Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Sounds like you just described what THIS is even though it's indescribable, if you know what I mean. I read it and it sounded so real and alive.
  2. Yeah, but both has to collapse and will turn out to be the same thing.
  3. It got even trickier with the two negatives in the sentence.
  4. When someone is unsure of their beliefs or gathered them from other's ideas and limit themselves to another's ideologies and worldviews and get stuck in idolizing one particular guru's so-called teachings, this is the result.
  5. Huh? I think I need a bachelor's degree to even try to understand what you're saying here, and since that's not needed and will probably have an adverse effect, I'm not even going to try.
  6. If you are already immortal, why do we NEED to identify with anything. We can identify as a cockroach wouldn't make a difference if shit is just happening. We can identify or not identify, wouldn't make a difference because what we identify as, wouldn't change what happens. It's all fresh and new. No past no future. Isn't that what we say. How will an identity change anything.
  7. Bingo! This is where all the delusions lie. Without them, this is all there is. The interpretations is also it but that's the illusion. Language was invented. What is, isnt.
  8. Be prepared for the enlightened individuals and wanna bees and believers who are separate from life and everybody else and everything.
  9. Do you know how many times I thought the same thing, Seems the ones in the boondocks are doomed. Lots of things doesn't make sense, even though it's not supposed to as this is just chaos appearing orderly.
  10. Didn't think you would do it. Didn't really mean to really change it as it wasn't my place, but heck, why not.
  11. You should rename the heading " Proof that there's no such thing as enlightenment". Your point made it clear. What a selfish God if it was only made available for a selected few.
  12. Unconditional love is not conditioned. Saying if somebody commits suicide, where is unconditional love is a conditioned response. You're implying unconditional love only relates to certain conditions. Nothing is exempt.
  13. It is. What else could what's written there/here be.
  14. Contradicts totality. You are + Consciousness =2
  15. I only feel it when I eat those foods. Not carbohydrates, but simple carbs as in white flour, white sugar etc.
  16. If you consider yourself a person with a life that has things and working towards something and having consciousness and an individual that is separate from life, then all you said is valid. If you don't then it can't be. The only reason why you say what you say is because you believe you are. If you didn't you wouldn't care. I never said nothing exists, exist means to stand out, what stands out? If I say I'm not an individual nor a person with consciousness, that doesn't mean that an individual with consciousness is writing this, you assume that so saying who is writing and reading is futile. You're assuming there's someone writing and reading. I never said if someone dropped a brick on my foot i wouldn't cry, but that still isn't saying there's a person with consciousness crying. It doesn't really matter what you say or think and it doesn't matter what i say or think, these are just words on a screen that no one is typing and things are still what they are. I could have kept this whole comment non personal by leaving out the I and replacing it with this character or by speaking in a non-dual fashion as in crying is happening etc, but that would just be me trying prove a point and trying to convince you of something and it wouldn't matter because these are just words. I still have a sense of individuality and am still deluded and experiencing the dream but that doesn't matter, as I'm aware the I AM is the dream made up of a bunch of stories and even that is illusory. I don't want to turn this into a belief system, its quite obvious to me that this is the case and you denying this is also the case so either way, it doesn't matter.
  17. @Michael569If you noticed I stressed, " I BELIEVE". You said weight gain is solely the cause, but those foods contribute to weight gain. I didn't blame anything nor got it from social media or anything. All I know is when I eat those foods I can feel a drop in my blood sugar levels and I feel a certain way. I don't often and that's why I probably don't have it. Don't know. I never gave a definitive cause or said they did.