and "invent" reasons why they shouldn't or need not care. It's your fault, why should I change for you, each will say. Then we join and form groups to join in with the battle. Yeah, this pill and that pill and this ism and that ism and we call them "ists" as in feminist and narcissists, and somewhere in between. Men will get angry at all women because one rejected them and women will call all men cheaters if they got cheated on. All these negative traits we label unto both sexes and then we look for reasons to see them as true without investigating why we believe it to be true. Believing is seeing. That is how Reality works, not the other way around. So maybe we can start to get an understanding of why we war amongst each other so much and to see if it is just our own fears and insecurities we are fighting against and to understand that we are projecting those fears and insecurities unto the opposite sex and how can we change the way we see them with awareness. We cannot say everything is Consciousness but fail to consciously see everything.
  24. Nice. The illusion is deep. May I ask, can you ever die in your dream. You know, when you dream at night. I never do; always wake up when I was about to be shot or something like that.