Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. If's is not reality. Done.
  2. Exactly, it's still what appears to be not all sunshine and rainbows, it doesn't need to be all sunshine and rainbows. That's a human concept. It just is.
  3. I said there is only unconditional love. My response is also unconditional love. You're the one picking and choosing what you want to call unconditional love. I'm not choosing to do anything. IT IS ALL THAT'S HAPPENING. I cannot choose to respond how i want to respond because if I did and I responded differently, that would also be what happened. You see, there's no escaping unconditional love because it is all there is. No matter how many videos you post and how many sob stories you quote, it is still what is. Notice I didn't say, it is what happened. Those are all just stories. Stories about what happened. I'm not saying those things didn't happen, but what you're saying about them are just stories, feelings and ideas. Ilm not parroting from some guru because the gurus are all just what I'm dreaming up. My imagination. Which is the dream itself. So it doesn't matter what you say, what I say, it is all just what happened and nothing you or I say can change what happens. Even your ignorance of tge matter that this is just a dream. The only thing real is the Absolute and the Abosute is all there is, even those people getting raped. It's all an appearance. An appearance that seems real. Real to me too. It's just I've come to the recognition that there's no me doing anything and I'm just appearing to be making choices and answering what also seems to appear. All that's happening here in life are responses, responses to what's happening and this is a response to what happened, not by me because there's just an empty shell here responding. The Absolute is only appearing as a response.
  4. My location is far from the totality but I saw the dimness which looked different than just a cloudy day. I also felt this earthquake without realizing it was an earthquake 200miles away. My cat was scratching herself and shook her head at the exact same moment I said to myself, Geesh, that felt like an earthquake. Then I looked up and saw her scratching and being a cat and shaking her head on the window sill aggressively so I thought it was from her. It's not after a friend asked me if I felt the earthquake that I realized it was really an earthquake. Cat probably felt it too that's why she was carrying on like that. Aftershocks are pending they say. I live in Nj and the quake was in my State, just further up north near NY.
  5. I never said I was enlightened. No one is enlightened, no one can ever be enlightened. You try to attack me by calling me immature, and asking if I think I'm enlightened. Errrc wrong. No one can or will ever be enlightened,
  6. There's no unconditional love in duality.
  7. I'm looking at a computer screen. What does that have to do with what I said. I SAID NO GUY CAN MAKE ME WET BEFORE ACTUAL PHYSICAL STIMULATION. Don't know about anybody else.
  8. This what you've been conditioned to think and believe. This is not what it is. Even what you said is showing how it is not unconditional love because you included the word Mother. Thats a condition. Please don't argue with me on this. I'm not speaking from ignorance here.
  9. This is not what unconditional love is. I said it before and I'll say it again. Take it or leave it. Everything, every condition, every circumstance, every one, every crime every theft, every rape, every pedophile, every mother, every idiot, every fool, every genius is unconditional Love. IT IS ALL THERE IS INCLUDING THIS PETTY LITTLE ARGUMENT. Will you go see my post the "Cosmic Joke", it will show you in depth of what I mean.
  10. A mother's love for her child is NOT unconditional love. A mother's love for ANY child is closer to it but still limited. You are speaking out your ass. You just described conditional love. Unconditional love needs no examples. I'ts really that simple that IT IS EVERYTHING, EVEN THE WORDS ITS THAT SIMPLE IS IT.
  11. Just to clarify and get back to basics here, no guy can get me wet before we enter the bedroom and things are already going down. Women rarely just get wet. Stimulation is usually needed for that. I swear you guys really think we are the same as you. When you feel that girl and she's wet its because of direct stimulation. Also, there's nothing a guy is saying that determines if she sleeps with him or not, it's how she feels while he's saying it.
  12. Who said anything about hot. A guy could still be ugly and a girl wants to take him home. My signature IS REPRESENTATION. Unconditional love means a love with no conditions. Your statements are conditional. You are exubing biases and conditional love. You are incapable of loving unconditionally, you're even unaware of what unconditional love is. IT MEANS UNDER ANY CONDITIONS. Not what your puny little biased, selfish mind thinks and will advocate for its survival. EVERYTHING, NOTHING EXCLUDED. This is what the Absolute is, this is what fullfilment is, this is what freedom is. It doesn't care and is not conditioned to love certain things and hate certain things, why? BECAUSE IT IS ALL THOSE THINGS. It is the pua, the rapist, the pedophile, the hooker, the idiot, the ass, the whatever it is eveything.
  13. Are you aware that it is impossible for you to love unconditionally. How come? You stem from unconditional love, you ARE because of unconditional love. It's like cutting an apple in half and expecting the half to be the whole. Understand this and you'll never make that statement again. Unconditional love isn't about anything. That's all there is, including people's inabilities' to love unconditionally.
  14. Thanks for the permission, daddy. You seem a bit perturbed. My whole issue here is not advocating for you to see why its cool to sleep with pua's, it's to let you know we don't need to be saved from them. Your whole stance here is very degrading because you think women can't read through the memorized pick-up lines or the pua's strategies, or that we're so stupid, we need a savior. Women are equipped to deal with these kinds of things as a survival mechanism. Most of us already know they are pick-up lines. As I already told you, most women who goes home with the guy already had it in her head, he just didn't fuck his chances up. Not what he said or did, but what he didn't say or did. Pua or not, a guy is a guy to me. Do I like him or not. I don't limit myself just because; and I don't look for perfection, the things I look for most people don't care about, so it would be very hard to disguise them from me since they won't think i'll be watching for those things anyway.
  15. I don't have a clue what you're saying here. Or even where this came from.
  16. Why are people still not getting it. If they are busy why text in the first place.
  17. I really don't know why you're carrying on with this nonsense. You asked me about slutty clothes and how men sees it and i said who cares about what men think, referring to what they think about slutty clothes now you're talking about marriage and gender wars and how no man will ever want me because I don't care about what they think about slutty clothes and really about other women's issues and blah, blah, blah. Let's hear it. No man will ever want me because I don't care what men think, no man will ever want me because I don't care what men think, no man will ever want me because I don't care what men think...they should really want me then because now they can think anything they want. Freedom, baby. I just set you free. When will people realize, i can never be insulted. Save them for AI's kids and baby mammas'. When i'm through with you, you'll either just be cracking up, pissed to the tee, or begging for more,
  18. Here comes the dying baby pictures and the starving children pics and bombings of innocent people pics. No one ever shows the wedding and happy birthday pics when someone says no one exists. It's always the sad stories and the pity party police patrol that emerges to show they exist.
  19. who cares what men think.
  20. All this to say that people who call inanimate things, such as clothing, slutty are neurotic. And also me describing someone neurotic is also neurotic. And my whole statements are also neuroses and my sentence here is a bunch of mumbo jumbo.
  21. I just want to clear up my pet peeve. I will give an example. Them: "Hey what's going on" Me: "Nothing much, what's up with you" Them: No response for an hr. Then, "Aw nothing much just home watching tv" Me: "Oh ok, I'm home just chillin'" Them: No response for 2hrs. Then "oh, that's nice, what you doing tomorrow? Me: Don't respond right away Them: Responds back within 2mins ??? Get it, has nothing to do with who doesn't like to text or who is bored with texting or who doesn't like to talk about useless things. It means you receive a text that you respond to and they don't respond back to your response for an hr or 2 and when you don't respond for 5mins they all of a sudden are promptly responding with a question mark which means why am I not promptly responding. My pet peeve got way blown out of proportion and wasn't properly understood. My thing wasn't about who doesn't like useless conversations but that its a pet peeve when someone texts you first but doesn't responds back to your response. I don't get angry if someone doesn't responds to my initial texts, it's when they don't respond back to my response to their texting me. If someone texts me first, I think its rude to not respond back to their response promptly, if not don't text at all or at least if the convo gas been going on for a little bit and the initial hellos are out the way, that's fine. What ilm talking about is the equivalence of someone calling me on the phone and hanging up when i answer. Then calling back in an hr asking what took me so long to call them back. Now I have a new pet peeve. Never start nonsensical threads.
  22. Love it! Again, confirmation of the madness happening.❤️