Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Lol. Maybe he became too robotic. If a guy that did 39,999 approaches and then approached me and i was the 40,000, he would have "self-rejected" himself before I even had the chance. In his mind, he would be preparing for the 40,001 one. Like an addict thinking about their next hit while currently engaging in the addiction.
  2. lol. Go do some more psyches and allow my witch pot to brew while I call in the vampires to suck on your blood. There ya go. Witchy enough for ya. Lol
  3. Well, I don't know what garlic and ginger and lemons have to do with witches.
  4. +1
  5. Why am I a witch for recommending nature's medicine. Nothing I recommended there came from a lab. The recipient for my recommendation was pleased and that's all that matters and I hope he takes it seriously and not go get drugged up with pharmaceutical synthetic vitamins.
  6. @yetinetiI would like to say to you that please don't come at me and try to tell me about health and vitamins. I really don't want to argue with you, but imma say this. From what I've seen you wrote to me, you have not done half the research ilve done and it's obvious to me you have no idea that in the USA the Vitamin, Olive oil and honey business is fraudulent. There are numerous legitimate reports that have legitimate studies that shows how half the vitamins on the shelves in the conventional space are filled with fillers and are not what they say they are. Also most of them have ingredients that are not of any value and have the capability to do harm to the body. I won't touch the honey and olive oil issue because that's not what this is about. I have read many books in the past about nutrition and health and I do follow a few legitimate internet doctors in the wellness space and before I started to delve into spirituality, for ten years or so, health and nutrition was my interest of study. That said, I am not a doctor and neither do I have any formal studies on the subject. I give suggestions that has worked for me and as this is just a forum and is not a place of expertise in the health industry, members here are well informed that they take any advice from anyone with caution. I have been healing myself with these remedies for years and I'm well aware of what the body does and doesn't need. I don't appreciate you coming at me with the way I treat myself and the remedies I use and suggests for others to try as if I'm recommending poison. Recommend what you like, but please don't leave comments to me critiquing my recommendations because I'm recommending what I KNOW works and what will work in a holistic level providing one gas no prior health conditions and are not on any blood thinning medication or for any degenerative diseases. Please don't tell me what you think is best for me because I didn't ask and if you don't like to use holistic medicine that's on you, but please don't insult me for making that choice. It has worked for me for years and have kept me out the doctors and dentist office. I don't need you to tell me how to eat because I didn't ask. Half the forum has health issues and most people I know and one third of the United States. So please, before you come and ask for evidence, I am the evidence. For myself. I didn't recommend any thing that'll do any harm to anyone only help. You don't know me and you don't know what research I've done, so please take your bossiness somewhere else and please allow me to continue to treat myself how I see fit and to recommend to anyone that asks as long as I'm not recommending poison. Thank you. I've said all I have to say to you and will not respond anymore. Have a nice evening. P.S. Once I had the flu and I slept with a cut onion and lemon by my bedside and the next day it was all gone. One day flu. Please don't tell me what you think about what I'm saying because it will fall on deaf ears because everything I've recommended, I've done and they worked as fast as the lightning in the night sky.
  7. Coming from someone who doesn't visit the doctor nor dentist and very rarely get sick. I'm not a doctor, I was just giving my suggestions. I'm not sure what you're referring to as "but my God" and being edgy in this department. Excuse me if I'm not a druggy and I do eat, for the most part, holistically. Sorry if that offends you.
  8. We were being sarcastic. It's missing nothing.
  9. It's official. You've gone mad.
  10. This is the most amazing story I have ever seen. I actually Googled this guy's name; and yes, it was there - same story. It actually brought tears to my eyes watching it. All I could see was nothing short of the miraculous nature of existence, how anything is possible and how angelic this man was. At first, when he stuck the knife in the man's eye, I started quivering and "oohing" and "awing" and "ouching" but that all went away when all I was seeing was someone being used to perform miracles. It touched me, deeply. It amazes me, the type of stories I see from time to time on the internet (that are proven true) that I would have never imagine to exist at all from my limited imagination. I am simply in awe and cannot bring myself to even understand what THIS really is. It is beyond words. I take nothing for granted and I can never be desensitized from seeing all of what creation can manifest in the form of love. Thanks for sharing.
  11. lol....My face when Leo gets mad at me saying, I still love you. Then again, there's no you to love. Hehe.....he looks like a laughing Chihuahua.
  12. Stay away from conventional orange juice. They are manufactured in a way to cause harm. Even home-made freshly squeezed should be drunk minimally because of all the concentrated sugar because of the removal of the fiber and can spike blood sugar.
  13. Lots of bottled up vitamins out there contain stuff that aren't good for the body; especially while fighting a cold. If you're referring to vitamins in bottles. Gotta be specific. Lemons and limes and garlic and ginger contain vitamins. If bought in a bottle with toxic preservatives it reduces their effectiveness.
  14. Just saying that liberation is now. It's not about seeking it but recognizing it. The falling away not adding on.
  15. Good point! Forgot to mention that.
  16. Oil of Oregano and Master Tonic in that order are probably enough if only choosing to do one or two. You're welcome. Feel better soon.
  17. Oil of Oregano. Lots of lemon/lime water and citrus fruits. Bone broth. Sleep with a cut onion by your head for 2 or 3 nights or longer if needed also a cut lemon. Oil of Oregano - few drops in water 2x/daily. No dairy, meats or grains for this period. Make and drink herbal teas such as thyme and ginger, add fresh garlic if you can stand the taste or just cut fresh garlic in pieces small enough to swallow like a pill and take with water, no need to chew. Echinacea. Go online and Google or YT "MASTER TONIC". Take 2x daily.
  18. It's a program. Schooling didn't help. Always a problem to solve; especially Math class. Also not being able to be in the present.
  19. Please don't go mad.
  20. Only way to kill the ego is to not see yourself as an ego.
  21. The irony about all this is that this past week, i was saying to myself how people usually shy away from talking about death. How so many discussions aboard but not too many about death. People are dying like flies these days, so that's maybe why. Everytime I turn around there's another one. Seriously, no joke. Pretty much the whole month; now this. I swear, all I need to do is observe life and lots of things reveals itself. Too many synchronicities. Most I don't even talk about anymore. I'm afraid to
  22. Very interesting conversation on health.