Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Time doesn't pass for the "live" either, it just appears to because of the mind. So technically we're already dead.
  2. Hmmm, interesting. I always wondered this. Maybe that's what's going through a lot of white men's minds why some of them love black women; especially the Irish, Germans and Italians, not excluding a few other nationalities. Most don't know I'm Jamaican till they speak to me so it's not that, but just about every white guy I came across who were attracted to me were one of those, some Jews too but not many. I remember once in bed i was talking dirty and kept say "you love this black pussy, huh, yeah baby turns you on, huh, yes baby, take me baby, take that black pussy baby', and we weren't even having intercourse, just that alone turned him on and made him cum. He felt too inferior to me to allow him to penetrate this precious flower of a black juicy pussy so he had to do with some heavy grinding. Made a lot of money with this white man's fetish. So did a lot of other pretty black girls in the field. So, I guess being seen as inferior has it's quirks. Most of the men I've been with outside of work were white and they worshipped this black beauty so maybe they liked to feel inferior to a black goddess and felt excited by the power of a woman who they thought was inferior to them; Geesh once I even had a white slave who did everything for me and worshipped the ground i walked on so much so he wanted me to use him as a foot stool and his mouth as an ashtray. Darn, I miss those days. Oh well, maybe that's why most men feel so insecure to women black or not and want them hot to uplift their precious little egos so they can feel worthy of a woman's body and femininity and by banging a hot chick it makes them feel like a man. Squirm baby, squirm.
  3. Don't play wit me.
  4. OK sir.
  5. The Universe is marveling in it's creations and having a grand 'ole time in bliss, joy, excitement and ecstasy, why so serious. Whatever is, is. Nothing will change what is. What's real cannot be threatened, what's unreal doesn't exist. Respect, devotion and awe of what is, is all that's needed. The other stuff is add-ons, a way to show curiosity with child-like wonder. Get to know the Universe and it's wonders and marvel at how beautiful it is. The Universe doesn't care about teachings and gurus and Spirituality that has turned into a religion. It doesn't care whose right or wrong. All the important stuff is within you, be still and know. Ask and it will be revealed. The Universe is speaking, it speaks without words, go deep within and listen. No man can give you any teachings that you can't give yourself as to what's important and that is to get to know thyself.
  6. Young men who know nothing about femininity thinks that it means to be hot. A fat woman can be feminine, a not so attractive woman can be feminine, a skinny woman and a tall or short. Just because a girl is hot doesn't mean she's feminine. A feminine woman acts feminine. Just because she wears a skirt doesn't mean she's feminine. If she wears trousers doesn't mean she's not feminine. If she's ugly doesn't mean she's not feminine. A man isn't masculine just because he has muscles and a beard. It's a trait, a way of being, a character and personality not how one looks and dresses. She can look like the hottest chick in town and still be masculine in her behavior.
  7. I feel sorry for any average-looking woman who hooks up with you because you won't be able to see pass her looks if you think you'll be settling. You call women who look for status etc gold-diggers but you call it settling for an average looking woman. You never once said anything about a respectable, loving, kind-hearted, loyal, sweet, fun-loving, etc woman....just hot! and will be settling if anything less. Now you see why hot chicks like to go for what they go for, because they can and they know they are valuable. You just said that here because you will be SETTLING for less. Why should any hot chick have to prove her worth to you if you'll be settling for her opposite.
  8. because women like to feel a certain way. Money and status makes her FEEL protected and whatever else is instinctual. You have to get it that women don't view men the same way as men view women. You're here in this comment asking why would any hot girl be sexually turned on.........YOU get sexually turned on by her looks, a woman doesn't go around trying to get sexually turned on, a woman doesn't have to be sexually turned on at first to wanna sleep with you.
  9. She will still want to feel safe and protected in a way that she trusts you to be there for her in different ways. It all depends what type of feminine guy and masculine woman and the dynamic of the relationship.
  10. It's obvious from all his comments in this thread. You can tell he's been watching all that crap.
  11. No I'm saying in the video he's talking about 50. Did you even watch your own video. Listen, in the beginning of this thread you seemed to have a problem with women dating for status and $$, yet you want them to be submissive and be all in with you. Why would a level-headed woman submit to a loser.
  12. Brad Pitt doesn't ooze sex appeal, he oozes good looks and status and rich. Women don't care about sex appeal. Those things are her sex appeal.
  13. @HardkillYou're sending mixed messages. First you have a problem with women looking for status etc, then you post a video about a man talking about how 50cent says ride or die with me (50 has status). You think 50 is getting those women with looks and personality? No. So which is it. Should women look for the men with status and $$ to submit to or submit to the ordinary guy with nothing going on.
  14. Yes, but in a different way as the type you'll attract will be more masculine.
  15. Try again. Youve got it all wrong. Some of the stuff you said uptop, there's nothing wrong with that as in supporting a man in his endeavors etc. You use the word compliant as if she's your daughter. Compliant as in her boss. A man doesn't have to seduce a woman with sex appeal. It's a turn off. That's feminine behavior. A man needs to show a woman he has her back, he's there for her, she can count on him, a protector. If she already chose you, no need for sex appeal. Those things I mentioned is her sex appeal from you. What you gonna do.....wear some garter belts for her and some thongs and flash your hair to the side?
  16. Don't even bother to try and decipher why to go through all that for hotness. It's a survival thing. If a part of your identity is trying to survive as a guy who gets hot chicks you'll do what it takes maybe until that runs it's course.
  17. I know, right. It's not one or the other. I'm neither submissive nor masculine and dominant. Not even anywhere in-between.
  18. Insecure men love submissive women. That said, we still have to define submissive, it's different for everyone. My definition is a woman that does everything a man tells her to do and be at his beckon call. Be his sex slave.
  19. Ok, I get what you're saying.
  20. Ok, good luck finding your hot-sex slave.
  21. @HardkillStop watching those redpill stuff. It's obvious you're just talking, not from experience, but from what you've heard from videos and hearsay. Try going out and dealing with real women. You're just arm-chair philosophizing about the dating world and women and your ideas about women.
  22. Thought so. You cannot answer. I'm still waiting to hear the answer to why should she dedicate 3-5yrs with you first to do all you stated above to prove herself worthy of you. I didn't ask you what made a woman feel feminine, i asked WHY SHOULD SHE DO THOSE THINGS FOR YOU. what is it about you.
  23. This is just something you've heard somewhere and picked up. Women don't get turned off by men that thinks they're hot. Quite the contrary. Seeing a woman as hot and even telling her that doesn't lower your value. This is silly.
  24. You didn't answer my question. Why would she do those things in the first place.