Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. That suffocation automatically comes with a sense of "I". A "Me". Always. Period. End of Story. It's just how strong of a suffocation that contracted energy feels like in the dream, because it's not really happening. Only seems and appears to happen.
  2. I never said that this is going to speak and make sense at all times. Most of what you said I agree with, not all but most. Doesn't negate the fact that what is, is, and that there's Noone that actually does anything because there's no one.
  3. If I wanted to know what it was like to have a discussion with @DreamCryX, the best way to find out is to have a discussion with you. Next best is to ask someone who has already had a discussion with you. The Professor is the one that gave the Grade A student the grade, so he is highly qualified because he is the judge, so to speak.
  4. Every time I interact with you, you keep telling me what Leo says. Is Leo married or has a long-time gf? Nothing much to say to you if you can't think for yourself. What others wrote is irrelevant to what I wrote.
  5. There's no evidence needed. Dating coaches aren't learning from wolves, they're learning about women from interacting with women.
  6. Go ask a baby what does the word "means" mean. Good luck. Ask an adult they will tell you what they learnt what "means" mean. It's learnt. Doesn't mean anything. Go ask a tiger, ask a giraffe, ask a man who cannot read or write. It only has meaning to someone who has made an interpretation of the word. An interpretation is not actual.
  7. Exactly why women are the best teachers for how to reach other women because the same men that are teaching you how, learnt it from interactions with women. There's a middle man involved there. Women are the direct source.
  8. If you're trying to have more money, the best thing would be for money to have a conference on the best way to obtain it. Since money cannot talk, the next best thing is to ask someone who has already achieved having money and learn from them. Well, women can talk. Women haven't gone through the learning process of being a man that is trying to attract women but women have been the best teachers for the men teaching men how to attract women. Why not go directly to the source of the same kind.
  9. You're still thinking there is someone with an intellect that arrived somewhere. There's no need for the Absolute to be anything other than what it is. That what you just said here is dependent on there being a someone that sees something that needs to change in order for there to be a recognition that the Absolute is everything. It can't happen because that is also the Absolute. The intellect is also the Absolute. If I was to try and behave differently, that would also be it acting differently.
  10. Seemingly so. There is no self that is cursed because there is no actual self. It isn't really actually cursed. The I thought, the contracted energy, can dream itself to be cursed but the dream isn't real, it's not actually happening just like your nightly dreams aren't really happening but you don't know that while emersed in the dream.
  11. The word "means" means nothing. So your statement also means nothing.
  12. To be aware of that is a split within the Absolute, there's no split. It doesn't matter if I'm aware of that or not. It doesn't matter if the drunk on the sidewalk is aware of that or not. It is what it is and doesn't need anything to be aware of it because that awareness is also it. My behavior is also it. It it it it it it it. The reflect is also it the word also is also it.
  13. I understand, because I used to believe in all that jazz. There's really nothing to get as it's already that. Nothing to believe or not believe because it is also belief non belief. There's no escaping the Absolute. It doesn't need you and your explanations nor mine because it's also those things. You can't get it wrong.
  14. Do you know what Absolute is. EVERYTHING. Even the belief that it's separate, even the resistance and non-resistance. Even these words. It is nothing appearing as resistance. There is no result of anything BECAUSE IT IS ALSO THE RESULT. EVERYTHING AS IN EVERYTHING. Even the snot in your nose. Nothing is excluded. You have turned the Absolute into SOMETHING. It is also the belief that it's a separate entity. Oh my, I don't think this can end. It will just keep going and going. It's OK, though, as nothing has no beginning and no end.
  15. No one is lost and it's already simple. Life is happening to no one. There's nothing really happening. Its a mystery and no one knows. Now let's go live it up and party like it's Infinite.
  16. The Absolute is EVERYTHING. So you're saying the Absolute is resisting itself.
  17. Enough said. When you find a there let me know, there is always here. Go there, what does it become. Point to over there, that's distance, there's no space. I'm saying all you're mentioning is what seems to be the case and what seems to be happening. It's not. It's a dream.
  18. There's no one to drop away any resistance because it is not really happening. What are you aware of, what fact. Is the Absolute aware of the fact that there's someone resisting and someone whose not. The seeming resistance is also the Absolute.
  19. Exactly, the "I" has to make sense of this utter chaos in order to maintain itself as an I. If anything, this is the trap. But luckily, there are really no traps because it's already whole and complete. It's already done. All the intellectualizing and making sense of things is just a part of the Absolute. Makes no difference.
  20. The seeming resistance is not really happening. It's an illusion. There's no one ACTUALLY resisting anything. That's the "I" thought that thinks there's someone resisting something. How can there be resistance. It's already whole and complete. Nothing needs to be done to make this any more or less complete. That's a story the "I" concocted up to make sense of the seeming separation. Somebody is over there resisting and there must be something that has to be done to stop that resistance. That's the dream and is not really happening. This is already fulfillment and it's free to appear as somebody resisting. It's only an appearance.
  21. What is there to accept within wholeness and completeness. Does an orange have to accept the rind and not the seeds. No because the rind and seeds are parts of what makes up the whole orange. The Absolute doesn't need to accept itself because it is everything, no separation. If you guys would simply examine what you're really saying, you would see how it doesn't make sense. Nothing actually makes sense and that's the paradox of what's happening, were trying to make sense of something that is already whole. It cannot be done because the act of making sense is also a part of the whole.