Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Not a single thing in my reply stated I was following any instructions. They were simply my own decisions.
  2. Sounds like a robot walking down attachment street. Lol
  3. OK Mr, illusion. Well said. I will stay out of people's conversations and attend to my own delusions. Thanks for the reminder.
  4. See, you're just a friggjn robotic spiritual parakeet. Nothing in my statement showed attachment to any sentences. In fact, I laughed and made light of the situation. You're the one that probably needs to detach from the spiritual nonsense and just be.
  5. Doing it right now my love. 24/7
  6. How can one completely forget everything when they didn't invent the mechanisms on how remembrance and forgetfulness works. Like please forget everything...ok, I forget everything. Doesn't work like that.
  7. Do you realize what you're actually saying. First you say there's no you. Then you say YOU have no control on anything whatsoever implying there's a you. And people just listen to this shit and swallow it up. I'm not saying there's a you, and i'm not saying there's any control, there are nuances to this shit and it's not that cut and dry.
  8. Everyone has probably heard me say that umpteen times. The thing is, I don't say it for every friggin comment on every friggin every friggin person, on every friggin day. 🤣I say it within context sometimes, you just blabber that shit out when asked what's for dinner tonight.....there's no you, so there's no dinner, tell that to your poor son, he might chop your no one head off. Lmao, I can't.
  9. Ever stop to think that you might be making the subtle mistake. Not saying so, but maybe. I know I'm open to that. Very open actually because I'm aware there are holes everywhere and delusions prevalent. You say duality and mirage. A mirage isn't real but duality implies realness. I'm still exploring so I'm not dismissing what you're saying. I like to use the ocean and the wave analogy. Also when it comes to the word you, that can get misconstrued. Which you. Anyway, thanks for the food for thought. Love to hear your perspectives.
  10. You're just repeating shit with no rhyme or reason. First there's nobody then you give a purpose to walk some path that the nobody should walk.
  11. Ever wonder why. Maybe it's because of what I said. Just maybe, just maybeeeeeeee.!!!
  12. Please feel free to share any Audio Books that you think is worthwhile to listen to here.
  13. Yeah! That's usually the case. When I realized this I stopped taking things personally (most times). Hard to hold a grudge when you know this.
  14. I'm starting to realize this. Thanks for your comment.
  15. Your life ends when you realize you never had a life. Your love never ends when you realize it's timeless. Ok, enough with the poetry😅
  16. Only if you consider it work. I take breaks from real work. Sleeping isn't work, but we still take breaks from it, even though we don't consider it a break from sleeping, also eating and every other activity. I don't need breaks from discovering myself, I need breaks from things that aren't related to the discovery of the self. Everything I do, involves self-discovery. Nothing else is worth my time and energy. So, I incorporate self-discovery into everything, so the breaks come naturally as in when i sleep. I could be eating and still doing the "work".
  17. Do we go around chasing our arm, our eyes, the sun, night time, daytime, or anything that is already present. Anything that is inevitable or we know is there or sure is about to come, no. We're in a relaxed state about it. We don't think about our fingers unless it hurts; and we don't focus on whether or not daylight will show up in the morning, we go to sleep knowing the sun will rise whether it's a cloudy day or not. All these things have been neutralized within our awareness and have collapsed back into oneness. When nighttime appears within our awareness it's already perceived that daytime will follow. When daytime arises, nighttime collapses back from whence it came, back into nothingness. We don't ask where the hell did daytime go and go chasing for it, we are at peace knowing it will show up. That anxious feeling isn't arising. We're at peace with all those sorts of things. Knowing our arms are on our bodies, our eyes are there, the sky is there and that our hearts are beating. This is how things become one with the Universe. That trigger energy didn't disappear, it collapsed and blended in with the flow. So did the happy energy. We feel happiness for 5mins then the happiness blends itself and become one again. So does every emotion. They arise and subside within our awareness. They are still potentially there; but until there's focus and attention, they lie dormant. Happiness, joy, excitement etc, gives us such a dopamine hit that the mind doesn't want to let go of that feeling. We chase happiness because we're unsure. Unsure of it's existence. We need to see it to feel alive. Even sadness. We need these emotions to come out of their non-dual state for us to know we exist. If not, we'll feel dead inside. We will feel that nothingness. We don't want to feel like nothing; and because happiness is the feel good state, we chase it around like a cat chases a mouse. We need to feel alive. We also chase other emotions and feelings, but I'm concentrating on happiness here even though this goes for every emotion. Happiness has to collapse back into the flow of oneness because that's it's nature. It cannot be otherwise. We don't understand this, so we chase it down. It keeps coming back up, but not for long as it's a very short-lived sensation. Depression is happiness turned in unto itself. Picture an umbilical cord trapped and cannot free itself. Stopping happiness in it's tracks from birthing itself. These energies are free but the mind enslaves them. When the mind liberates itself and welcomes all these energies to flow and collapse as they are designed to do because of the Absolute nature of the Universal flow, then they're not trapped within the body. We chase after happiness because sadness is trapped within the body so is anxiety, confusion, anger, fear, jealousy, etc. All these emotions makes us feel contracted and constricted. So, we chase after what we believe will loosen them up, not realizing that they'll just surface again once the happy energy subsides. Ever notice happiness doesn't create a problem for us. It's because this energy is welcomed and shown love. We don't reject or hate it. It comes and goes more freely than the other ones we associate negativity with. Those one's get more attention and focus so awareness stays within this side of consciousness. They feel more intense. Anger feels more intense than happiness because of the attention we give it. We don't usually consciously chase anger because it doesn't feel good, but we are still chasing it in the silent pursuit for happiness. We will search out things and circumstances that makes us feel upset and bothered because that happiness dopamine hit wears off too quickly. Either way we're chasing emotions to make us feel something - something rather than nothing.
  18. Right. I got the meme afterwards. We're actually desiring it because it is us. We seek for ourselves. That's why they say we are actually seeking for the end of seeking.
  19. Pain for them, as we normally view it, creates a pleasure for them, Yes, that's why pain's definition is subjective and relative. Depends on who's perceiving the feeling. Pleasure and happiness are two separate things. Someone can still be miserable and sad while feeling the pleasure of an orgasm. Someone can be happy by inflicting pain unto someone else. How is that good. A murderer can feel happiness after committing their crime of revenge. Gotta expand the mind a bit. Life isn't just one way.
  20. Anything man didn't alter or make makes me feel good afterwards.
  21. The same reason why being on the beach with a skimpy bathing suit on is normal but wearing that same bathing suit to a restaurant or public event is not. People's biases, survival and agendas. Also group think. People are not surviving or identifying as porn stars but they can survive and identify as a regular person who gets naked, kiss and make out. So it's more comfortable to watch with others. At the beach, they identify as beach goers where a bathing suit is appropriate. At church, they identify as a church goer then and not a beach goer then, so a bathing suit is not compatible with that identity according to the collective consciousness's group think. Get it! The same church goer who goes to the beach will wear the appropriate costume respectively. They are dressing according to the role they are playing at the time, no problem. Very few people will identify as porn stars so, watching porn with someone who will never identify with being a porn star, is the same as saying this is not a part of my construction and will never be, so therefore; that construction worker is out of place and doesn't belong. It's about identity and role-playing. Porn stars have sex on a whim, most can't identify with that. Regular shows have a plot which led to the sex and people can identify with that. It's uncomfortable playing a role you cannot identify with. Life is about playing the roles of different identities. Don't ask me to explain what I just wrote because I don't even understand it myself. No questions please. Just kidding. I do understand it; but if you don't get it, I can't make you.