Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. @Leo GuraRegarding your latest blog post stating that Consciousness cannot be defined. Isn't the word "divine" a definitive word, yet you used it to define consciousness while also saying consciousness cannot be defined. Since consciousness is total and is everything, then according to your words, everything is divine - or not. Please explain.
  2. Nice. Now take this and realize that all your limiting beliefs, memories and traumas are also complete, everything and nothing. You just said it, so is it the neurosis and/or delusion game you're playing with yourself. The clues are everywhere, like I've said many times. Just gotta spot them.
  3. There are no opposites, period. It's just what is. If you say my answer is vague, or whatever you have to say about it, it's what is also. Period, end of story - and that's also a story. Anything anybody says will be a belief, which are also just thoughts. Go ahead and believe in all your stories because without your stories you're no one. Now, let's get back to reality and all the stories about it.
  4. Sounds like the ego is trying to comfort itself. Knowing absolutely nothing is also KNOWING you know absolutely nothing. IOW, you're stating that you know something. Everything is ok, implies there's something that's not ok. The fact that you're saying that implies there's a thought that once believed everything was not ok. Sounds like a thought trying to comfort itself. "It's gonna be good in the end" implies there's a beginning and an end of which there is none, but only in the mind that created a beginning and an end. Everything is not you because that's duality. Do you look at a tree and say it's you. No. You only say this because you were told this. If you really believed this, you would have no problems and no need to stop doing anything you're doing because you would know it's you. Saying you don't need anything and is like saying the body doesn't need water to survive and you don't need air to breathe. The person you are talking to is not perfect and complete just the way they are. That's like saying the rose bud is perfect just the way it is and need not grow anymore. The apple tree as a seed is perfect the way it is and need no watering to grow to it's full potential. "Each atom in the cosmos follows the laws of physics"? That may be true, but I thought the atoms were me and the laws of physics was me, as in "everything is you". Everything as in what, the material things but not the abstract? I am the creator of reality? This Universe? How? Where is the thing that created the other thing. Where is the Universe?. You see, these words are empty. I know language is all we have and a way of communicating. What we communicate is essentially meaningless where this is concerned. It's only meaningful in the dualistic, relative world where it's all changeable and not permanent. Impermanence means not permanent, so the meaning of these words are also impermanent. Not knocking your efforts, only showing how it's not truth. Absolute Truth. They are only a representation of the Absolute. Nothing you or I say holds any weight. Why speak? There's no one speaking. Why anything? Because there's no one making that choice. Life is happening and there's nothing anyone can do about it. There is enlightenment within infinity. Infinity is everything, enlightenment is a concept within infinity. If I'm everything then I'm already enlightened. Who is there to know what enlightenment is if everyone is everything.
  5. For men and women.
  6. The only thing that exist, doesn't need to be enlightened. The unchangeable doesn't need to be enlightened. The permanent doesn't need to be enlightened. This world is an illusion, a mirage, which is also real but only within the realms of the illusion. A magic trick of a woman getting sliced in two is an illusion but the illusion is real, in that sense. It's a real illusion. A rainbow is not really there and cannot be grasped, it's still a rainbow and a real rainbow. It's colors reflecting to appear as a rainbow. Nothing here is really real, so how can enlightenment be really real. It's only real as in the sense that everything else also appears to be real. Take away the world, enlightenment goes with it, take away the world, what remains is what's always present and what's aware that the world no longer exist. Something is aware of the world and that something will also be aware of the "no world". Awareness is all there is, and Awareness is also aware of the one claiming to be enlightened. What does the world consist of, everything that is forever changing. Nothing real ever changes, nothing unreal exists.
  7. This is like saying the cat recognizes it's a cat. The cat doesn't see itself as a cat. The I doesn't see itself as an "I". The "I" doesn't think, thinking happens. There is no Universe, there only appears to be a Universe. Who is the one that realizes enlightenment. The one that doesn't exist or the one that does. The one that doesn't, cannot realize anything but only within the realms of it's own illusion and will also be illusory. and the one that does cannot know it's enlightened. To know you're enlightened means separation because knowledge IS separation. Who is the one knowing. If all there is is mind, enlightenment has to be within the activity of mind, which by definition, it isn't and is a contradiction.
  8. Oh my! That was a mouthpiece. Great explanation!
  9. This Channel is moving mountains. There's no other like it.
  10. Ah, shush. Nothing is happening. Kidding. 😅
  11. Lemongrass sauce for cooking. To food processor add finely chopped lemongrass, garlic, thyme, scallions, ginger, lemon or lime juice, parsley, red pepper flakes, s&p. Process pouring in olive oil through the spout until smooth. Finish in blender for a smoother consistency. Rub over fish, chicken or vegetables and cook. Baked, grilled or pan fried. Gives a nice flavor to whatever cooking.
  12. When I say this, people respond saying "drop a hammer on your foot and see if nothing happens🤣". This fucking reality shit is bat crazy. Nothing happening, but it appears to be. I understand it, but it's still wild. It's so obvious nothing is really happening when you realize what Infinity is.
  13. Very good interview. Lots of useful information regarding toxic chemicals in foods and household products.
  14. Your inner being. Bask in your own beingness. That is what you're really searching for. You'll deny it, of course.
  15. You might have a point there. Can't fill on an empty cup. Can't give what you don't have.
  16. They are simply tools. Make no mistake, no different than alcohol, video games, excessive shopping, drugs, food, sex, everything human's do to distract. We all distract. All our minds are degenerate and neurotic. You just think you're different because the things you do to distract may seem extreme and not comfortable to you. You judge them as weaknesses and whatever else you say about them. We're all looking for ways to cope with the mind's insanity. You bully yourself and call yourself a degenerate and a retard; but if you didn't, you wouldn't see what you're doing as a problem. Not saying the cocaine isn't, but you would engage to function the same way someone drinking coffee would. Some tools are more destructive than some. You meditate to quiet the mind then take the coke to revive it. That's the insanity and turbulence the mind carries on with. Allow the mind to be and it will stay calmer.
  17. This is the key to living life right here. I've noticed this too. Whenever I stay calm, things work out; when I panic, it gets worse. It's a practice one develops. This is making good use of the mind. Making it your slave instead of the master. Lots of problems could be solved this way. It's thoughts and the mind that gets us in trouble sometimes, if not always. Ideas and thoughts about life. I stop myself in it's tracks when I find I'm doing it. Two seconds later, I find myself doing it again, five seconds later......then I laugh out loud and simply just notice how the mind is an insistent s.o.b. Practice more and it becomes easier. I notice it with a lot posts. All mind stuff and not reality. Living in the mind and not present. So, yes your comment resonates a lot and is the key. The ego wants control when there's none and it is the only thing that suffers when it doesn't get it.
  18. I see. Maybe he's speaking from the top down, but I do understand what you're saying. Reaching people is the key and they have to be met at the human level consciousness first in order to move up the ladder and transcend.
  19. I know this is a teaching that people say to do and it sounds good and effective. What you're doing is actually strengthening the thoughts. Putting awareness on them, expanding them, giving them life and momentum. In the beginning this is fine but there comes a time when thoughts have to be let go of and not be consciously, mindfully observed. Notice the one that is observing the one doing the observing. Meaning, there is something there that notices you being mindful of thoughts. Notice that. Focus on that more. We shun self-inquiry practices but then we are still confused about reality and our true nature. We call it woo woo and that we are being practical and need to get to a certain point first. It is the only thing needed. When you recognize you are not the doer nor the changeful body/mind, lots of unnecessary problems fall away. You gain a sense of peace and serenity within. Problems still arise but they don't have the same pull and power they used to have. Notice the thoughts, but not mindfully. See them as a function. The mind thinks, the body reacts. You are neither. Take this for whatever it's worth; and I know you know deep down what's going on, but it's the mind's activity that has a hold on you. You are lost in it and every human's problems stems from this. Not normal everyday challenges, but spiritually speaking and all the existential crisis's. This is true spirituality and really the only thing that matters.
  20. Seen this video. Love RJ Spina. Ever notice also people will ask for advice and they don't really care for the advice, they're only reiterating their existing beliefs. Ever heard them say, "that's what I wanted to hear", from maybe one specific advice or they rebut every single advice and tell you themselves their own answers. It's very subtle. Once I started to notice this, I begun to realize nobody really needed "fixing". Sometimes their answers are within their statements or the answers are within the questions. When you realize it's all the same being communicating with itself, you can see right through this. My own life experience reveals this. People will tell you to stop watching YT and videos and listen to people; but if you're watching the right ones, there's a lot of understanding and wisdom that's there to be had. Countless times I've either made a post or had a discussion about something spiritual and turned on YT to see a video on the same subject. It's like the Universe speaking to me to say you're right on. I'm also aware of self-deception, so I still look at it with an open mind and not be too adamant about my beliefs. Was just watching his LIVE yesterday, too. Another thing I notice is people sharing videos of the same people I watch here at home in private. Videos I don't normally share. The synchronicities are unbelievable. I watch his channel all the time.
  21. You just said here the same thing Schizo said. Just in the opposite way.
  22. Lol. It's hilarious. Sometimes someone has to tell someone there's no one. lol