Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. And why would she want to do that for any man. What would be the reason to dedicate her life for 3-5yrs before she has been declared by you to be worthy of so and so. I would really love to hear this answer. Put yourself in her shoes and tell me why she would do these things in the 1st place.
  2. It's OK for you to be very visual but not for a female to feel taken care of? Like I said, before rushing off calling women gold-diggers check how you're brushing off your craving for hot chicks saying its because you're visual. That's what I mean by biased. You don't even make sense in your reasoning. How? You say you want a woman to like you for your looks, well, are women visual creatures too when it comes to men, or is it just men.
  3. And how is she supposed to earn that right may I ask.
  4. What's the difference. Get out of your head. You're just being biased and selfish. You're the one putting value on your looks and personality. What's the difference what yours doing and what she's doing. NOTHING. Only because it serves you. Do you think Donald Trump cared if his wives thought he was good looking or had a banging personality or not. No, because all he wanted was a hot chick. Why aren't you saying you don't care what a woman looks like, I just want a nice girl with a good personality. Hypocritical of you to be judging these women and calling them gold diggers while you're looking for a hot chick.
  5. And these men are looking to use these women for whatever they use them for. If you were willing to give women your money, vacations and free shit because they were hot, why say the women are using them. You want them to go around getting used by guys that don't give a damn. You're not on here saying how you want to find a hot chick to marry, have kids and treat her like a queen. You're just looking to have sex. You're the user. Hot chicks don't owe you anything. They're not whores nor users, the men are. At least the hot chicks are offering something other than their pussies, can't say the same for guys just looking to get laid.
  6. Leo did not call anyone a whore. You guys crack me up sometimes. Out here looking for hot chicks to bang then calling them whores. I wonder who's the whore for a hot chick. At least the hot chicks are looking for things of value, what are you looking to do besides bang.
  7. Why did the word whore had to come out of your mouth. You wouldn't stand a chance just because of how you see them. Girls can smell a mile away guys who use that language and will ignore you just because.
  8. Sometimes these hot chicks are banging regular guys with no money or status just because they're fun while milking the cow. Half the time these girls aren't really sleeping with the guys giving them shit, then they go home and sleep with the other dude who turns them on and sometimes even treat them like shit.
  9. Magnificent!!
  10. Whose the me you're referring to.
  11. There is no you. There is only Source or whatever you want to call it.
  12. Things change and we all go berserk. You want things to stay the same; but there are times in life where the things we once knew or have gotten used to are either no more or different. Train your mind to adapt to changes. The Leo you once knew is still here. He will get old and grey one day. Are you going to say what happen to the Leo you once knew.
  13. What I'm trying to tell you is this. Time doesn't exist existentially. It's the mind that processes it linearly to allow us to experience life. Everything is actually happening all at once. The reason why when you go to sleep and wake up and it seems like time didn't pass is because of this . Sleep=no mind. Waking state=mind. So, this comes into play when we're talking about manifestation. If you focus on the when, you're in resistance mode. You have to act as if you already have it, align with it NOW vibrationally, become that person NOW, and you will start to see circumstances and situations that matches the same frequency. In other words, don't worry about time because time doesn't really exist, be concerned with the person you are becoming and your state of consciousness and you will start to see things in alignment with that.
  14. Depends on the type of porn and how you use it.
  15. DRAGON FRUIT Rich in vitamins Boosts immune system Heart health Improve digestion Anti-fungal/bacterial Alleviates Arthritis
  16. LEMONGRASS Rich in folic acid, folate, zinc, magnesium, copper, potassium, iron, phosphorous, manganese, calcium, vitamins A,B,C. Also known as fever grass. It is anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antidepressant, antiseptic, antibacterial, astringent, antifungal, diuretic and anti-aging Use with caution and consult your physician before use as it can counteract with certain medications. Here is a lemongrass/mint/ginger tea. Just boil all ingredients in a pot for 10min and steep for 5mins after boiling to let the flavors meld.
  17. Flouride is found naturally in certain foods but excess can cause dental flourosis. No need to get extra. This is a current debate even with the pros about the harmful effects of flouride, so I would have to go and dig deep. I'd rather not have it in my toothpaste as I'm probably drinking it in water. One less headache I have to be concerned with. Excess flouride is not good so I try to limit my intake when I can.
  18. Leave all that alone and focus on what interests you. Reality is Infinite so all must exist. Can't have peace without war. Stop questioning what life is doing. Question "who am I". The answer to that will end all those kinds of inquiries. Those things will take care of themselves. The world is not fucked up. Your mind is.
  19. Well, I guess there are no upsides either. Can't have one without the other, relatively speaking.
  20. It's not whose better. They all contribute something, depending on what you're looking to accomplish or want to know, etc. Think and grow rich is a book, esther is a person.
  21. Yeah I saw pink elephants falling out the my imagination.
  22. All beautiful. I AM...
  23. If you notice in my comment I said we're not really attracting. What you're not recognizing is that you are the director. There are different movie scripts and your identity depends on which script unfolds in your life. You're also not realizing that when you call it nonsense, that becomes true for you and vice versa. Reality is forever changing because of this. There are no facts.
  24. It doesn't care what you think. It's actually The Law of Vibration. You attract what you're in resonance with. It's working at all times. You're just not conscious that you're doing it. You're really not even attracting, it's just happening. You're vibrating on a particular frequency and will "attract" things to you that are similarly vibrating on that frequency. It's an identity shift.