Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. You're assuming OF girls sleep around. A virgin can do OF. When I was a stripper, and I was for 5yrs, I never slept around, never even slept with a patron. I'm a working girl now and i haven't had straight-up sex in years. Other stuff but not sex. I'm probably the most sexless person on earth. People will judge and talk shit, while they're the ones getting banged up. Don't assume people are sleeping around just because they are on camera.
  2. None. No such thing. Favorite character, now that's a different story.
  3. Why do people buy into a fantasy, then complain when it doesn't align with "real life". It's comical. Actually it does mimic real life circumstances if you really think about it. Then we complain that it's fake because there's money involved, but when we go on real dates and buy dinner, that's different. When we pay for the movie ticket, that's different because she didn't get the money directly, the movie theater did so that doesn't count. Ever considered that there's money involved in just about everything and that you're the one placing the value on the dollar. It's just you think buying OF is different than buying dinner. Then you feel duped when your needs don't get met because you don't like paying to feel wanted or loved. But its OK to pay for a full stomach or it's OK to buy a soda but not for a girl to show her ass. It's OK to pay for a subscription but then it's not ok when I still feel empty inside. Lol
  4. Two negatives cancels out each other in a sentence. So you're saying the choices we make has to be dependent on a prior choice that was dependent on a prior influence? So we are making choices but the choice is already predetermined?
  5. I thought we were never born, will never die, and that the brain is imaginary.
  6. Nor sure what type of skin and some oils can clog pores. Black seed oil is great. Even for allergies so I would recommend, also Oil of Oregano.
  7. It becomes clear when there is no "you" in the equation. It's all just happening, including empty bodies with no substance. NOTHING THERE. The dream is us thinking there's an us, or we or people or humans. It's all the Absolute appearing as it wants. Nothing more nothing less and that's even too descriptive.
  8. You are it. You're seeking to stop seeking. Recognize this and seeking ends. It's all the Absolute and the Absolute is all there is. Take the "you", that you think you are and all your stories out the equation and it becomes obvious.
  9. Start from "or you can perceive that there really is no experience and nothing ever happened, just an illusion, an empty hologram", and beyond. That's it. Scrap the rest.
  10. Eat pure raw honey. Aldo put on your face to help with the appearance of fine lines and dehydration.
  11. These are just stories trying to explain and give reasons as to why we ask why. No one is asking anything. "Why-ing" is just happening. There's no one asking why and there's no self. Only the Absolute, which is no-thing appearing as everything. You're trying to make meaning of the meaningless. It has to make sense so you tell stories to make it make sense. Everything is just happening for no reason. The "I" story is the dream. Drop the "I" and there is no need to explain why someone asked why, because it just happened out of nowhere.
  12. The mind doesn't exist neither does a Universe. The presumed mind is what created the presumed Universe. That's why it presumably seems to have it all answered.
  13. No wonder you're sexless. Hehe
  14. Lol. It's the comment that's weird. Nothing wrong with the words. Hehe
  15. We are all in this together. We are all interacting as holograms. Even the trees and cars and stones and rocks. EVERYTHING. Except the "screen" from which they appear. That's the only "thing" that's real. It's all an illusion. ALL OF IT. This is why it's forever changing. Like a movie within a screen. This is what it means to say you are the tree, the rock, the chair. You don't look at a tv or movie screen and separate it. It's all one. It's all the same. Just different characters and objects playing on one screen. The same screen. All your ideas, concepts, beliefs ideologies and world views are all thoughts, which is also illusory. Without thought, there is no you. Take the thoughts away and it's just what's happening. Which is really nothing; only appearing as something. It's stillness appearing to move. The TV screen doesn't move, only what's within it. There is no present moment, no I, no enlightenment, no awakening, take away thought, and walla, it's just THIS. No one to enlighten, no one to become awakened; holographic enlightenment and holographic awakening, that's it. That's why you are everything. The whole screen and it's contents. No separation. No mind, there are people without minds. People born blind and deaf and dumb. People with no feelings. Not needed for the experience, because there's no one experiencing - only experience happening. That thing that has followed you around since you can remember you as a self is the screen. It never left, nor did it ever change only it's contents. Try looking through your eyes, you can see it. You blend right in. No separation. Only apparently so. That's the trick, the magic. It's so obvious. The mystery. This is why none of us makes it out alive; because there's nothing here but nothing appearing as something, which is illusory; and illusions are just that illusions which appear as something that it's not and cannot exist on it's own. You are that which never changes. It's all a dream, being dreamt by no one. Call the screen God if you may. Doesn't matter, but that's all there is and will ever be. It's just what is. There's still life going on. So, keep on keeping on.
  16. Your life must be pretty boring. Made me laugh, though.
  17. It's already working, already has been, your entire life. That's why you haven't been, because you kept saying you haven't. You will manifest horrors of a gf if you keep seeing them that way, that's the difference.
  18. You see, you really don't want what you say you want because you keep talking against it. Your heart is not aligned with the mind. One says one thing and the other another. Robotic affirming won't help you, if you don't practice NOW to stop bashing women. Why? Because you can't robot affirm 24/7 and the moments you're not you'll just be thinking the opposite and be "waivering", like she suggests in the video. You are oblivious to what you're doing when you entertain these kinds of comments and mental visions in the mind. Cut it out.