Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. I wonder how many dust mites she's stepping on as she speaks.
  2. Who are they to you. Seems like you're only in the game to approach. Don't know why you're approaching if it's just for the numbers. What a waste of time and energy just to say "I've approached 1000 women". Then what.
  3. Is this why every creature known to man has eyes. Not for our seeing out of them but for what you stated above. Notice how eyes function as cameras, they even look like lenses. Blind people are still born with eyes so it's not about us seeing through them but maybe for the purpose of this scanning that you mentioned. I've always wondered about this. Look at this bird's eyes; looks so much like a camera.
  4. If a guy said that to me, I would think he was a narcissist. If he added "and mine on you", now that would make me smile, as long as he leaves it at that.
  5. This was pretty funny. Bull was like, get away from my stuff.
  6. Yes, sometimes it surely does. If I wasn't familiar with you, seen a variety of your responses, comments and posts and felt your energy, I would have thought the same thing too. In the beginning i did; but after a little more analysis, it became clear to me why you spoke the way you do and it's quite the opposite of hate.
  7. I don't think he has negative views about women, i never read it as that; what I see is a realistic view on relations with women. More logical, less emotional and thinking more practical. Me and him had this discussion once. As if he's protecting himself from being hurt. Am I right, @NoSelfSelf. Matter of fact, this will sound weird, but I think of all the guys here, your love for women is very huge, so huge it hurts.
  8. Even typing those 4 words is doing too much.
  9. Oh ok. Didn't realize this to be the case. Thanks.
  10. Oh my, those numbers look kind of high, but I just checked and it's correct. That's a lot of people.
  11. What is it that you're wanting to know. What kind of advice are you looking for. Not sure. Have you checked into any real cures. I've seen where there's no cure; but personally, I don't buy into all that no cure at face value. I've never had to deal with that so I've never had to search deep; but I would if I were you two. I don't engage in the "witch doctor" stuff but i just saw online about Dr Sebi's cure for herpes. I'm not recommending nor saying it works, but maybe check into it if it's something that interests you. (I just did a brief search before I made this comment, that's how I'm aware of it). I also saw ways for containing it. Other than that I'm not sure how else anyone can help or advise as it's a personal choice as to whether you feel comfortable dealing with someone with that condition.
  12. This is one of those never-ending topics that could be debated forever. One side trying to sway the other side to their pov or trying to make convincing arguments as to why their pov makes more sense or is the right one. Once one has decided to go either way, it's just a matter of laying down the grounds as to why they've made that choice. Both sides will have endless ways to show why their choice is a better one. Meat or no meat. Whose right. The no meat will advocate for animal rights and brutality but have no problems swatting a fly, stepping on ants or spraying a roach. Only some animals, not all. Some cultures eat roaches as a delicacy, so roaches are edible. The meat eaters will say the body was designed to eat meat and meat provides certain vitamins and nutrients that plants can't give as in vit b12. Only a small amount can be found in seaweed. Some will be vegan and chow down on ff, soda and cookies saying it's not meat, so that's not because of health. Some will eat meat and potatoes and no veggies at all. Personally, I don't eat red meat (pork or beef), but I do eat poultry and seafood - this is just a personal choice and nothing to do with ethics or health. I think most people, if faced with a life or death situation or are trapped somewhere where the only choice is to eat whatever is available, they would do so regardless of their preference. IOW, when push comes to shove, all morals and ethics flies out the window when backed into a corner for survival reasons.
  13. Nice thread. Reading it is like relaxing with a nice cup of Chai Tea away from the hum bum of traffic at the subway station. (Aka the forum). 🧉🚋 Doesn't even need to be agreed or disagreed with, just it's essence is soothing to the soul.
  14. Nice perspective. Never looked at it that way even though that is what helped me perfect mine. I never really said to myself I'm going to go work on my social skills now; but looking back, I can see how it's responsible for me being able to relate to people socially without hang-ups or being awkward about it.
  15. I see. My name in Ms Red Stripe now, ok.
  16. Seriously, I am one person and I pick and choose what to be concerned with,.golf clubs just isn't one of them. Not everyone will care about every single thing that needs attention. That's why there are 8billion of us. You have turned my statement around to say I don't care about the planet which I never said. I am well aware on how to integrate the dual with the non-dual in life. I don't get up saying oh well it's all one and nothing matters and it's all irrelevant. If that was the case I wouldn't eat or even talk to anyone.
  17. Maybe it was a good thing. Jersey women suck.🫢
  18. I didn't say this thread was, but it definitely won't be any other than personal development. I don't think it's even appropriate to keep posting here and leaving it up to the mods to move it, but I've said enough.
  19. Personal development or Spirituality section.
  20. No disrespect, but you keep making threads in the High Consciousness Resources section that are not Top Tier High Consciousness content. That's why some are being moved to other areas.Maybe you should take a look at the Guidelines before posting here.