Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Approaching thousands of women can lead to disassociation and desensitization in the dating world. It's no different than what can happen with hookers and porn stars. It becomes obvious with some men that approach me that they do this with lots of women and couldn't care less if I respond or not. It becomes obvious it's a numbers game and because women are graduates and have masters degrees in feelings and have a certain sense about certain things in this department, it can have a negative impact on the men who approach in the thousands and will only attract the same type of woman, the one who is also detached from her feelings and couldn't care less about who you are as a person.
  2. If you notice in my last sentence, I said "including having the belief of meaning and purpose, or not". What is that but conditional love. So, I did include conditional love in the description of unconditional love. "Your entire life is proof that Unconditional love is indeed also conditional", is not what Unconditional love IS, it's only a description of what Unconditional love is, even though it is still paradoxically Unconditionsl love since it is everything. Describing an orange is not the orange. "You would kill yourself and leave forever" is assuming there's a person there that makes that decision". "The proof that you care, is that you are still here", is not proof that there's someone whose still here, as that's also assuming there's "a someone" who is still here and there's no proof that you're actually speaking to a someone and not just typing and reading happening. Also to say "your entire life", is assuming that there's someone here that has a life.
  3. Upsides: *Interaction with different people from all over the world and having an online community where like-minded people gather to discuss similar topics of interests. * Asking/Giving advice that may help to improve one's life. *Able to share and post interesting and/or informative videos as a way of expanding our knowledge base. *Receiving feedback to certain issues we share via comments, posts or videos that may open our minds to see from a different perspective. *A way to perhaps reduce loneliness in some who are introverts and rather not be out and about unnecessarily and would rather engage online. (more about that later). *A way for everybody introverted or extroverted to interact on the spot when the urge arises without going transporting. *Doesn't have to respond to unwanted and unnerving conversations that might otherwise cause conflicts in person. *Share interesting and enlightening insights that could be life-changing in a positive way. *Can remain anonymous while doing all the above. Downsides: *Can become addictive. *Can take away from productivity of one's personal goals and achievements if too much time is spent on there. *Can cause one to not be able to be in the present from having to go back to previous conversations that were otherwise forgotten (not sure about this being a downside or a negative). This one needs to be seen through to be understood with clarity, it's very tricky, *Causes one to neglect human contact because it is enough to interact online without recognizing the pitfalls in just doing so. *One can not care how they come across because of it's anonymous nature and can become rude and obnoxious as a result. *If not careful, can contribute to more loneliness because of it's nature to be impersonal. *Can lead to one being misled from improper guidance or wrong information that was trusted to be correct. (Seek professional advice for serious issues please). ** Please feel free to add your additions to this list and/or state your opinions on the ones given, or say which ones affect you the most if you care to. **
  4. What I meant to say was, I don't care about seeming deluded; coming across as deluded.
  5. Ok, and I'm not asking to be anything other than just curiosity of one's thinking, so take it as such. If consciousness is everything, then how are the descriptions you mentioned above, how come the opposites aren't also consciousness. What makes what you said pure versus its opposite. (if you're not up for this let me know, i just see it as just a conversation, not as rebuttals or trying to challenge you.)
  6. This is what I've done and am getting flack for it, so easier said than done as most will go with the herd without said doing for fear of either not fitting in or seeming delusional. I don't have a problem with seeming delusional as long as it's something I've come to the realization of or have recognized. All of this will be false, anyway, as they are only insights and perspectives which cannot be true since insights and perspectives cannot stand on their own and can only appear within the dream of separation. However, nothing is denied as everything is the Absolute appearing as such. So, what is seemingly false is also true in the Absolute sense, but when an individual is stuck in the dream it will have consequences and will feel as real as the dream and no amount of Absolute this and Absolute that will be of any help to the dreamer. The beauty of all that, though, is it never really happened.
  7. Videos like these is what hides the real shit happening. This stuff is obvious. Who would not be traumatized by having sex with hundreds of strange men. I would be too, if I had to get all banged up everyday and at their tender young age. It's not a moral issue but more of a psychological one. That said, you're just naive when you say conscience. If you really knew the stuff you're contributing to just by being a member of society, you would be in awe. So don't just single out the obvious, it's the ones you're oblivious to that you need to go investigate and your smart phone and the clothes you wear are just some of them. Keep "God" out of this because the ignorance of what God is is what perpetrates all the so-called "evil" in the world. Saying one needs God's help is a misnomer.
  8. If language wasn't a thing, there would be no enlightenment. The problem with happiness is the I AM. Separation. I AM something being something else. There is no separation so therefore in essence there is no I AM. The I AM is a dream so therefore it suffers within the dream experience not recognizing it's dreaming. Every experience of the I AM is a dream. It's true nature is not a dream because it's no-thing. The individual is dependent upon a subject-object experience which is illusory, and as a result everything experienced seems real because it is unaware that there is no individual. The bi-product of the I AM is separation and automatic suffering because separation and apparent suffering are synonymous. It is unaware that what it's seeking is the end of seeking; and fulfillment cannot be lasting where there is seeking of something it will never find because there was never an individual to begin with. There's only enlightenment within the dream of the I AM, which doesn't exist without relations to an object. Knowledge also implies separation. Someone that knows something. The Absolute cannot be known so everything known are just stories within the Absolute and also the Absolute. Enlightenment is the Absolute "enlightenment-ing" and since nothing is separate there's only the Absolute, everything is enlightenment or no-thing is enlightenment.
  9. What if the cow really jumped over the moon.😶‍🌫️
  10. You must have like a very wild, vivid imagination. You must be great at like phone sex, or like fantasy imagery. Lol. Your posts are always like whacked and out there. I feel like I'm reading a sci-fi, scary, spiritual, religious mormonic, demonic, angelic book sometimes when I read your posts. Very entertaining.
  11. Nice Interview.
  12. Very informative video. I love me some clove. I'm always recommending it for tooth ailments, but it's so effective in treating or aiding in recoveries of many ailments. Great for freshening breath and just overall vitality.
  13. @bambiHere goes. Quote, "Princess hasn't even done a psychedelic yet will posture and post more confidently than everyone who has LOL! Insanity How or why is this allowed on the forums, it is stupid". Verbatim. Then you went on to say Davino was 100% right when I did not negate what they said. I only chimed in with my pov.
  14. Prejudice doesn't necessarily equate to gender, race etc. It could simply be the dislike of someone based on their preferences. In this case, psychedelic use and the comment you made to me regarding my non-use and that I have no right posting on this forum because I have not done psychedelics. And also made a mockery of it. Would you like for me to re-hash your comment verbatim, because I can.
  15. I'm lost here. Where have I made an authoritative comment about psychedelics and it's effect on one's usage, except to proceed with caution and shouldn't be a basis whether someone can comment on a Spiritual forum without using them. I would love to see where I've commented on psychedelics as if I know so much on their effects or lack there of. Please do. If you're unable to directly quote, please put in quotation marks my exact words and if you're unwilling to even do that please give a brief summary on what I said without your interpretation of what I said but try to make it close to verbatim as much as possible.
  16. @bambiYou know nothing about me, but you know what I've experienced. Your judgement towards me lack any merit and cannot be taken seriously. If you had asked me how did I come to my conclusions or whatever it is that I'm saying, I would have taken you more seriously. It's obvious to me, but not definite, that you are just trying to attack me for no valid reasons and if you're in disagreement with what I'm respectfully communicating, you can move on and not allow it to disturb you. This forum is equipped with an ignore button and as I'm not spreading hate, disrespecting forum members, nor attacking anyone, I feel you are out of place to dictate to me what I can and cannot speak about on a public forum. The fact that you mentioned that I had done no psychedelics and that my comments are a joke because of that, shows bias, prejudice and a lack of integrity as you so like to describe my presence here on the forum to be.
  17. Would love to see you point out something I've commented on that you have such a problem with and is disturbing to you and feel I lack integrity by making such comments. Having no experience in something doesn't equate to lack of knowledge. Speaking from knowledge doesn't equate to having experience on said knowledge. Would you like me to do a summary of all the comments that users make that they have not directly experienced? That said, how are so equipped to have so much authority to tell me what I have or have not experienced.
  18. There's an ignore button. Just for posting on a forum is not seeking attention. Would love for you to point out a post i made that caused your disciplined mind to get distracted. It is of no value to hate on women but that seems to get by on here with no problems. (Mods, i'm just stating my opinion and have no intentions of being rude or starting any drama). Please look up the word integrity before using it if you don't know how to use it, please. What you have stated and your opinions about my posts and comments doesn't imply my lack of integrity.
  19. It always amuses me when the person that started the thread is nowhere to be found while everybody else is going at it and the thread is going a mile long. The beauty of life.
  20. Lol. That's why I love you.
  21. Yes, but I didn't realize that I needed to do psychedelics for my pov's to be accepted by a particular person on here, which I won't name as they're aware of who they are. It's a good thing I'm pretty well informed of their dangers and don't just delve my ass into the unknown without proper preparation as some on here have done and messed up their mental capabilities. Very dangerous to call someone out on their lack of psychedelic use when you know nothing about their mental health. Then I was the one called out for lack of integrity and whatever else....i forgot.
  22. Maybe I need a robe, a Princess high-top chair, a white beard, rarely blink my eyes, talk slowly, have a YT channel with millions of subscribers, do psychedelics and wear a turban. Then I'll have authority to speak my truth. @bambi