Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. The jealous thing is if she gets jealous on her own, not you purposely trying to make her jealous. An example is if you're in her company and she sees other females looking at you or maybe you're talking to your mom or sister on the phone and she thinks it's another female.....stuff like that. When that happens, and if it's not in a toxic way, it could be good for the both of you because it can be a test for her to realize she really likes you as long as she doesn't respond in an immature way or confront you about it. She might realize on her own that she was mistaken, and her attraction may heighten when she realizes how the misunderstanding made her feel. Trying to make her jealous will not work and only makes her think you're not really interested in her.
  2. Just like you said, it turned around on it's own. The body's responding completely different to whatever stimulii it's been exposed to and the nervous system probably balanced itself out for whatever reason. People outside of spirituality binge on junk food too sometimes because the body/mind is out of whack and they build a better protocol mentally that's more in sync with the natural flow to wean off of it. Same thing.
  3. There's nothing that needs to be done. It's already done. This is wholeness, completeness. No separation. It's alive and new and nothing ever repeats itself. It's all coming from nothing that's appearing as something and the body's response to whatever is happening varies. Doing processes and rituals that's all made up can take a toll on the body's response and it's artificial because they are not natural. Breathing is natural, smiling, laughing, sneezing, going to the bathroom eating, etc. No one had to teach us how to do those things they are natural to the body. Meditation (the one where you try to stop thought), chanting, contemplation, focusing, and all the other spiritual practices we do that has to do with the mind isn't. They may have their benefits temporarily but in the long run they just confuses the body and throws it out of whack similar to fake food and toxic air.
  4. Google
  5. All that's happening here is the body/mind is out of whack. You have put the body through artificial spiritual conditioning that the mind imposed upon it and now the mind is all excited and thinking it's really important, more important than others, all jacked up for nothing and the body can't keep up with it's charades. The body just wants to survive and it knows exactly how to do that all on it's own. It cares nothing about the mind's spiritual conquests and now it's acting out like a little child throwing temper tantrums. This is why the body goes through cravings and apparent rapid and sudden changes during this time. It wants nothing to do with all this spiritual nonsense but the mind wants to keep being fed. So now there's a war going on between the two. This is why a lot of people go through this "unmotivational" time during spiritual awakenings. I can guarantee you that's exactly what Leo is going through right now, amongst others It is dangerous and can cause fatigue and adrenaline imbalance even suicidal thoughts. You might deny this or don't understand it and that's ok too; but it is the case on an experiential level; and because we're so identified with the body, we can feel the aftermath of this phenomenon as it is happening.
  6. There ya go.I lost my taste for Spiritual knowledge. It only masks what this is. I do not go out looking for my purse if I see it right here beside me, now do I. I only have a taste for the here and now and what is. More knowledge is just that, more knowledge. It leads nowhere and only breeds the need for more knowledge. I still watch videos and still do whatever, but it's just like doing anything else. The so-called wise that you refer to them as, are no more wise than you or I. The stupid are no more stupid than you are I - ONLY IN APPEARANCE. The mind is what makes that distinction and the mind isn't real as it's contents are forever changing. The wise weren't born wise and the stupid weren't born stupid. They only appear as such in the infinite scope of things and the only difference between the two is energetic and energy cannot be placed in a box and be defined, so it's all the same thing. You think you're becoming wise by listening to the wise, but all that's happening is you're feeding the mind and it's need for truth. Truth cannot be grasped because Truth, is all there is. It's already the case. Wisdom and stupidity collapses and become one because they are both defined against each other.
  7. @NoSelfSelfanswered your question. Do we talk about our sex life in detail here on the forum. Why not? Same reason.
  8. Why are you quoting me somebody's words. What are my words. I have quotes too. Here's one. "I do not need to become anything. I am what I am and will be what I will be. I didn't ask to come here, so however I got here, that will take care of itself". I don't need to go by anyone's quotes just because my momma and poppa had sex. Quote me a delicious recipe so I can make it for dinner and satisfy the body's hunger. The mind doesn't need anymore spiritual quotes from some dead man.
  9. Only thing i can say is that when I don't, I feel like shit and certain health problems start to arise. As soon as I get back to eating better, they go away. So I don't think it's the eating healthy as much but it's the opposite that creates the problem. Eating healthy probably just puts the body back to homeostasis and eating poorly takes you out of it and sends the body out of whack.
  10. None of this really matters anyway because there are no recipes for what is. What is, is and that's it. There is no point in me saying there's no you or self because who is saying that and to whom. Robert Adams is just a name attached to a body that is speaking words uttered from nothing appearing as some guru teaching something. It's all empty and means nothing. Doesn't mean life won't go on and words won't have meaning and gurus won't exist. It's all appearing from nothing as something, but in the end means nothing. This isn't nihilism, this is freedom, but for no one. The person is freedom appearing as a person. There is no value in this comment and nothing for anyone to grasp.
  11. I am not a liberated being. There's no liberation for "me". Liberation is what the "me" spawned from - so-to-speak. Liberation is not for anyone because there's no one to be liberated. Liberation is already the case, so liberated that it can appear to not be.
  12. Yes, but making a quote like that then saying "you and yourself", defeats the whole purpose of there's nothing you have to do and nowhere to go and nothing to get. One doesn't get up in their daily lives and keep saying there's no me or you and nowhere to get or do when they're going to work or engaging with the world. But sending a message as his doesn't require for you to get between you and yourself because there's no you and there is no self to get in between.
  13. I don't know why it's you think I'm overdosing on anything. Problem is you're still looking up to an authority and you think I'm doing the same. I can listen to Robert Adams and enjoy what he's saying just like I could listen to sponge Bob and enjoy his show. Makes no difference as it's all entertainment. I don't have to listen to anyone anymore about anything spiritual or non-dual when I can see it right before my eyes as in this OP's thread. It's everywhere. Cat chasing it's own tail.
  14. He's probably stepping on an ant right there while filming that video. Poor ant screaming for HELP!!!
  15. Plus I never said all is a dream and all is an illusion, because it isn't. The only illusion is the "me" thinking it's a separate entity. That's the only illusion. That's why it keeps looking to get something and trying to find value. It's all a made up pipe dream. Nothing wrong with that, but it's a hopeless case and will go right back to square one chasing it's own tail just like OP. You're right there's no value in this message and nothing for the person to grasp unto.
  16. There's no one here doing anything and there's no one here to get anything from anything. Life isn't trying to get anything from you, so why are you asking what do I get from it. Your whole life you've been trying to get something from life. There's nothing to get. The wall is not an illusion. The wall is there walling. The only illusion is you thinking there's actually a you who might try to go through an illusory wall and get a bloody head from it.
  17. You should also ask why do you feel the need to have to believe in anything. Maybe the answer to that may reveal something to you. You feel unfulfilled and incomplete for a reason and the reason is that you believe yourself to be what you are not but you are still that anyway but the you is just an effect of that.