Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. I don't understand empathy in depth or the intellectualization aspect of it, but I'm a deeply empathetic person. It never came about by my trying to understand it or trying to improve it. It did it on it's own. After you learn certain things or get a better understanding as to why you behave in a certain way, it becomes easier to analyze yourself as to why you do what you do. In your case, however, you're trying to become empathetic, you're imposing that characteristic on the psyche when it's not there naturally. You're trying to solve a personal issue and thinking that if you're more empathetic it will help you to forgive your perpetrators or abusers, but that approach doesn't work because these things can't be forced. I kind of know your story as you've written about it on here many times. So I'm not just talking out my ass, I have a point of reference for what I'm saying and also what you're saying in your post and responses. I even remember once telling you that by asking people to talk about their trauma (I forgot the name of the thread you started) but you wanted people to go back in memory and list things that they went through - something of that nature and I said all you're doing is reliving the event because the brain doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's being imagined. Just about every post you make you address the fact that your parents were abusive and your childhood was so and so etcetc. You have not learnt how to let that go in a healthy manner and now you're trying to gain empathy by understanding why perpetrators commit these horrendous crimes in order to understand your perpetrators. I'm speculating here so correct me if I'm wrong. Empathy grows when you learn to forgive yourself. When you realize that your guilt and shame is not personal to you and that everyone is only looking for love and have not learnt how to process the empty feeling they feel on the inside due to various reasons. When you're able to process your own feelings of insecurity, and self-hurt and your own feelings of shame and guilt. Not trying to understand why others do what they do, that will come afterwards as a result of you understanding the self first.
  2. @trentonI see. I can try my best to explain how I go about these things without sounding too woo woo and impractical; but I might not do a good job because of how I've trained my mind to focus and the person i've become. I understand that there are horrible things going on in the world and we are trying to deal with it all and to show love to everyone around us and to be of service to others. These things are happening; and it's unfortunate that we can be susceptible to the horrors of society and have to develop our own coping skills to deal with it all. However, we cannot change the world by trying to change the world. We have no control over what happens, only how we respond to what happens. All the teachings about loving everything, everyone and all the atrocious things that we see and hear about is fantasy. We as humans are not required by nature or the Universe to love these things. We don't have to love everything because everything is love. Love in this sense is not a verb. It stands on it's own. It's all love. Even hate. How we deal with all these things without feeling pressured into believing that we have to do something in order to be like God and love these things because that's what God does, is by observing them without judgement. Not accepting, not forcing yourself to love it, not feeling you are agreeing by not getting enraged or angry or feeling hateful; but by recognizing that everything exists. Nothing is excluded. God or whatever name you choose, IS EVERYTHING. It is the genocide, the rapist, the victim and the perpetrator. (This is the woo woo part and I can't sugar coat it any more than I'm already trying, so bear with me). Not saying that whenever you see a rape victim, you should say, well it's God, so everything is fine or oh well, nothing I can do etcetc. No that's not what I'm pointing to. Take inspired action, whatever needs to happen at that moment will happen. Give assistance, protest, get angry, lash out, call 911, idk what will transpire but that's all you need to be concerned with. There's no need to ruminate on worldly affairs, no need to go in your head and think about how the world is cruel and how you feel the need to have to do something about it. Whatever that needs to be done, will be done even if it's by you. It will just happen. See it for what it is. A woman was raped. People are viscous....if that's a thought that popped up, let it, it will pop back down. If another thought of the same nature pops up after that, see it for what it is - a thought and allow for it to subside without judging it. This is a form of self love. By realizing that this is the nature of reality. The holographic Universe. This 3D density. It is not constant and forever changing. A flow of energy, karma and what is playing itself out. Even your hatred and disgust for these things is a part of the flow of life. Realize this, but don't dwell on this. Let it pass through you. Don't write posts about it because you are just reliving a bad memory. If it's not in your direct experience then it is not happening. If you find that you are in the midst of whatever you're in the midst of, whatever response is happening, is what's happening. That's it. No need to dwell in thoughts and mind about it. Just be present with what's happening and life will take care of the rest, even if it's through you, but you don't know that. The disgust you're feeling will pass but allow for it to pass without judging the fact that you feel disgusted. It's a feeling and feelings don't last forever. It's the thoughts about the feeling that will keep the thoughts in a continuous pattern and infect the mind. Don't beat upon yourself, don't ruminate about on past events. Level up your state of consciousness by inquiring into the nature of reality, understanding of why things are happening the way they are, how people are acting out of fear and a lack of understanding of who they actually are and empathize with it, and let it go. All of that is within the mental frame as the actions required will be done and wherever the energy flows from there will be as a result of how it is handled in the present. Long response, but it is the best I could do in trying to make you understand from my point of view.
  3. Sounds contradictory. Sorry for your loss. Condolences to you and your family.
  4. Maybe one day I'll see a very high vibe post from you. Maybe purify the mind a bit. There are infinite Realities, why live in these states.
  5. It doesn't really matter about this. Who are you asking to look. Who is looking and for what is it looking for. The self looking for a no-self. No one here can know that there is no self. Who is knowing. There's no separation, only what appears to be. All you're saying is correct, but there's no one that knows that, and a self that's not a self won't be asking other selves to go looking for a self. This is the cosmic trick. The magical nature of existence. There's no one that really knows anything. Knowing is separation and there's none. It's just thought going around in a loop, repeating itself.
  6. All the responses in this thread is life lif-ing. We can't escape life. Life cannot escape itself. Doesn't matter the responses, doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with the OP, it's all life responding to life. So within the context of this post it's all correct. Can't go wrong.
  7. Those imagined things have to come from somewhere. That place is what's called nothingness. Thought's arise from nothingness. Everything is arising from nothingness - but remember, that's just a word, a word that came from nothingness.
  8. I've learnt a lot from my interactions here due to my curious and observational personality. I notice a lot and I pay attention to detail. I learn from other's mistakes than I do my own but I'm noticing my own behaviors due to the habit of observing my own actions and thought patterns and the willingness to accept constructive criticism.
  9. That's such a limited way of thinking. You have put friendship inside a box and have preconceived notions of how it should present itself and under what conditions. You said "never", which made it even more limiting. Your constructed little house is finished and you have moved in with no intentions of moving out. You have blocked the Universe from sending you it's gifts and you will not recognize them when they are staring you in the face. The Universe is what invented the internet and it is there to be used for all walks of life including sustainable long-term quality relationships. You never know.
  10. Just so you know, it has nothing to do with Aliens.
  11. Amazing. Nice, that point of reference you described seems to be the dream, because there's actually none in existence. Only appears to be. That's the IAM, maybe the sense of I.
  12. Well, your explanation is more in line with what he does mean by alien 👽 I thought he was referring to actual Aliens. I missed the part where he says it isn't related to aliens and was going under this assumption for awhile,
  13. Over there in the Cardozzo/Ralston thread "final awakening", I just brought that up. I told him a lot of us misunderstood the term Alien and it's not just me @Leo Gurasee, another one. It's not just me. I think most.
  14. Alienated 2D consciousness. Nice book title. Get to work. Hehe
  15. I get that's what he's referring to now, before I thought it was about the consciousness of Aliens. I bet I'm not alone in this. Actually, I'm not shocked; after he's explored consciousness so deeply. You will get what you're looking for in this world. Be careful what you explore, you might become the explored.
  16. Lol, no green, black and brown.
  17. It is, but misleading to most due to how most people translate the word. It's like if something was foreign (never been seen or used before), in that context, one might think one was referring to overseas. In that kind of way.
  18. This. People have alienated me because I have never done any psychedelics. How can it show you unity when it divides. I understand it all comes together but that's a sign to me that it's not the end all be all.
  19. Do you realize that this right here will clarify to a lot what you mean by Alien Consciousness. I'm sure a lot of us, including myself, thought you were referring to actual Aliens when you speak about Alien consciousness or awakening. From what you've written here what you're referring to is a new state of consciousness, a different awakening than you've experienced before; so different, it seems alien, alienated from the rest, like mind-blowing. Previously I thought you meant actual Aliens.
  20. I've noticed this a lot. Someone would ask for advice on something or state they're having a problem with something and every response they receive they would rebut or give reasons why it wouldn't work; and sometimes even go as far as to give their own solutions to their problem or dilemma. Most people aren't looking at first to solve their issue but for other people to agree with them that it is indeed a problem, then they rebuke the advices then the problem just dissolves after the attention is taken away from it and another problem arises out of thin air to be solved. It's like a never ending cycle.
  21. This is more in line with my view on bisexuality.
  22. People aren't really faking, they just haven't discovered that side of themselves yet and most never will. I'm not attracted to gay men, but I've been attracted to "straight" men who also love men; but I didn't know that. Molestation is also a hidden factor. Lots of shame around that.
  23. Not everybody feels the same and this remark is just relative to you and your experiences. It's not Universal and a given.