Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. All that is irrelevant to what I'm pointing to because there's nothing that's happening that shouldn't happen. You're still thinking there's a person inside this body that can feel bliss if they do so and so - no such thing because that will just be another passing phenomenon, of which we have no control over. My current life could be in a death trap right now and it wouldn't make a difference, to me it would, but that would be what is happening. Depression, anxiety, sadness, grief could also be there, but that still is what is happening. You're saying you cannot help making up stories but you're still rebutting my comment and bringing up more stories as to why I'm not in bliss and asking who am I talking to and blah blah. I make up stories too and I'm also deluded but the difference is, I won't go around disputing that and asking people why they're not in a blissful state or whose talking to whom or what's this forum. I used to, but not anymore. I'm not starting from the top down because there is no top down, only what is. Even if you think I'm playing mind games, doesn't matter because that's also what is. You cannot escape what is.
  2. Great. You're trying to master no mind because of what the mind is doing. It has nothing to do with you. The only thing to master is to allow the mind to be there without engagement. No one masters thinking, because thinking just happens. Yes, the Absolute is all there is; but you still have a sense of doership when there's no one doing anything it's ALL JUST HAPPENING. Nothing right or wrong with what you're saying because it's all happening too, but it's just words but you will get nowhere trying to......clear the mind because it doesn't matter what comes up, only if you identify with it and then the stories about what arises is where the delusion lies.
  3. What's funny is everybody here seems to know what only fans is, how much they make and what they do. Some have even subscribed, talk the workers and seem to know so much, but never have anything good to say. Humans are such hypocrites. Everybody knows everything and nothing simultaneously. All talk and bashing. Everywhere you go it's all bashing. We bash fb, Twitter, YT, IG, the Internet, the radio, Walmart, black people in the hoods, rich people, strippers, hookers, PUA's, the forum, the users of the forum, pretty girls, sluts and whores, ugly girls, old women, hot girls, gurus, Spiritual videos, the church, pastors, God, each other, the admin, dead people, cartoon characters, porn, enlightenment, awakening, celebrities, cats and dogs, politicians......wait, well Trump, Infinity, me, the moon, the astronauts, philosophers and the scientists. Then we welcome the babies and cry for the dead. We can't stand people, but the social media business is booming and raking up the doe. Then we say we have opinions, perspectives and insights. Then we make posts about how life sucks and invite everybody to join in and say what sucks about your life. You'all don't see something wrong here. We are all INSANE. Welcome to Infinity, except Infinity keeps forgetting to talk about the other side of the spectrum.
  4. You are Absolutely deluded and so is 95% of the population including myself. It's the only way you can have a life.
  5. People sometimes use BDSM as a way to distract, fullfil a need or to escape. 90% of people are doing that, just using other means. Shopping, sex, drugs, alcohol, work, whatever. BDSM is just another way. You're judging something that I'm assuming you've never done or have never been a part of. You're probably doing something to try and fulfill a need right now, but because it seems normal, you think you're different than BDSM people. Same thing, just different content.
  6. There's no physical world. Sensations are just happening and we cling unto them as if they're our own. That's the illusion. That's why some people can't and don't feel pain. That's why some are born blind, dumb and deaf. It's all just appearances. It's a dream. Nothing is being created.
  7. That's a part of the perfection. We're the ones labelling it imperfect.
  8. I'm just saying the obsession is dominant. I hope you're having fun with it. Its like an addiction. An addiction you can't get rid of.
  9. Yeah I'm stuck in illusion but atleast I know it's illusory. The self doesn't create anything because there is no self.
  10. Duality is the illusion. No such thing. There's not even a relative because it's all the Absolute, which includes the relative. Duality is the dream. Too much logic: too much explanation, too much intellect.
  11. I see women that you think are pretty are running your show. Nice. Enjoy.
  12. I regret that regrets are delusions. More stories. I regret that my regrets are made up.
  13. Yes, yes, yes. I'm starting to see this more and more. I'm trying to debunk certain things and I just can't. It's everywhere.
  14. Just like how dogs smell cats and other dogs. Sniff, sniff. Come here let me smell if you smell like me. I know what that smells like.
  15. How can the mind get corrupted when thoughts are just arising, arising out of nowhere. That's all just a story. The story needs an anchor. Another story to make it make sense. When it seems the mind got corrupted, blame comes and there's another story. Then judgement comes with another story. It's all stories because you think you are separate and it has to all make sense. So you create story after story after story after story. That's the trap.
  16. Exactly, because there's no individual.
  17. Men who sleep around are called players. Women who sleep around are called sluts or whores. Men strive for more pussy and call it being a man, that's what men do, they say. Our testosterone levels are high. Well, who are they trying to sleep with - women. So the man whores need to be grateful for the female whores.
  18. A 10yr old is the oldest it's ever been; so is a vibrant 70yr old. Bad choice of words.
  19. lol 28 and asking how to deal with getting old. Lmao.
  20. Nothing. It's just there for no reason.
  21. I can't with you guys.😊