Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Thats where energy comes in. It's like how electricity works. Faulty wiring can get you shocked.
  2. Don't listen to Leo here, please, its not less appealing. In his mind, but not otherwise. A lot of girls don't even like muscles. When I say muscles I mean those body builder types. A little bit that's proportioned or naturally so, but nothing extravagant.
  3. If you had a big head they might. Lol, You seem to look proportioned. You're a cute looking kid, if that's what you look like in your Avatar. Stop worrying about this shit and just go for it.
  4. Well, I did say it looks good, but nothing to do with, or a very minute portion of that is what gets a man laid over other factors. We notice the thin spindly phrame too, believe it or not, some women prefer that over muscles. we notice everything even that men seem to not get that our attractor factor is different from theirs. It all changes depending on where we are in life an 18yr old might be attracted to something different when she turns 30. For men, it's usually looks all the way. Only when they are looking for a serious relationship might they focus on other things first.
  5. No, I get this part. Like fb ads and that kind of stuff. Ilm familiar with that. What I'm talking about is say I follow a particular Spiritual person on YT and I watch them everyday or a lot of their videos. A video from them will pop up addressing an issue I'm dealing with the day before, always the day before. The next day, my questions will be answered or it will be a video talking about the same issue, exactly. This is different from the spying thing because I'll be talking about it without internet or phone around and in person.
  6. You think muscles are relevant when it comes to dating, but it's not. It might be nice to look at, but it's not relevant. Height a little bit more, but also not relevant. It's not even about working with what you have as much, in this respect, as in it simply isn't relevant. A muscleless guy don't have to say to himself, oh well I just have to work with what I got cause I hate the gym, it's just simply not a factor. I don't care what women say about it, it just isn't. Women will say they like it, but they are bullshitting themselves.
  7. You cannot become who you follow. I follow Leo, but I'm not a sex-addict.
  8. Same thing😊
  9. You know how many times this has happened to me. Once I was thinking why gurus all have white long beards, then Someone_here started a post about that. Other times, my mind spontaneously, out of nowhere and for no reason, think of a forum user who I haven't seen on for quite some time, and within a few days, i'll see them appear. The moderator, Michael in the health section was one of them. He was gone for a while; and it wasn't till I noticed months later that he appeared again. There are times when I've had a conversation with someone on a particular topic and woke up to a YT suggested video on the same topic and answering some questions or concerns I may have had on that same topic. It's everywhere. We just have to have the eyes to see them. I don't even get shocked anymore, that's why I don't even say anything, I just smile within myself and say, hmmmm. Shows you how it's all One, not even, but All there Is. We're not even connected because it's all there is, all the same.
  10. Very interesting Documentary. I watched the whole thing. Such intelligent people some of them. The guy who tries to help them out is such a blessing. Such a difference in his picture from when he was homeless and the one they showed with him in the hospital gown. I lived in Vegas for 2yrs and I didn't see that many homeless people, I guess because they were living in tunnels. I would say to people, Vegas is very clean and i didn't see many hoods and not many people on the streets like AC is. I was wrong. I just wasn't exposed to it. Lots of workers especially those that had casino jobs were either alcoholics or popped pills. A lot of drug use there but they were still functional and blended in. I also lived in Pahrump for a yr or so and it was the same but less busy and a bit more personal. Vegas was very impersonal as just about everybody there was from somewhere else so it didn't feel homely. I enjoyed my time there somewhat but I had to come back home to NJ. I felt home sick.
  11. Don't leave out Atlantic City.
  12. This is amazing. Leo will say you can't trust what other humans have trained and it will spew out Buddhist rat crap. Lol
  13. Even when women are telling you how they don't judge a man by his appearance, you're still trying to shove it down our throats. We don't care. Sure, we don't want dirty, ragged and smelly, that's the obvious and we won't go there, but his appearance has little or nothing to do with how we feel around him. @JessicaKatherineis saying the same things I've been saying, but you guys insist that women view men the same way you view women. It's not that appearance plays no role at all, it's just not a big part as it is for men. Some women will think that at first, if they haven't been exposed, or are real young or just aren't aware of this but by the time the shit hits the fan and real live conversations are taking place and emotions have been activated, she'll have a rude awakening that that cutie or hottie she thought she was attracted to does nothing for her. Go to a male strip club where the dancers are male. See how the women react. They'll be screaming and hollering and carrying on like wild cats, but that's just a show, notice how for female dancers, the men are gawking, and staring, and lusting and whatever else you do. Why is this? because those women aren't really attracted to those male strippers, who are usually hot guys with very nice bodies they are only screaming and hollering to seek attention for themselves, they're usually the fat women who are doing this anyway, women who don't normally get a lot of attention from men on the streets.
  14. If there's only God, why does God have to surrender. What is it surrendering to, itself? This thread is about paradoxes, not riddles or absurd notions.
  15. Thanks for the continued reminder that I have no meditation skills. I don't need to set aside time for meditation. It happens spontaneously. That's all that was said previously. It doesn't matter if I set aside or not set aside time for meditation. It's just reaffirming the belief that there's someone doing meditation. I get the rest of what's being said, no argument here. You can suggest all you want, it won't make a difference. Same here.
  16. Both at the same time. Like a woman wearing high heels. The illusion is she seems taller; but she's not really, but it's still real that she appears taller.
  17. All that is irrelevant to what I'm pointing to because there's nothing that's happening that shouldn't happen. You're still thinking there's a person inside this body that can feel bliss if they do so and so - no such thing because that will just be another passing phenomenon, of which we have no control over. My current life could be in a death trap right now and it wouldn't make a difference, to me it would, but that would be what is happening. Depression, anxiety, sadness, grief could also be there, but that still is what is happening. You're saying you cannot help making up stories but you're still rebutting my comment and bringing up more stories as to why I'm not in bliss and asking who am I talking to and blah blah. I make up stories too and I'm also deluded but the difference is, I won't go around disputing that and asking people why they're not in a blissful state or whose talking to whom or what's this forum. I used to, but not anymore. I'm not starting from the top down because there is no top down, only what is. Even if you think I'm playing mind games, doesn't matter because that's also what is. You cannot escape what is.
  18. Great. You're trying to master no mind because of what the mind is doing. It has nothing to do with you. The only thing to master is to allow the mind to be there without engagement. No one masters thinking, because thinking just happens. Yes, the Absolute is all there is; but you still have a sense of doership when there's no one doing anything it's ALL JUST HAPPENING. Nothing right or wrong with what you're saying because it's all happening too, but it's just words but you will get nowhere trying to......clear the mind because it doesn't matter what comes up, only if you identify with it and then the stories about what arises is where the delusion lies.