Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Truth needs no defense. If I say the word "the" 1000x, or if I say 1000 words, the difference would be repetition. If I keep saying the same thing about a particular thing, that's not having a lot to say about that particular thing. I respond to questions being asked and comments being made.
  2. I can touch a pencil, can you touch an emotion. That's what I mean when I say physical. Everything is imagination. But this is not about that, and I don't want to turn this into some existential Spiritual convo. So I'm trying to stay as practical as I can. Muscles is energy. It's all energy. I won't even begin to dissect this one and leave it at that. The only thing I'll say, though, is that it is still energy responding to energy. I don't go to the spa, but I've had personal massages and I love them. The person doing the massage can feel the tension and also the person receiving them. Emotions can appear to be stored in the body and can appear to be released through massages. It's energy flowing through the body.
  3. This is just speculation and lack any merit. This is also a certain way of generalizing communicating to someone what you're trying to communicate. These words, your exact same words, could easily be said to anyone in the exact same way that you suspect haven't come to their own realization or who is parroting. It is not personable to me and doesn't reflect what you think you have personally observed with me. You have made an assumption and now the best you can do with that is say to me a generalized statement that you would say to anyone about this assumption. Meaning, there's nothing that you actually know in my case, you're assuming that I don't understand what I'm saying and now the text book of what to say to that is out. This is in itself A DOWNRIGHT INAUTHENTIC ACCUSATION, coming from assumptions. You constantly mention Tony Parsons to me and i don't listen to Tony Parsons. I cannot stand how Tony Parsons communicates and i think I've only seen one or two of his videos outright, the others were just flipping through and j never really watch him. Also, as of late the only thing I've mentioned about consciousness is that it's a dream and doesn't really exist because that is separation. I speak about the Absolute. Then you tell me I speak about consciousness as if.............. Also, you have made a claim that I'm studying. "The things you study, you parrot", you said. I didn't know watching a few videos was studying. How else can you say "The Absolute", how else can you say "Individual", how else can you say "no one", "this", "dream", "all there is", 'there's a me, or there's no me", "realization, recognition, "already", "energy", 'contraction", "body", "happening", "arises", "aliveness".....i mean, these are the kinds ordinary words that are being used and can barely be replaced with other ordinary words because they are so ordinary. When you've been in this field for a little bit there are just certain words you adapt, which just happens not because one is parroting or doesn't understand what they are saying. Also, I have started a few threads explaining what I've come to realize without the help of the dictionary, looking through any phrases, or referring back to any teachings. I spoke fluently and within my speaking style. I speak so everyone can understand what I'm trying to communicate and most of the time without the use of fancy words that may be misleading. I speak clearly and articulate my words the same way I speak when I'm on any parts of the forum. My threads are usually pretty long and explanatory, in MO way shape or form can a "parroted" accomplish this without sounding repetitive and robotic. They are usually very personal and obviously not rehearsed and coming from a place of inauthenticity. If they were, I would deserve a gold medal for being able to relate something I'm parroting with "in-depthness" and able to start original threads about. I knew nothing about advaita before pretty much all you spiritual heads kept accusing me of being a school of except for hearing the term thrown around from time to time through videos or just in general from being into spirituality. Its not something I ascribed to or studied or whatever. What I've come to realize is that what I'm saying sounds like advaitas teachings and I still haven't even go searching for them out of curiosity because I don't need to. If anything it's more Jim Newman and his is not a teaching. I used to watch him a long time ago and stopped, and it's not until I started watching him again that his talks have took on a whole new meaning that I can relate to and understand a whole lot more and integrate because of all the other stuff i was exposed to. Kind of like watching a movie and every time you watch it something new is noticed or even reading a book. It is not something I'm parroting. Maybe some words are the sane but all that doesn't matter. I may have a different view on how you see things but you cannot tell me I'm just parroting without understanding what I'm saying and when ever I've responded you on the forum indepth you make no attempt to respond back to my statements which are obviously not parroted. I won't go over this long ass response so excuse the errors.
  4. How's this any different than what I've been saying as far as there's no one. I mean there is a slight difference as there's no one already and nothing needs to be done just a kind of recognition or realization of this.
  5. Spirituality is an endless cycle. You will run into blockages and loopholes, trying to do things. You're better off learning how to undo, unless you're trying to reach a materialistic goal and need to learn things in order to accomplish them and to better yourself as a human, or watch videos like the one suggested here, because that pertains to being human in the "real" world. There will always be a point that cannot be overcome on a Spiritual level if you're operating as an individual just like the one you're saying because there's really nothing to surrender to. You will appear to hit a hurdle you can't get over at a certain point and start to get confused and start to wonder about things and ask questions like these and the answer will just lead to more questions.
  6. Priests are molesting little boys and Pastors are sleeping with the congregation members. When I was a stripper and was into food and nutrition I used to bring books to work and read about nutrition. As a working girl, I would have headphones in my ear listening to Spiritual podcasts. Don't make a difference. It's not a Sunday only thing for me, it's a way of being and a lifestyle. I don't need to separate the two,
  7. I actually liked the second one. Weird but entertaining and cool at the same time.
  8. Yes, so true. I've witnessed this and is also an example of this. I've went out on my own and made a few discoveries, even though it just happened but for languages sake. I have different pov's and speak within a particular way and all of a sudden I'm this neo advaita freak. I didn't even know that what I was saying belonged to some philosophical Spiritual Network or whatever you call it. It's just things that were noticed and things that seemingly fell away. When some changes have been made, it seems like it cannot come from what one recognizes or realizes for themselves, it has to be some other guru that told you and now you're parroting. Sometimes that's the case but not at all times. I've been accused of following people I don't even listen to and have been told I'm not the same like I used to be. Been told I'm not qualified to post on the forum because I don't do psychedelics or I cannot know certain things because I don't use them. Been told I need to meditate or else......(forgot why, because I didn't retain), been told in the dating section that I'm a woman so I can't be qualified to speak on certain things. All the while what I would speak about would go against or not what administrator teaches. I've been put to the side and argued with until administrator would say the same thing I said, and that was when they started agreeing with what I said. It's very rampant here. Some can only share videos from administrator when trying to relate a message or will come on here and share only from one other guru about everything, and I mean everything. Some will say to me I'm advaita but administrator also says the same things in his videos but in a different context, but they are too trained to see it from a different perspective and will become blinded that it's the same thing. I asked a lot of questions on here and couldn't get any definitive answers and that's when I realized there really aren't any questions and not even any answers. Just more concepts and ideas and insights which were just loops upon loops upon loops and didn't get anywhere. I ranted a few times (jokingly), and expressed how i felt about the never-ending cycles, even though nobody really paid me any mind, which is good because I didn't want to have to relive those rants. This isn't about me, but I just wanted to point out that I do agree, but my two-cents is, it really doesn't matter because it's just the Absolute appearing as all those things. Here comes the Advaita freaks.
  9. Energy responding to energy. Emotions aren't physical. It's an energetic response, responding to what's appearing; and because the energy within the body is contracted, the energy's response is claimed to be yours. There's no you to be meaning to do anything because it's the energy at play, not you. There's no you, but we won't go there.
  10. What's the real work. Meditating, doing psychedelics, being good at intellectualism, articulating your point correctly, having awakenings, reaching enlightenment or is it to be able to point out to people what they've gotten wrong and set them straight and show that you know more than them. Which is it, and what's the goal of the work.
  11. Did you discover about them from my posts here. Just curious. Markkus Products from "A heal life" on YT is good too.
  12. Exactly. Humptity Dumptity hump.
  13. No point in debating with @StarStruckabout existential stuff. He's putting his non-Spiritual life first and leaving that stuff for later after he's exhausted his regular life. Spiritual stuff according to him is for older folks and catching fish for the younger ones. He doesn't realize that that fish he's trying to catch is also a Spiritual fish.
  14. Of course there are things we don't know about most of these so-called gurus. Doesn't mean they're not more peaceful than most or are less angry or gets upset rarely, etc. It's just we don't see those sides so we think they're perfect.
  15. This isn't true, and I'll leave it at that. Doesn't apply to every and not even most healthy-minded women. A woman is emotionally involved even before she meets the guy. She's emotionally involved the moment she's allowed to cry and spill her guts. She's emotionally involved the moment her vagina begins to grow in the womb. Doesn't take complaining. She's emotionally involved before the complaint.
  16. How am I making game about women. I'm merely suggesting what and how I believe women are and how they interact with the opposite sex and the best people I think would be suited for learning more about them. What foes the toxic pills have to do with that. What do I have to do with what a guy thinks and how he responds to his thoughts. Not my responsibility.
  17. If you say so. He's not bad looking himself. I can see through that beard and turban. Very handsome man.
  18. Thats true; which is the same as nagging, impatient and thin-skinned.
  19. No guru is going to record their tumultuous life circumstances for the public. Don't be fooled by appearances. He's still just a regular person who just happens to embody the energetic field around his differently.
  20. Nah, therapists have tougher skins than that. They see the mentally challenged everyday and expect the worst and can handle it. It's probably because she never heard such a thing and was taken aback saying I thought I done heard it all. Lol
  21. What does best genetics mean to someone on the outside looking in. Isn't that about looks. How can one tell that someone has good genes without either knowing them first, or based on how they look based on your idea of what good genetics look like. Beats me. Anyway, I won't get into that. Didn't realize an ugly girl with rotten teeth and smells bad with the best personality would be considered top-notch to a man. You said best personality, not looks and personality just best personality, son I'm replying to that. I don't see anybody as being top-notch, by the way. It's just what I like and don't like. My preferences. If I like a man and he happens to be rich, I wouldn't consider him top-notch. If the same is poor, I wouldn't consider him to be not top-notch. Maybe wouldn't be right for me under the circumstances because of my preferences, but could be right for someone else. In the middle either, doesn't matter. Handsome or ugly, doesn't matter. Never about top-notch for me but about compatibility and preferences. Big boobs and porn-stars isn't what women see as any better a woman than any other attractive woman. We don't look at those kinds of things and consider a woman hot or not hot based on those things. You have a point here except I wasn't projecting my mindset unto you, I was merely analyzing yours. Coming back at me with a rebuttal will open my mind up to a different perspective, which you did here, and allows room for different ones. Doesn't mean it's a projection. This is a personal choice, relatively speaking and you're allowed to approach life anyhow you prefer, even though I beg to differ, but that doesn't matter. Either way it's the same difference, can't have one without the other.
  22. No wonder the therapist couldn't answer. She's probably saying to herself, the audacity of you saying I need to earn my way to live. She's probably also saying, you need to earn your way to pay me for my time much less live.