Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. I went a little beyond biological.
  2. Maybe that's why most men can come with no sound. Don't know.
  3. @Optimized LifeMy post was very respectful and insightful. Even if it's not so. Look at your trashy, angry full of hate comment to me. Says more about the person than what they do for work.
  4. I said during orgasm. Do you guys even read and compute what I'm communicating. A woman will not orgasm if she's not receiving pleasure.
  5. Since I'm the one getting all the sex and you're not maybe you need to go move and reside yourself in the life purpose section instead of the dating section so you can give me advice there and i may enlighten your sexless body here. Tit for tat.
  6. Can you please go spread the word some more so more people can know. Please hurry. I might miss out. Lol
  7. Lol. Careful you don't get banned yourself. Yeah I'm a working girl, I'm a working girl. I'm a working girl, so what. Are you ashamed for me, cause I'm not. Aren't you looking for free pussy, at least i have standards. Might not be moral in your eyes, but it'll do.
  8. Yeah, I understand the second sentence. Didn't say otherwise. Been with might make a difference for sure because her body has already felt what it felt like if it was very pleasurable. You have a good point there. But strangers, very rare. Actually you do bring up a very good point. That's the difference.
  9. No, but maybe more frequent. Quite the contrary, I think. I think a woman's is more intense and the release even more so. That's why a lot scream and moan and squirm during orgasm. Guys can be silent or with little noise during orgasm. Most are actually. I know because of what I do.
  10. Worthy of it? This is worse than just acting out of horniness. You still say you want to enter her. Doesn't matter the reason. That's still desire. All you're talking about there is mind stuff. A way of being you were forced into being. It's not natural to want somebody to be worthy of you. Still OK if that's what's happening there, I'm saying it's no better or worse than another way.
  11. You're missing the point of what I'm saying. How do you know she was horny. Alcohol can make women do certain things, doesn't mean she was horny and was just her uninhibited side coming out from the alcohol or drugs she's under the influence under. You don't know why.
  12. No. Bear in mind l'm talking about a physical body sensation of horniness. Not attraction and would love to be with him. That's different. Where my pussy gets wet or my nipples get hard, no.
  13. Yeah, they do, but what they really mean is. I'd love for him to want to fuck me.
  14. Yes guys, I do get horny too, never said otherwise. Women are not going around looking at men and then getting horny. We get horny on our own then try to do something about it. A man may not be horny at first, but by looking at a hot chick, that gets him horny. Doesn't matter how attractive a man is or how big his dick is, a woman is not going to get horny just by looking at that. That's why they scream at Chippendales men and men lust after the strippers they are looking at. Screaming does not imply horniness.
  15. He was rocking that shit. Good freestylin', best I ever heard. Thought it was Dj Khaled, at first. Then I noticed it wasn't. Lyrics good too.
  16. To men, women are what's longed for, desired, to women men is the need to fulfill that longing. That's why we are nurturers. @Leo Gura
  17. No. Sorry to break it to you. You think it's you and your tilly willy, but that's not what's happening. Women don't go around saying, "ooh, I'd love to fuck him". Even if she does, it's a different meaning than when men say it about women,
  18. Women don't get horny for men, men get horny for women. Women are just responding. You just don't want to hear all this because you're detached. You give the short version, I give the long one. Same difference.
  19. You said you have IBS, that requires a special kind of diet where certain foods will irritate it. One is nuts. It would be best if you stated your diet and your eating habits because a lot of people think they're eating super healthy when they really aren't.
  20. To give you tinnitus.
  21. Wrong move. The cops would just interrogate and question you for disturbing their coffee breaks and nap time. Checking to see if you have warrants and asking for personal information. Who wants all that aggravation. Just mail it to the address on the ID with no return address. Simple.
  22. If you see my post above (not the product itself), it says the findings concluded that it's not an ear problem but a brain problem. Don't know if that's true just reporting.
  23. Ok. Maybe someone will see this post and get the message and not get duped.😊
  24. Studies show 1/10 people have it. I think that's just the USA.