Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Hiding it is not enough. He needs to be told to stop these kinds of threads. Saying how you feels about a particular group of people is one thing, but to be constantly trash talking and not only trash talking but spreading hateful narrative about a particular sex is just right out sexism. I mean we all talk shit from time to time, mostly just within comment to comment but nothing as hateful as OP and starting threads after threads after threads about the same hate. He projects his miserable life unto everyone who says anything to him, which he has every right to do, but to be constantly spreading hateful comments about a certain kind of sex that one despises and without any reason other than to just vent without being provoked, is another thing. I'm more upset that nothing is being done about it than him doing this, because people will be people, but that's why we have moderators and I remember a couple times I've been told to stop doing things that were way, way less than what he's doing One of them was commenting on a video shared and saying I didn't like the voice in the video. How I couldn't even watch and listen to it because his voice was too strange. I was kind of making fun of it and probably made more than one comment about it and was told by a mod to stop. I needed to just watch the video and nobody wants to hear about how I didn't like his voice. I thought it was very inappropriate but I responded lightly and let it go as I do with most disagreements. It seems like the male on here can get away with sooooo much more than a female can. I will get called out for the least little thing; some of which I know could have been handled better by me; but nevertheless, I've never felt the hatred towards women as much as before I joined this forum. It's constant and none of it really bothers me because I can handle a lot and don't really take things too personal. But this guy here is in a different league because he's not provoked and is not just replying to another's comment - he's starting threads about it and the users, especially the ones who see him do it often, keep feeding into his hate and giving him explanations as to why he shouldn't feel that way. I don't care how he feels; he can hate on a certain kind of female all he wants, I don't care, but for him to be allowed to constantly start threads about his misogyny and hatred about pretty women is beyond me and it's like no one cares enough to deter this kind of behavior. When I do something wrong, please tell me and, if I see where I was out if line I'll apologize and stop, even if I disagree with the call-out, but this guy doesn't even have the privilege to even get that far because his actions are constantly being ignored.
  2. Ok, fine, but you need to understand that when people get to this stage, there's nothing no one on a forum where they come to vent their frustration is gonna help. He doesn't care. Have you seen the way he responds and how he speaks about them, he doesn't care about others' perspectives, he's not here for that. He comes on this forum just to vent. Almost every post he makes it's about hating on pretty women - like a broken record. His comments to others are also almost always rude. The topics he posts is always venting some kind of frustration. The only difference with him and Hoykael is Hoykael was cursing God just about every post, and this dude curses pretty women just about every post. Numerous times he gets feedback to tell him otherwise, but he just keeps on keeping on. This guy has very deep hatred within him and he needs to stop this. This forum is not a place to keep spreading his misogynistic views. This is hatred and i notice guys can just keep talking about women however the hell they want on this forum and they get baby-sitted. There was another guy on here a while back who used to constantly make posts about murdering and raping women, I forgot his name and it wasn't until I made a public thread about it, when he stopped and jetted from the forum soon after. He would get lame ass comments just like this fool and people would just keep encouraging him by explaining the Un explainable. When people get to this point, forum member's perspectives cannot help and they won't stop because they keep getting feed-back. We don't need to give him feedback and perspectives, we need to tell him to stop the misogynistic comments. I mean, how many times now is he going to do this. Just about every thread he makes and no one is telling him to stop. Go and look at his profile and see how many times he's done this now, what's the point, to to vent. If I was here venting about men and calling them piece of shits every other thread I start, I'm sure you guys wouldn't be trying to give me your perspectives, old be told to chill out. If this guy is allowed to keep doing this I will start threads talking about men all day. I will go to his profile and check out his every posts about pretty women and change that to men, not handsome men, but just men. I will se every sentence verbatim and just change it to men. I'll see how well that'll be received. @Leo Guraplease address this issue, because I don't want to have to stoop as low as this member. I'm getting tired of his extreme misogyny.
  3. @Merkabah StarThanks for the dedication. Love that song.
  4. I lived there about 20yrs. I live in Nj now.
  5. Guys this is what he needs. This is his therapy. The hate energy has to go somewhere, so let him be. The more we respond to his posts on hating pretty women, the more the energy gets fed. Just let him vent, and it will die off eventually. Hope it does before it kills him; that's if the Mcdonalds he eats doesn't kill him first.
  6. So now you're suggesting for him to hate on simps. Now it'll be two sets of people we have to constantly hear about from him on the forum. Let him stick to hating on only pretty women, maybe he'll tire of it one day. He won't hate on simps anyway because that's not who he's trying to get laid with.
  7. Here's a woman who has no internal dialogue. To me that says she has no mind.
  8. This guy's character will end up in the friend-zone arena more often than not. A little too goofy.
  9. Hi thanks for engaging. Looking forward to some of your recipes wherever they're from; but I know South Africa has some very unique ones. The red snapper was my own recipe. As I cook very often, I can come up with lots of recipes on the fly especially, if they consists of just regular whole food ingredients. It looked amazing and very colorful, but was put together with very simple ingredients.
  10. Go out and tell people they're God and they'll put him to sleep. Lol
  11. Grounding. Go outside and walk barefoot for 15mins/day.
  12. My favorite face oil so far. It gives my facial skin a nice after glow. It's not sticky and dissolves into the skin very well. Suitable for all skin types. From Morocco and bought at the local Health Food Store. Can also be used on hair.
  13. Yeah, it's called body language. 😊
  14. Where did you grow up?
  15. If this was true, we'd be a mess. I think we have like 6,000 thoughts per day and if all of them manifested we'd be in trouble. Everything we think will come true one way or another is just a thought and thoughts have no power in of themselves. I think it has more to do with energy and how the energy is manipulated and the energetic response that follows. Energy, frequency and vibration is what matters. Not just thoughts. IT depends on the frequency you're vibrating at and how the energetic pattern is manipulated. Go ahead and think about the lottery and see if you win.
  16. You know what, I mistakenly took the Siamese for the Himalayan. I always used to mix the names up, as I never owned neither. The Himalayan was the one i meant was a pain in the ass. Always hair balls and looked mean and they're usually unfriendly and finicky. Still love them, though. The Siamese are beautiful. I just googled. Oh my gosh, they're so beautiful.
  17. Wtf. Was the end real. Caught me off guard.
  18. Idk about magic, but we do have subtle cues. Believe it or not, some of them even come naturally and without us even realizing we're doing it.
  19. No, no, we don't reveal our secrets. You'll just have to be on the look out for them. Ok I'll give you one. The playing with the hair. Ok, two, the legs crossed towards you. That's enough.
  20. Some women are taught this in the gaming school for women. Yes, women have their own game coaches. It's just not pua but ptt. Pick the target. How to, that is.
  21. A ha! Glad I didn't have to say it. I would probably have gotten flagged. No it's not, I made the first move. I lead her, I gamed her, I made her want me. Hehe. Goes hand in hand. I keep telling you guys, women are more slick than you think. We just don't show it outwardly as much and we play the more serious games, the game that will get you hurt, but not intentionally.
  22. When I drink tap water or even certain brand bottled water like Poland spring, I get a mild headache. I know it's that because it always use to happen after I drink it. So I stopped, only on rare occasions if other options aren't available at the moment. And I have well water at my home.
  23. I don't just go around chit-chatting with guys or even just people, but I don't shy away from it either, especially if I have something to say. I treat men and women the same when it comes to regular conversations, I just don't do it flirtatiously, just regularly being myself, and I'm not super friendly just average. I don't walk around with a bug up my ass. I find I even get hit on less with guys I talk to first and more from guys who I don't.
  24. Females respond differently when they don't think you're just trying to get in their pants and you're probably not walking around emitting "horny dog" syndrome. From what I've seen here, you seem to be focusing on yourself more and trying to better yourself and that gives off a different kind of energy than, "hey, i'm a horny man and I'm entitled to your pussy, how about it, eh".