Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. I'm looking right at what. Reality. Sure I'm looking at reality but its alive and I'm not saying I'm seein god or anything other than that this is it, there's nothing else but this, its right here and right now. Only thing is I can't see it in me but everything else i can. I'm not really seeing anything different but I can see the aliveness. The breath so to speak its hard to describe.
  2. I'm going to log off now and go to bed but I just want to say, I'm not claiming any enlightenment or any awakening. I don't know what that is all i know is that this is it. It is not hidden, it is everything. It is what's living. It is what's alive. Even, I was going to say my dead mother but that is just speculation because ilm not seeing my dead mother now, ilm just assuming and thinking if I was to see my mother in her grave now that would be itm so thats just my imagination. But right here now now its here. It is whats being everything. The only thing I'm not sure of is if it is being me. Because I can still feel me and everything about me is the same except for what I'm conscious of. What I'm conscious of I can see it but not see it like I normally see I can SEE it, even in the space I can see it, some how I can't see it in me. Anyway, I'm going to bed now and i think you can see it too if you just look around you. Funny how nobody responded yet. I just started laughing cause now my cat is gone out the window and nobody is responding and I don't hear anything but that whistling sound. But I'm not going to make a spectacle of this because I know I'm not all alone , just right now I can't hear or see anybody but its night time here and its dark outside so thats normal. I wish somebody would say something here though cause I'm starting to freak out thinking about that video where that man was all alone walking through town video taping himself all alone. But I'm not going to freak out because ........ooops somebody just made a comment. Ok, enough, of that phew.
  3. I can't see it but I can see it. It is this. Everything I'm conscious of is it. It is not consciousness my consciousness is seeing it. I'm not aware of it. It is me saying I'm aware of seeing it. I cannot see it in me, I cannot feel it in me. It is only apart from me. Like I'm not apart of it. Like ilm separate from it. It feels weird, i feel like me but I don't know. Its weird. Everything is normal but i feel separate from it, kike I'm just the watcher. Like I'm ilm just trying to describe it and its not working, so I'll just leave that alone but its here. Everywhere, alive. Its like I'm the conscious one and its not its just doing everything and ilm conscious of its doing and presence, thatls the best way to describe it. Sorry for all the errors but I don't feel like proof reading right now. I'm not hysterical or anything never was only kept saying Oh god, oh god oh god oh god and started crying then decided about 5 mins in to document it. I was about to type ilm still not sure, but I'm sure. There's no mistaking this. You can too its right there where you are, alive, thats me telling you but still just look around you, thats it see it right there right now where you are. Ilm very stable, was through this whole writing I only cried for like 5 to 10 mins. I'm writing like I write any other 'ist now except I'm not bothering to correct any spelling or grammar. This is different from my its obvious post. This is not obvious. This is just here. Right here.
  4. There's no enlightenment no awakening just a seeing. I can just see it. In the trees in the wind, I can hear that hissing silent sound in my room but that's not it. It isn't it isn't that sound. That sound is just a sound. The tree is just a tree I don't see it in the tree but I see it in the tree, no as the tree.
  5. As I am typing this, I'm still in awe. This is live right now. But it's leaving me. No its not. I want it to leave but it won't. This is not hysteria, I am calm right now typing this but I'm thinking it was just a glimpse and now its leaving but as I'm typing im typing as it. I think I am. I'm trying to be normal incase im just being silly. I'm very normal I'm not doing anything no drinking no weed. I think I'm back to normal. No. I'm just not crying anymore but it is here, not over there just everywhere but only what I'm conscious of.
  6. There is no, I have to die and blend into anything. There is no if I say I thats not it. There is no if I can recognize myself thats not it. It's just it. Doing me. Writing this, but I can see myself writing this. And I am saying i am writing this. Thoughts and everything. I can't see the thoughts so I don't know what thoughts are but I can see what I can see and I can see it. I can't feel it, I can only feel my nose and my fingers typing. Its not within me it is me.
  7. That just appeared out of nowhere. Lol
  8. You're using an immaterial thing (thought) to formulate your sentences. To post on an apparent physical computer which relates the message through an immaterial medium called the internet which requires an immaterial signal called Wifi. If you notice the only thing material is the apparent computer, apparent meaning seeming real or true but not necessarily so.
  9. I don't understand, there is no past. Also how can something infinitely exist in passing if there is no time.
  10. Yeah but you still know that the movie is still just a movie. How am I confused. The relative is still a part of the Absolute, but the relative is illusory. If you know the relative is illusory then what's the point in not acknowledging that the advice is also illusory. It's like saying I know we live in an illusory world and nothing is really happening, but still take this advice as if it's real.
  11. Because there is no one doing anything. It's utter perfection like you said.
  12. Looks around where, if there is no space. Oh, I forgot, space doesn't exist neither does time. It's illusory. So, God is illusory confused looking for illusory advice and it takes an illusory human to give it to another illusory human who is all alone since there is no other. Did you illusorily understood this illusory explanation?
  13. Or if everything is full of shit.
  14. There's no movement only apparently so. Thats the fucking mystery and the joke. Stillness, with experience apparently happening to no one. That's the dream of the I AM.
  15. Did you notice the question asked. "If I let go of my stories, what remains". That answers everything. This shit is in plain sight and no one taunted him to ask that question. He's not even that into Spirituality and all this bullshit we always get into on here. But look at what he asked.
  16. There's no ultimate experience. There's no one experiencing anything, experience is the dream of the 'I". The contraction of the I energy. Let that go and it's just raw aliveness with no I with the recognition that experience never really happened. That there was no I to begin with.
  17. Lol, truth Not even...just what is.
  18. So now, part of your world view has been shattered, now everybody gotta be careful. That's a part of YOUR story that doesn't exist but as an illusion. It didn't fit into your vision and doesn't fit into your identify. Don't worry, nothing will change and nothing will crumble because it never happened to begin with. Not what appeared, but the stories you told yourself about what appeared. If language wasn't invented and this woman appeared on a screen and all you saw was her mouth moving, you wouldn't have built a narrative about what was being said because you wouldn't have had any idea. Now the narrative isn't fitting into the rest of your house of cards and now,,,,,,,ooohhhhh, be careful guys. Makes no difference. Wake up, you're dreaming. Just see the beauty of existence and leave your stories and ideas about it behind. Existence is not a dream, your ideas and stories about it is.
  19. Yeah, you're right. We just have ideas about what we think people are and the confusion stems from what we believe to be true when there's actually nothing to understand. Understanding is limited and this isn't.
  20. If you notice I said "appear" to benefit.
  21. There's no you. It's a contraction in the body that appears and you claim it as the "I", and now you're constructing your world and see everything as in relation to the next and what happens as an effect from what happens previously and now there's cause and effect and you believe it and now the "I" gets solidified and belief systems are formed built around stories upon stories and more stories and now you suffer because you believe they are happening to you and it feels so real because of this contraction and it's stuck in a loop. Take the 'I' out the equation and things are just happening, to nonone. The "I" is a dream.
  22. I thought it was, "it doesn't matter whose doing it as long as it's good". Never mind. Different strokes for different strokers.
  23. Love is just love it doesn't need a conditioned you to make it so.
  24. Different strokes for 20yr Olds. The real strokes get better with age.
  25. he doesn't have views about women, he has views about himself and projecting it unto women, young old, feminists and anywhere in-between. Nobody has a problem with it, we're just having a delightful conversation, unlike the feminists who wants to seriously fight and compete with men. I couldn't care less.