Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Applesauce! Duh!
  2. Sounds delish. Next time you make it, take a pic and post.
  3. I didn't realize it had started. This post alerted me. Love the Olympics. Can't wait for the track and field events. Love the swimming and gymnastics too.
  4. Just finished watching her singing.
  5. Lol. Me...i like to climb the tree and drink it right up there and wait for the others to ripen before I come down. Can't get any fresher than that.
  6. I think he's a rapper. I'm 90% he's male.
  7. Gay women, the masculine ones, like to watch straight porn and enjoy watching the men do their thang. Why? They are fantasizing about how they can make their women feel. Usually these are feminine women they're with, women who also love men. The gay/bi world is not so straight forward. It's a bit complicated. No pun intended.
  8. No, I think Danioover is male.
  9. Telling someone you're going to shoot them in the face is no excuse for dealing with degenerates for weeks or years. He's supposed to be a professional. Especially in this circumstance.
  10. Ain't no female want a dick with insane boner power. That's just the guy's fantasy because he watches too much porn thinking that's real life. Remember someone here said he loves to do it rough and aggressive but none of his lays had an orgasm. Some might, but that's just a few.
  11. Careful who ur speaking to there. She just might be based and dog pilled He was referring to Someone here.
  12. Humans didn't invent time, the separate self nor death. I guess what you mean is human's invented concepts. None of that really exists. Something that doesn't exist cannot be invented by humans. Humans don't really exists either, that's another concept. It's all made up. There's no list, unless you want to list everything. That which doesn't appear and disappear, that which never changes, that which is ever present.,,,,,that is, what really is. The rest, which is everything observable are nothing but appearances.
  13. Can't wait for the non-duality police to get a hold of this one. They'll say, well who's writing this. Don't tell me my suffering isn't real. Tell that to the starving kids in Africa. It is actually happening but only as appearances. The dream analogy is on point. This is why amnesia is a thing and people who can't remember anything. It never really happened. The clues are everywhere. You just have to be keen on spotting them. Observe life. Observe your own mind. Sleep is the dead giveaway. The world disappears when we sleep and appears upon awakening. Can't have both at the same time. That's why it's all mental. The mind appears upon waking up and doesn't shut down until sleep. It's not that you can't make the mind sees this. There is no you. There is really no mind. It's all just happening. The mirage is you thinking there's a you thinking and dreaming's brilliant. It's magical. Now let's get back to Reality.
  14. It's a shame it had to come to this. At least they're starting early.
  15. I buy spices whole and grind in a spice grinder.
  16. This is how i drink my 🥥 water. Straight from the coconut. Any kind of coconut will do. I then extract the meat from it's shell and eat it straight, cut up and blend to make 🥥 milk which I may use to make Jamaican rice and peas, put in my curry chicken or use to cook oatmeal. I also use coconut milk at times to wash my face. It is a cleanser.
  17. Leave him alone he's autistic.
  18. Keep that gay shit over there in Dubai or wherever you from Costa Rica or Afghanistan. Don't be tryna look for company. Ainlt no gays here on this forum only lesbos.
  19. I've been with women, so bi bi. Lol. Come on over and join the party. You just might not like it. I'm so silly.....