Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. It's easier to understand God than it is to understand.😜
  2. It's the most brilliant, ingenious, masterly, magnificently superb, sensational, marvelous masterpiece of a joke there could ever be. It's so cleverly "designed" that it's hidden from everyone, within everyone, is everyone, as everyone and everything; and at the same time is no one and no thing at the same time. It has no intentions, no purpose, no meaning, no value, no goals, no nothing. It just is. It doesn't accept anything, reject anything, judge anything, not judge anything surrenders to anything, nor does it need to become or not become anything. It doesn't desire nor does it refrain from desiring, it doesn't worship anything nor does it not worship anything. It appears in any shape or form. It appears as no shape or form. It's hidden from the seeker because it is also what's seeking. It has no agenda and doesn't need to because it is also the agenda. It has no biases and it also has biases. It is the biases. It is everything even the word everything. There is nothing excluded. NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING. It is what everyone longs for. It is a joke because it is also the "longing for". The desired is the one that desires. We seek things but it is also the seeking of things. We lust, but it is also the lusting, the luster and the thing lusted. It is the questions and the answers. I mean it is EVERYTHING. It is the confusion and the one confused. How can you cure a disease with something that didn't cause it. Because the disease is it and the cure is also it. How can you look at something that's not also you. Because it is the looker and the thing being looked at. I could keep going but you get the drift. It cannot be known nor can it be grasped because it is also the need to know and grasp. It is the looking and the thing being looked at. It is the smell and the thing being smelt. I mean EVERYTHING, There's nothing missing because what we think is missing is also it EVEN THE BELIEF THAT SOMETHING IS MISSING is also it. There's nothing to find, nothing to seek, nothing to know, nothing to deny or not deny, nothing to agree with or not agree with because it is also the disagreement. This is the biggest cosmic joke and the most exquisite of a masterpiece play EVER. That is it. And if you think you can stop being it, you can't because the stopping is also it. There's no escaping it because the escaping is also it. The only way this will not compute is if there's a person there. It will not make sense to a person an individual who is lost in the dream of separation, which is also it. IT IS TOTALLY FREE. Not liberation because that implies something to be liberated from. Not for the character but freedom is all there is. So free that it can also not be free. All the characteristics I mentioned above are all appearances as IT can never be known. THIS IS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
  3. Lol. Beats comparing to a female dog.
  4. There's nothing that needs to be done. It's already been done. It's the belief that it's about you that is the delusion.
  5. @Someone hereI really don't get why people are so turned up by this message. Leo has stated many of this stuff in his videos, it probably didn't register or registered in a different way when he said it, even though he didn't say all of it. What do you think "you were never born and will never die means", "your parents and neighbors are all imaginary", "God is infinitely good", "there is no such thing as evil", 'you are the same as a coffee table", 'you have been sitting here the whole time and have never moved", "you have never slept a day in your life"........i mean I could keep going. What do you think all those things mean. Now everybody is getting all ansy about this stuff.
  6. It's not that people might not get it, it's a very hard pill to swallow when you've invested parts of your life doing stuff just to find out it makes no difference or however they take it. The thing is though, it won't make a difference because what is, is, and there's nothing anybody does that changes that. I'm doing just fine, thank you.
  7. Ok, so my words are an illusion appearing real. So that's reality. It doesn't matter, like I said about word games, it changes nothing. If what I'm saying is hogshit, then it's hogshit. Doesn't even matter if I have full understanding or not because the man up the street probably doesn't even understand his wife but we will end up the same place when this apparent dream is over or whatever you want to call it.
  8. It's OK. If someone told me I was an apple, I wouldn't get mad I would laugh my ass off, because it sounded absurd. Enough said.
  9. These are just words. We give meaning to words. There's no escaping anything. Like you said we cannot escape duality with non-duality because non-duality is duality. If I appear short standing beside a tall person and i appear tall standing beside a short person I will still be the same height. If I appear wise to a fool and I appear foolish to wise person, doesn't make me any wiser or any more foolish, both collapses and I'll be the same as I was before. You see, it doesn't matter what you or I say, what is, is and no amount of word play can change that. Duality and non-duality are the same thing, neither one is real because saying non-duality implies there is duality, which is just an illusion.
  10. This is even more powerful.
  11. Proved my point. You're not in control. If you were, she'd be in your bed right now. All you're talking about here are just stories about why you messed up. Keeping you in the dream.
  12. Doesn't matter. The message is nothing anyway. If I correct it or don't correct it, doesn't make a difference. There's no meaning to it.
  13. I'm in tears right now writing this. It fully hit me. THIS IS IT. As I am writing this, this is it. My writing is it. My crying is it. It is right here right now. Unfolding as I write. NOW NOW NOW. When I wrote the words NOW, NOW, NOW that was it, but now it is these words. Words that can never be captured. Each letter is a millisecond too long. The camera can't capture it. This is it. There is no moment. No Now, just now, now, now, now, now, now, to infinity. Not even forever because I,m not in forever, I'm right now. I don't know about forever. I remember a minute ago but I don't know about what I will do in 3mins. It us only NOW, I can imagine what might happen in 3 min but I don't know what ill be doing in 3 min. There is only now and i just missed it because now is another now and that now just turned into this now. It is me, yes me. It is me writing this, I am confused. Is it the chair also I don't know wait, it is not me I don't know. All I know is it is here nit there. It is here. You will say, well if there's a me then thats not it. Bullshit i font care about semantics I don't know what words to use all I know is it is whats happening right now, right where I am sitting, I don't know how to say it but it is this. My cat just went outside but she isn't infront of me so I cannot say my cat is a part of this but I can say that it is live right now doing me. It is whats happening now. It is not you, it is me writing on this computer. IT is me imagining you. It is me imagining that you will read this. It is me imagining what you will say but its nit you right now. It is me writing this imagining what I will be saying and typing when I'm responding. It is doing this through me as me. I am conscious that it is doing this through me. Its like a live show. It is there too but not really because it is here. But if you look around you it is it. Whatever is happening around you now it is it. But I'm just imagining that so i don't know. I will post now.
  14. Fair enough. I can't tell you how and what to dream. It is what it is, like you said. Dance, baby dance.
  15. Ok, more power to you, wherever you are and whatever it is that you love.
  16. I'm not sure if you quoted the right person here. Where did I mention alone.
  17. That's not what you said in your previous comment. What you described here is not an illusion and I never said it was. You really didn't achieve anything because everybody here and all there is, is it. Never was any different. You're not really dancing with anything, dancing is happening. All the "I" you've mentioned here is the dream. It never really happened. Just appears so. Not even the dancing. Just apparent.
  18. There ya go. Saying it is truth, not saying it is truth. Doesn't matter.
  19. That's the dream. The fact is there are no facts, there is no fiction. What is is and that's it. No complications, no stories, no ideas, even though, that's also it. Doesn't matter. Show me something that is not. There's no time nor space how can there be an evolutionary cycle. That evolutionary cycle you're talking about is within the dream. Let me know when you have accomplished what you so talk about in all your comments. Let me know when you have arrived. Let me know when you have broken all limits and become whatever it is that yours trying to become. I will give you my phone number if you need to so when and if you turn 80yrs old and still trying or have arrived. Let me know and i will stop this madness.
  20. Delusion. The girls are God. "the girls are not worth it", doesn't care what you think. You're seeking worth, something to value. Everything is value and nothing is value. Your going straight to the point means nothing, because there is no point. Loving the girls is loving the self, if you want to go there. See my signature. Even you not loving the girls and saying girls aren't worth it, is also unconditional love. Unconditional love includes you not loving the girls. It is love without conditions. Doesn't matter what appears, it's still love. You will suffer in the dream of separation because you think you're choosing to love or not love. Of course, the suffering is an illusion but it will surely feel that way to the one who thinks it's separate.