Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. I'm sorry but I was just responding to your comment saying you're a feminine guy as you make art and cross your legs and all i said was those traits don't automatically make a man feminine. Seems like (and this is just my opinion) that you're defending your feminine identity and not understanding all i said to you was how I felt about it. It's all opinions. No one here said or asked you to prove anything. That comment came out of thin air and you're trying to insult me by me just saying what I think about a man being feminine. Anyone can go back and read our conversation and see there was not a bit of insult, asking you to prove anything or trying to disqualify you on my part. I'm through with this conversation, thank you. All you do is throw insults at me when I communicate to you respectfully, so I'll just add you to my list of people I will stop communicating with. See, no problems only solutions. I can tell when it's personal and nothing to do with what I said in the moment.
  2. Funny how a simple comment trying to tell you that those traits in a man doesn't automatically means he's feminine turn into who I should marry and how you don't have to prove anything to anyone. Sometimes it's just best to keep your mouth shut.
  3. Ok, you are feminine. Happy lol
  4. Never have I gone with a man who didn't take the lead. So, that's not a discrepancy.
  5. That's not what I was referring to with this response made from the comment he made. A female looking for a long-term relationship or marriage doesn't go around with a wet pussy and gets dried up if the man doesn't claim that pum pum. Her mind is somewhere else. A woman also allows you to lead. You ain't leading shit if she doesn't authorize you to in her mind. Notice in my comment I also said women love leadership. So, when Leo speaks in this respect, he speaks of quick lays, one night stands or casual sexual encounters. Nothing to do with women in general.
  6. Exactly, that's what I explained in my response. I'm not going around being miss nicey to everyone; but like you said, basic respect. I've shun the homeless and beggars and have ignored them and i've given them $$ whenever I felt like it. I've talked down to people of status when they've been rude to me also. Ilve done things many tines that i thought was normal and people would say you did that? And how they were impressed. I would be shocked sometimes because I look at those things as normal. But i'm not alone because I've seen kindness extended to strangers before and I know of people who don't care who you are bum or not they will treat you with respect no matter what unselfishly.
  7. This doesn't automatically qualify you as being feminine. Lots of masculine men make art and cross their legs.
  8. Let me clarify something here. What you're saying here is just speculation, what you assume to be the case with all people, or even most. Well, maybe it's most, idk but it's certainly not that way with me. I don't need to justify, defend or deny any of this on a public forum where no one really knows me on a personal level because it wouldn't make a difference as this is just forum talk; but I'm certainly not that way and i can be nice to a homeless person just like I can be to a famous person, or I could be rude to a famous person just like I could be rude to a homeless. Doesn't make any difference to me if I feel justified in responding how i responded because of how I was approached or treated. I'll give homeless veterans that come up to the car with their signs $ and smile at them and I'll give bums who say they're hungry and need food. What they do with it is another matter. I'm assisting people in wheelchairs and the elderly. If I see someone crying, I'll go over to and ask what's wrong. I even wanted to win the lottery once so I could help the homeless and hungry bums on the street. I had fantasies about cooking food and handing it out to the homeless. I could go on about how I'm kind to these people without needing anything in return and how sometimes I would stand my ground to someone i would consider of value in my life but I didn't care because I hate being disrespected and will even in my work refuse to see someone that disrespected me. So it's not all about what I'm gaining why I'll be nice; I'm nice to everyone regardless of status until my buttons have been pushed. Only reason I'm not nice to anyone is if they were rude to me or my safety feels threatened; which to me, are both good reasons. Other than that, I'm either neutral or extending a helping hand whenever I can and that includes strangers.
  9. You did say you were bi...maybe that's a factor.
  10. Yes, women love leadership; but do you think I want some guy I just met to lead me, not in that sense anyway. Your last sentence is you seeing women as just a vagina, nothing wrong with that if that's your thing but that's why your dating advice can be misleading to guys who value women more than just a vagina. Your advice about women are about the ones just looking for a lay. Again, nothing wrong with that, but your male audience should learn how to differentiate the two. You're just looking to get laid so your advices will focus on that and that alone; but some guys aren't just looking for that and that's where they need to know the difference.
  11. Health is holistic. It has to be all around. Can't just do one thing and expect the body to perform optimally. I'm not perfect, but I try to maintain a 80/20 ratio. Since my Spiritual Awakening, though, I have been pushing harder as my ego wants to fight homeostasis. Cravings galore. Oral care is not just about brushing twice daily. Diet is involved and calcium/potassium/magnesium are important. Eggshell powder is also great for tooth health as it's made from the same compound as teeth. It helps with remineralization and strengthens teeth. Amazon sells it or make your own from organic or thoroughly washed shells.
  12. Brushing teeth is cleaning teeth. There are also natural toothbrushes made from fiber that's gentle on the teeth. I'm not debunking your method, but I'm not sure just water will kill germs and that dirty fingernails is a better choice. Tongue needs to be brushed too. Eating raw sugarcane will clean your teeth also so I'm not saying brushing is the only way, but fingernails? Never heard of that and I'm an alternative kinda gal.
  13. Kefir is fine because it is fermented. I personally prefer goat's milk kefir or coconut kefir. I have another prediction for you. I bet you snore and blow your nose a lot. If not you might have asthma. Just guesses, am I right.
  14. Nice. Must have been a great experience for you. Happy it worked out for you.
  15. Yea, cut the dairy out too if you want health. Just a suggestion and you're welcome.
  16. The illusory imagined separate self cannot reincarnate because it doesn't exist.
  17. @Keryo KoffaWhat you explained there is not how people treat animals. I was speaking more about how they treat them when they are in direct contact with them, not how they see them. Just because someone doesn't like bugs, doesn't mean they'll treat them cruelly.
  18. That's what you think. You're playing your own game and they are playing theirs. There are no real others but only in the figment of your imagination. That's the cosmic game and it got ya. Lol
  19. There's no one deciding to stay unconscious. Same as when you go to sleep, do you in the middle of sleep decide to wake up; no, it just happens. No one says they're going to stay unconscious for eternity. Consciousness is the dream of the separate "I" of which there is none to begin with, only in appearance. There's no separation and no real unconscious being. It's just a part being played by the Universal I, the Self. This is why "normal beings don't wanna hear this shit and people stay "asleep". Would you like for someone to wake you up forcibly in the middle of your dream. Nobody gets out of this alive to ensure that it doesn't sleep forever. Name one person who lives forever in the human body. No one.
  20. See, it's all games. I know you're messing with me. In the caveman days they didn't have red pill, blue pill, mgtow and all these sophisticated ape games. Humans are just apes in tuxedo. Loli probably just offended the Orangutans. Let me stop before the game backfires on me. Lol
  21. Congrats St. Lucia. First ever Olympic medal. (Gold)
  22. And with a peace of mind.
  23. Yeah, life is a game. Lots of games to play; for me relationship games isn't one of them.
  24. Yes it can because it's indicative to overall health to have an alkaline body. I knew you were using poison to brush your teeth. Go look at the fine print, it says call poison control if ingested. Wait....what...toothpaste, duh ingested? Make sure to brush the outside of your mouth for fear of ingestion. I bet you eat lots of dairy too.