Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. What's required for bad habits to form?
  2. This is what I was responding to. You're only able to type because of repetition of typing and not from some conscious effect which came organically.
  3. Lol, looks like my brother and cousins.
  4. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂happy?
  5. Your ability to type this message via a keyboard was because of repetition without any real meaning or intention to achieve anything.
  6. We got kicked out the garden of Eden for tasting the forbidden fruit, which is the fruit of knowledge. Knowledge is separation and now we seek to get back in using more knowledge.
  7. I know if I was going to commit suicide I wouldn't be starting a forum thread about it. I wouldn't be responding with laughter to silly commentary. I wouldn't be posting cartoon videos and turning this decision into a fiasco and dramatic play and waiting around for responses to the threat of ending my life like a sequel for my dramatic exit. Then again, who knows , this is Absolute Infinity where everything's included and nothing's excluded, so welcome to the party. Buckle up and enjoy the ride. The ride that never ends.
  8. This statement sounds retarded.
  9. Sounds really nice. This is my feeling on what's been said here. Something that just spontaneously came without overthinking it, so this was an immediate response, the writing of it will dilute it a bit. I see THIS as pure love already. In all it's form and appearances. Don't get me wrong, not a pure love as in I'm loving all that appears or saying all that appears is wonderful and all glorious. No. This is pure love. A "pure love" that's raw and direct. Alive. Not an awakening to but is. At all times. It's enough to be gradual and constant. Not an awakening to something extra ordinary that will go away and sought after again and wishing and hoping for. This is pure love. Right now, unfolding as we speak.
  10. Sweet. So I guess I'm growing.
  11. Just wanted to say, last night I read the whole thing and watched both videos. I've watched him talk before on a rare occasion when someone shared his video; but now I'm in love. I will add him to my playlists and enjoy watching him speak and the words coming out his mouth and whatever meaning I give to them. Utter madness, so raw and direct. Trying to describe him is like trying to describe the Absolute. Absolutely incredible.
  12. You keep wanting to make these dumbed down versions of God realize things. Can we, as the dumbed down versions of God stay dumbed down please. You're spoiling the fun. Lol
  13. This is it. Even your striving for it is it.
  14. Wrong. It's OK you feel that way but I'm being misunderstood here, that's how it seems anyway. Ok, too. When shit hits the fan and whatever happens after that, and the response that occurs is what will be. Doesn't matter about stability. Doesn't matter how in oneness i am with anything. Doesn't matter if I suffer till kingdom come. Doesn't matter. You're saying this as if it'll change what happens and the responses that follow. When shit hits the fan is a fear tactic, the "shit" is not hitting the fan right now and if and when it does, it'll be what happens.
  15. I don't think that figure is right. I remember a time when it used to say for a few weeks 4,000, 2000, 3,000, then it plummeted back down to the hundreds in days, then shot back up, then plummeted again. I don't think its accurate.
  16. This is the secret. Shhhhhh. See how OP shot you down with his limited belief. I know he'll probably tell this pretty girl it's not true, when whenever not so attractive guys approached me with confidence how I tend to just about always welcome them. For some reason I'd usually find those ones more interesting. I've never really been described as hot, usually pretty or beautiful more beautiful, so I don't know if that counts as hot, but either way I usually got approached by short or not so attractive guys, but they were usually confident or funny and that usually works as long as they didn't stink or were super super super unattractive or rude.
  17. 😒😒
  18. You cannot be anything but what's appearing as yourself. We think we're special and have our own minds, thoughts, ideas, etc when that's all just illusory. These are the kinds of problems the individual that sees itself as a separate entity will run into and these comments are enforcing that. It will never work because you're not making those choices. If you were, you wouldn't be on here asking how not to be what you're appearing as. Now you make a thread how you hate Leo who is also in the same boat because he can't help what he's appearing as either.
  19. @DavinoSomehow, except for our preferences in processes and differences in the type of work you do VS mine, I think we have a similar way of seeing certain things and can see beyond the spectrum. After re-reading my post I could see why you thought it was a good post; but more importantly, where you saw apparent biases and your train of thought that led you to that conclusion. (I believe, anyway). I think you read into certain aspects as me complaining about why certain things are the way they are and that it isn't fair it is that way and left it at that. I think most of you saw it that way. I was trying to say, it doesn't seem like that is what's ACTUAL but only APPEARS to be the case. It's not that some are left out to fend for themselves, but because there's no actual person in those positions and we are all the same and that those certain circumstances aren't really happening but only appears to be the case. If we were to erase all narratives, ideas about what's happening, thoughts about them, our own interpretations, it wouldn't have any meaning whatsoever and would be neutral in the Absolute sense. It's only because we see ourselves as individuals and everybody else as such why it appears that some are more privileged than others, when in fact no one is any better off than the next. My post was very long and it would have taken a lot more explanation to really get at the core of what I was really getting at, and it just seemed like I was being biased when I wasn't really. But I didn't want to turn it into a book so I tried to get in what I was pointing to without getting too much into it. I think with a little deeper look and with this response, you'll be able to really see what I was pointing to which is that there is actually no teachings required, no one is left behind, no processes needed to become anything as there's actually no separation and it's all the Absolute appearing as limitations and some getting left behind. Either way, nothing has to change and it's utter perfection because the Absolute cannot be anything but.
  20. Nah, it just appears that way to the individual. I wasn't really trying to say, why did God give him looks and not some, I'm past that stage, what I'm pointing to is much deeper than that and i think you miss the deeper aspects to what my post was pointing to.
  21. Glad you enjoyed. Seems like you understand where I was coming from with it, more than most. I don't get the biases to what is part, but I'll read it again to see what part I believe you're seeing as such. Maybe it was more disagreements than biases, but maybe not.