Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Don't get all woo woo when it comes to sex and this kind of stuff. Even God wants to have some fun too.
  2. Given the hundreds of hours cherry pickers put into their work, you'd think a higher salary than the average worker. Duh. More work doesn't guarantee better benefits.
  3. We will be ancient to other civilizations in the future. 5000+ years from now our present time will also be considered ancient; yet we look up to ancient practices as something special. We revere what ancient civilizations did in their time, their ethics, way of living and being. Ancient Greeks and the Romans are revered. The Egyptians, Persians, Aztecs, Incas, Mayans, Mesopotamians and Babylonians, to name a few. In 5000+ years will the Americans or the Australians be revered for their current practices. Will the people from Third World countries or Asia or Britain? Who were around before the ones we consider ancient. Why do we look upon ourselves as being dumb and stupid but the ancient wise. Will we be the dumb and stupid "new ancients". Why are we trying to eat like them and calling their diet Primal and adopting their rituals. Will our present diet be called Primal 5000 yrs from now? Why are we knocking our own technologies saying they are harmful. Will they still be harmful 5,000 years from now when they become ancient and are sitting in a museum for display and worth millions. The ancient were wise but the modern is dumb. How and why is that. Just food for thought.
  4. Yeah, but you didn't say they hated their lives only that they hated exercising and being healthy. Maybe they enjoy other aspects.
  5. It's an attempt to forgive yourself for disliking half of the earth's population. Your true Self knows it's all you but the egoic mind, which is based in separation, doesn't - but that also is another topic.
  6. Because what's without is a reflection of what's within even though there's really no without, it just appears to be., but that's another topic.
  7. That was obvious. You're ashamed of your biases. Anonymity.
  8. Memories are stored in the heart.
  9. I don't understand. Who/what is worshipping the self. The self cannot worship itself, it can only be itself. Explain please.
  10. What you fear you create. You are subconsciously asking for it when you're focused on what you don't want. It's pretty simple. Focus on what you want to happen, not what you don't want to happen. It's not rocket science. You are the light of Awareness and what you put your attention on expands. This is why it's important to still incorporate Spirituality with the practical side of life because one is not separate from the other, everything is entangled. You don't have to be all Spiritual if that's not your thing and be all in, but at least try to understand how certain aspects correlates to how things work in the "real world" because you are it. Also try to recognize what is it within you that you are either fighting against or resisting why you keep attracting these circumstances to you to begin with; and please don't do the blame game thing because that's just projecting victimhood behavior. You have the power to attract and repel so try to adjust your thinking, concept of self and how you view the world around you to limit how much of these circumstances shows up in your awareness.
  11. You sure have a way with words. Usually spot on, too.
  12. Its because of all the Solipsism talk, and confusion around it.
  13. Just so you know, when I was disliked before people knew me I was just sitting and minding my business. Even on this forum it has been said how "I didn't like Princess Arabia before but now I find her to be........."forget the exact words here, it was under a thread about women of the forum. So, you see, you can be disliked for reasons other than what you caused on yourself. I don't feel hurt, irked. Irked from people's ignorance. Irked that humans can be so judgemental where we class and group people into categories just from their little experiences and bubbles. 8billion people are judged because of a few thousands behaviour and i pushed it with that figure. Makes no sense. Every black person is this because all the ones I met were that. Every rich person is this because all the ones I met were that, Every pretty girl is this because all the ones I met were that. That alone is silly. Then again you are all there is and nothing exists outside your consciousness so what you're conscious of is all there is. Thanks for the reminder and the proof. It doesn't really matter anymore as I've recognized the delusion and the game being played, so my long rant was just another part of the fucking play and my being irked is another and you hating pretty women another and so it goes on forever. Enjoy the ride. Ha ha ha
  14. Not while there are still upsides. Doesn't take a lot of time when you're a part of something to create an analysis. You're entangled with it and I'm very observant by nature. Took me 15mins maybe from start to finish, Nothing in my post suggests I was thinking about leaving. If I was leaving I would say bye you'all nice meeting ya or just leave. I would never make a post about leaving so I don't look like an ass if a decide to return, taking a break maybe but not leaving.
  15. This kid is amazing.
  16. No, you can go enjoy your stomach ache, I'll take a mental ache any day over a stomach-ache. At least i can control the mind in a split second, the stomach will need more than an Awareness I AM chant to cure.
  17. Oh my! Not sure if your comments here are upsides or downsides 'cause I have to keep hitting up Google for translations. I should have made an undecided list. Bomboclaat. Right back at ya, now your turn to go search.
  18. I know suffering can be enlightening and causes one to get closer to God or whatema wanna call it and make one realize their true nature and awaken to the nature of what a cake really is. It is just THIS. But that stomach ache after eating plenty of just THIS won't be just THIS after I done call out the name of Jesus Christ to infinite latitudes. It'll be NEVER THIS ANYMORE.
  19. Had to look that word up. Touché! Good word to describe Leo's narcissistic comment. Then again he's, admitting to having downsides, narcissists don't do that, so Touche.
  20. 😘😘😘Don't get any ideas now - nor anyone else. Mind your business.