Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. I was countering your lack statement. You are basically saying the same thing here as in my statement. There is only love. The rest are illusions.
  2. I'm not really referring to the act of having sex with a hot girl but guys who are only interested in them, taking them out or marrying them or only to be seen with a hot chick.
  3. Let us not admire people who appear to be faithful because all that does is put them up on a pedestal and putting people who decide to do the opposite beneath them. They are no better or worse for doing that, if that's the case, because there's nothing wrong with someone if they choose to sleep with 1000 people. These PUA's don't appear to be married and even then, it's their business and not a moral thing to judge. You don't know them personally or even if they've slept with men or other women, plus the fact that these women aren't model-type figures in your eyes, doesn't mean they don't see them as such and even more beautiful than the typical model type. These men are already secure and don't need a trophy wife to make them feel any more secure in their manhood because they are the ones sought after and don't have to prove anything to anyone when it comes to what they are worth in terms of who they are. Men who only go after hot girls are insecure within themselves and are seeking an arm candy to boost their self-esteem. Most not all.
  4. This just sounds like woman hate. Why don't you not do your hair, don't shower, don't shave, wear what the homeless and bums wear, don't worry about how you smell or how you look, not even how you appear. See how that works for your psyche, self-esteem and survival mechanisms. I have held on to my beauty way past 5-10 yrs to the point no one guesses my age. Women aren't trying to trick anyone by just being and wearing make-up, like I said don't wear anything fancy, don't come on here asking about shirts and what looks appealing because all you are is a hypocrite and a fucking ass to be saying you like 20yr Olds who can orgasm and are tight and submissive and not tainted, then turn around and say within 5-10 yrs they are worthless. Typical scumbag of a male you are. You disgust me.
  5. There's no lack of anything because THIS is all there is. No less no more. All THIS is, is unconditonal love. All you mentioned are just energies apparently appearing as.....
  6. I want to cry reading this post. Hang in there. You will come out of this okay. You will. Strip yourself of all your beliefs now and just know you will be ok no matter what. Put your hand on your heart. Feel it beating. Know there's a life force powering through you. It is always with you no matter what. Forget about all teachings now. Move to that which is. The presence within you that never changes. Move to it. Acknowledge it with all your heart and it will acknowledge you back. Don't beg, don't plea, don't ask, just acknowledge it's presence. Surrender to it and know that you are ok no matter the outer circumstances. You will see a shift. You will know eventually what I'm saying if you keep it there. No doubts from you because the mind will go there. If you find the mind doubting, let it be and don't acknowledge it. Go back to the heart, that's truth, the mind is all fabrications. Allow yourself the space between where you are now and where you will be. You are already there but you have to not acknowledge the fears and doubts and all the negative emotions that are arising. See them for what they are but don't identify with them. Don't try to push them away either. See them as a person at the door that you know is there but you refuse to open the door. They'll eventually go away to allow for presence to shine through. We all love you here and reach out to anyone if you feel the need to as how you made this post. This is the start. This post is the beginning of the shift and you will see and feel this shift soon. Just don't let the mind get a whole of you during this time. Allow it to rant and rave but don't energize it just let it be.
  7. yes, yes, yes. I hear you only please don't use the word manipulation for working girls and girls in the adult industry because they have branded on their foreheads what they are about. That is not manipulation. That is straight and raw and is up to the client to know from the bat what he's getting into.
  8. I'm done with this thread. I can't be bothered. OP do what you're comfortable doing and don't listen to some because their advice will be coming from personal biases and dislikes for women in the industry for whatever reasons. Be advised that she might not be suitable for a personal non-intimate relationship but not because she's on OF because maybe she's open to that but from who she is personally and her private life. Kudos to you for not judging these women based just off of what they do as a profession does not define one's character even though one's habits may and can be formed through this alone. Life is about taking chances and being open to all possibilities so don't limit yourself to just certain ways of meeting women as people who meet the sexes in the traditional way can also become victims and are also in positions to become hurt. At least you'll eliminate this barrier from the start and will not be in for any surprises if she wants money from you, unlike the other pretentious women out their who will try to manipulate you and be sly about their intention. You are one up in this category.
  9. Cut the crap. Some people are addicted to this forum, do you say Leo is feeding their addiction. And I can replace the forum with a lot more things including some rich people's addiction to wealth of which making smart phones is one of their products of which I'm sure you possess. Do you say yours feeding their addiction by buying a phone. This is the problem with judgements, close-mindedness and biases, we're blinded by our own.
  10. You're right, I didn't have to go there. I will not answer you if I'm still a stripper because I don't know where you're going with that and i don't want to have to show up some ignorance. So just say what you're saying.
  11. Exactly. Geesh, most these guys will go out just looking to get laid but what comes with that, some lying and scheming and manipulating. Nobody cares about that, but let some girl advertise she's not available for casual sex, but will do it for a price truthfully and now its a problem.
  12. Stop speaking for most men. They know where to go get love if they wanted to. Most know they won't get it there so no need to even go there. Smh.
  13. We don't really care that much because there are millions that don't and are happily contributing. Ever been to a strip ckub lately or seen a happy camper exiting a massage parlor, or the smile on a guys face that just got the best head ever and would pay hundreds for that head that lasted 10mins and keep coming back for more and would hate to give that up for some relationship that he claims would only be a headache. Why you think their are so many NSA's on dating sites. They just want some free pussy with no strings attached. Some men just rather prefer to get it on and that's what these women are for, don't hate. Trust me, they aren't lonely, they just love what they do and are addicted to it. B
  14. I will leave you alone on this because you have no idea what you're talking about. Furthermore, it's not the lonely men that see adult workers as much, it's the ones who are already attached and secured their pussies at home and now they go out to get their fucking fantasies met. I have yet to meet many single men in this field because most of them are out trying to find a mate, gf, wife first and then go see these workers. 90% of policemen, firefighters, corporate CEOls lawyers, doctors, blue collar workers and much more are not lonely fat bald men who cannot get laid. Most men who cannot get laid are either watching PUA's, home depressed, paying for coaching lessons, or maybe on forums arguing with strippers about what are like.
  15. Believe it or not, A LOT OF GUYS WANT TO BE IN THIS POSITION. That's what this work is for. Grown men don't need saviors. I have been in this field of work for many years and some of these guys aren't interested in you if you're not selling a fantasy. Leave it alone because you have no idea what goes through the minds of some men. Yes, i understand your concern for OP, and I'm not saying to leave him alone and not say whatever you're so inclined to say to him but I'm saying in general some of these men don't really want you to generally care for them, they love the fantasy. If they didn't they wouldn't be there in the first place.
  16. Byron Katie, in her own words, explains what it means to say All is Imaginary. The part where she explains this starts from marker 8:15. It might give you a better understanding of what this means.
  17. Just this right here tells me you don't care about other's perspectives, only your own because you don't see the value in someone's that is coming from direct experience. It says a lot, alright, says this girl has been through it. It's OK for you to tell me I don't know about what guys are trying to do with my sex because ilm not a guy, but not OK for me to tell you how it is in this field and now it's "that explains a lot". Whose biased now.
  18. Yeah you're right because the guys I tried to make it with without the money factor in the past, changed on me for the worst. I wasn't the one, they were. It's like they couldn't believe I would date them with that not being in the picture. So you're right when it comes to that but please don't look at it from one side. I've gad men told me before that they look up more at women who do this work than to give it up for free. Bias may play a role for me here but I can assure you that i'm also speaking from a more generalized perspective as I do in most areas. I don't need to be biases if i'm speaking from what actually happens and not from speculation. I will leave you be with your speculations of me and this field of work as I can see where your bias will lie also in your interactions with me.
  19. Not everything you're doing in your life now is good and i can guarantee more than half isn't. Doesn't mean you need anyone to tell you to stop and go elsewhere or do something else.
  20. Just because she says so, doesn't make it so. She has some good points but her use of the word manipulate doesn't say much. You have to understand that some women have been cheated on by their men with a more beautiful woman than them and they will go around saying things like these about women because of this.
  21. Silly, silly, silly. It takes two to tango and i'm the girl guys are trying to get so yes I do have a say. Plus I also do have a say on this topic because it is what I do for work. So double-whammy here.
  22. Thank you. I married my husband as a stripper and I wasn't traumatized nor was I using him and only taking his money. He proposed and i accepted. It was that simple. This isn't stripping, but it's still in the so hated critized adult industry.