Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. I could be watching a Jamaican video with an American who I don't speak Jamaican around and suddenly I find myself speaking Jamaican, with no thought or preconceived notion that I need to fit in or impress or anything like that. It just happens. It is not like that for you, you only think that. It's just spontaneously happening.
  2. Yes, the body will be harmed, but that's because of the jump, not as a result of what someone said that made you jump. That's the difference. You felt nervous not because of all the stories behind it. The energy of nervousness appeared and you built a story behind it. Not everybody would have responded the same way so that should tell you that it was previous conditioning that caused the body to react that way. Your thoughts and ideas about her approaching you caused the nervousness, not the approach itself. There is no cause and effects only responses. What do you think only the present moment means, the past is a memory, the future is a projection. Only what actually happened is Reality. Not your thoughts and ideas about it.
  3. Your thoughts and ideas ABOUT reality isn't Reality. Reality doesn't need thoughts and ideas about it to exist as it is. It's our thoughts and ideas about it that makes us suffer mentally. Then again, that's also apparent.
  4. My point in saying what I said is not that it needs to help or not help. Acknowledging the shakiness and nervousness is enough. See it for what it is. The body responding. It's the stories as to why it's happening that i'm referring to, as in the belief and thoughts surrounding it like you just claimed it be because of Joseph Rodriques' teachings. Now it's his teachings that made this girl approached you. You believe that and now you have to blame something or someone when the result you were looking for doesn't come to pass. Like how you called yourself whatever you called yourself and came up with a bunch of stories and reasons why the you messed up. They are just stories about what happened and now it strengthens your beliefs and now you think there is cause and effect at play. If that's the case you will have to give credit to what caused you to watch him in the first place and what caused that and what caused that and the source from which the teaching came and the source of that source and also blame things also. If you weren't nervous, it probably would have turned out differently, that's what you think, so now you have to blame the functions that the body goes through to react nervously. You see what I mean, things are happening spontaneously without causes and effects.
  5. That's why I said "for me".
  6. Yeah, it can't help it. It's a by-product of the separate individual that feels it's important and that the world revolves around it and it has something to protect. Goes hand in hand. That's the apparent tragedy of humans.
  7. Creepy for me is way worse than some of what you guys stated, except for the hugging and touching inappropriately. I would describe them differently and use other words. Creepy for me is a guy playing with his dick in public or pulling it out. A guy sticking his tongue out and wiggling it like an ass as if he's performing cunnilingus. A guy coming up to me saying he's got a big dick do you want some. A guy coming up to me and grabbing my ass. A guy talking sexually explicitly to me and don't even know me or that just met me and i gave no inclinations of wanting to hear that. Maybe the guy that said, get used to me chasing you. That's also creepy. Even a guy you met and thought you liked, gave him your number and he's right off the bat sending you pictures of his private parts and asking you to do the same - this is even before you guys even got to know each other a bit - this never happened to me but it's something I'm thinking of that would be creepy. A guy that follows you around and just stares at you without saying anything. Stuff like this.
  8. Any woman watching and reading this, just name a ridiculous price and they'll keep on going. That simple. Real hookers are safer from this type of harassment. This happens a lot but not to hookers, only regular women who even pay these guys any mind. "Are you going to take care of me" "what do you mean" $1000. Oh OK, never mind. Some will think taking care of means doing it good, they'll say "sure, how do you like it". That's how ridiculous some men are. Thinking you're going to enjoy some random stranger off the street. Not saying women can't enjoy one night stands, but it really ever happens like this.
  9. Things start to appear clearer when certain things gets removed - taken away. Same thing because both are the same, something gets removed for something else to appear. Same difference. We don't choose to appear toxic and we don't get to choose what triggers us. It just happens. Another helpless individual that never happened. When I speak like this it gets attacked and gets called some Spiritual lingo or gets called delusional or whatever word. It's obvious to me that the apparent self/individual isn't doing anything because it is in a constant frame of denial apologies, regrets and confusion, which is also just happening. Anyone that blames an individual for anything is just as delusional as the person they're calling delusional. Apparently. Pointing something out is not the same as blaming, criticizing or judging.
  10. You have interpreted it as that. I've never heard Jim say, "but it gets nowhere". This statement can be interpreted in multiple ways.
  11. The anti-nondualists are coming to get you. The anti- Advaitas are coming to get ya. It's funny because there was never any studying of any of that stuff here and i just found out that some of the stuff I talk about is from Advaita's teachings. The term Non-duality is pretty much self-explanatory; but still, people are the ones labelling what I say as such, so they are the ones giving these terms importance. I just talk what I've noticed and recognized for myself, even if i'm being deluded. Of course, Some of it was from listening to what others have suggested, but not parroting, but only from what I have come to realize and made sense of.
  12. When I'm talking to a Jamaican, about Jamaica or reacting to a Jamaican video, my voice changes. The patio dialect comes out more. I've been in the States for a while now and most of my interactions, except for family and very close friends, have been with Americans. I consider myself to be one that speaks proper English, with not that many slangs but still with a slight accent because people still ask where's my accent from - but not as much as before. So, I can see where one's voice can change even though what I've described isn't really a change in the voice's tone but a change in how one articulates or expresses oneself verbally.
  13. Not saying it is, but this sounds personal.
  14. You could also reject the message and move on. Coulda woulda shoulda.
  15. I thought the ego was an illusion. I thought God was everything. I guess God dumbed itself down to be a dumb everything. Or I guess everything is a constant generation except the ego. I guess for everything to be everything it must continually generate that form/pattern to be itself except the ego. I thought there was no real separation only apparently so and that I was no different than a coffee table. I thought everything was ONE (not two) already so the apparent seeking of the ego to be one will just be a delusion since it is already one, providing there's an ego. I'm not trying to be smart here. These are legitimate questions. They just don't add up and to me they contradict in so many ways so many things that has been previously said.
  16. haha. Good question. He doesn't get rejected by handsome men, so they're safe.
  17. It's easier to understand God than it is to understand.😜
  18. It's the most brilliant, ingenious, masterly, magnificently superb, sensational, marvelous masterpiece of a joke there could ever be. It's so cleverly "designed" that it's hidden from everyone, within everyone, is everyone, as everyone and everything; and at the same time is no one and no thing at the same time. It has no intentions, no purpose, no meaning, no value, no goals, no nothing. It just is. It doesn't accept anything, reject anything, judge anything, not judge anything surrenders to anything, nor does it need to become or not become anything. It doesn't desire nor does it refrain from desiring, it doesn't worship anything nor does it not worship anything. It appears in any shape or form. It appears as no shape or form. It's hidden from the seeker because it is also what's seeking. It has no agenda and doesn't need to because it is also the agenda. It has no biases and it also has biases. It is the biases. It is everything even the word everything. There is nothing excluded. NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING. It is what everyone longs for. It is a joke because it is also the "longing for". The desired is the one that desires. We seek things but it is also the seeking of things. We lust, but it is also the lusting, the luster and the thing lusted. It is the questions and the answers. I mean it is EVERYTHING. It is the confusion and the one confused. How can you cure a disease with something that didn't cause it. Because the disease is it and the cure is also it. How can you look at something that's not also you. Because it is the looker and the thing being looked at. I could keep going but you get the drift. It cannot be known nor can it be grasped because it is also the need to know and grasp. It is the looking and the thing being looked at. It is the smell and the thing being smelt. I mean EVERYTHING, There's nothing missing because what we think is missing is also it EVEN THE BELIEF THAT SOMETHING IS MISSING is also it. There's nothing to find, nothing to seek, nothing to know, nothing to deny or not deny, nothing to agree with or not agree with because it is also the disagreement. This is the biggest cosmic joke and the most exquisite of a masterpiece play EVER. That is it. And if you think you can stop being it, you can't because the stopping is also it. There's no escaping it because the escaping is also it. The only way this will not compute is if there's a person there. It will not make sense to a person an individual who is lost in the dream of separation, which is also it. IT IS TOTALLY FREE. Not liberation because that implies something to be liberated from. Not for the character but freedom is all there is. So free that it can also not be free. All the characteristics I mentioned above are all appearances as IT can never be known. THIS IS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
  19. Lol. Beats comparing to a female dog.
  20. There's nothing that needs to be done. It's already been done. It's the belief that it's about you that is the delusion.