Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. This right here is exactly what I'm talking about in my comment. Perfect example how we mentally disconnect from the Absolute and then try to solve something that they say is too metaphysical because we're dealing with worldly affairs, when the worldly affairs stem from the Absolute.
  2. lol. Not to the Universe, but hey that's what this is about experiencing duality when there's really none. Part of the delusion is not applying this same reasoning to everything else, so we get stuck, stuck in a loop.....oh well, I understand this is the relative but we still have to live in the relative and I understand from the Absolute perspective there's no such thing as morality or morality is subjective or this or that then this and that is trying to detangle itself from the web of self deception and now threads like these get borne followed by comments like these leaving the recipient confused as to what is being said, You tell me if that's not utter insanity.
  3. You have missed the point. What you wrote here is all thought, What you wrote it on as in the phone or computer, is thought, the chair you're sitting on is thought, these words I'm typing is thought, your agreeing or disagreeing with what's been said is thought. Its all thought. This is why disagreements makes no sense because you're just disagreeing with a thought.
  4. There is no mistaken "THIS". You just know. You know what it was like at first. Lets see.... like a grand opera finishing or starting out with a big bang but a very melodious one and continuing very softly with the production, like playing a video game and you won the scene and the grand sound that let's you know you won. That's a good way to describe it if there's an attempt to.
  5. Yeah, sometimes we say the same thing or come to the same conclusion using different analogies or with a different thing but lose it when talking about something different, makes sense/no sense at the same time.
  6. I did. It's called "THIS". Just started it i think the day before or 2days before this whatema call it happened. You seem to be synchronizing with me lately too. Remember that "why do gurus have white beard thread you started", I kept having thoughts about the same thing on a regular basis prior to you starting that thread and you made a thread like that. It was shocking to see.
  7. Leo once said to me, he doesn't trust women who are attracted to him. Here you are saying this. There it goes when tons and tons of men will say she approached me, but she wasn't my type, never his type; and the other tons and tons and tons that chase after women who keep running. They even chase after women who live in different countries, different cities they even move and relocate so they can chase, they ignore the ones that like them then they complain about the ones that don't. They call women easy who give it up easily and complain that when she plays hard to get. Makes no sense along with the rest of life. So it blends in perfectly. I might start a thread about this, just for the hell of it and to hear all the rebuttals and reasonings.
  8. All there is. You're saying the Absolute means division, when its simply all there is.
  9. I was watching the video I posted and realized the Absolute and wrote it in real time, like a movie, like everything came alive and i was saying oh god oh god oh god.
  10. ok, I'll hop in a cab, hold up, give me 29mins
  11. I didn't become conscious of anything. Absolute is all there is and to be consciousness means to be conscious of something and that implies two. That's just all a dream of the "I". There is only the Absolute.
  12. Did you see my other thread. Oh God this is it.
  13. You need some sex. Is that moral enough.
  14. You're one horny neurotic, psychotic TheGod. Your dream must be exciting, then again, I'm in it aren't I, does that also make me erotically, neurotically psychotic?
  15. Hahaha, you're telling a story about a story as to why you're imagining a story and are aware its a story you are telling anyway and explaining away your neurotic psychosis in real time, double neurosis here if I may say.
  16. Wake up God yours dreaming, nothing happens.
  17. You're right, I didn't figure shit out. Figuring out happened, do you really think your psychedelic use is going to stop the apparent death process or make you end up somewhere different. Your psychedelic use and meditation hasn't told you this is the Absolute and there's no separation. The only difference is in the illusory separation that never really happened, so what, what now, youre going to heaven and I'm going to hell?. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œπŸ˜œπŸ˜‚πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜’
  18. When you're used to something i guess, maybe through psychedelics or whatever, you can sit there and bask because you expected it I wasn't thinking about basking during something I was in awe and wonder about that just happened outta nowhere, wasn't even sure what was happening . All I kept saying was oh god, oh god, oh god, this is it, this is it it's this. Around 5-10mins in after that wore off a bit, I decided to. Or rather I just happened to get on here and started talking about it. Nothing planned out. It just happened.
  19. Ok, doesn't matter what is, is. I don't need to understand what I'm talking about when the Universe itself is total chaos. I'm not supposed to know what I'm talking about. I just randomly appeared on the face of the earth and I'm supposed to figure shit out? I think you're the insane one for expecting me to be able to. If your psychedelics and meditation routine in what's going to be your guide and mentors more power to you, I've already figured out that I don't need any.
  20. is that the idiot or the consciousness.😊
  21. What is this like every two months. Same story.