Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Nice! Maybe it'll wake your ass up into realizing it's not about you or yours. Just about every sentence you had the words "you" and "yours" in. Like it's something to own. Why do you think you're born with nothing and die with nothing. Nothing is yours or is to be owned. You're on borrowed time, so treat it as such and don't take it personal. Hard thing to understand or realize, but get this, and you'll automatically be in heaven. (Excuse the word ain't, just an expression). I feel the same way about somethings you mentioned too but I won't make it stick because I realize it's my selfish little ego throwing a temper tantrum and not realizing it's not about me. I've made it about me, but it's not. Doesn't matter what happens, BEING is untouched, unscathed and unbothered. When I say me, I'm referring to the energy that seemingly arose within the body that's referred to as "me". It's fucked.
  2. Well said. We agree for once. Hehe
  3. Why you get bored with pussy sometimes is because you have separated yourself from it by knowing it. Before, you were one with it because you are one with everything; but you didn't know that. Now, you done had it, familiarized yourself with it, put distance between you and it and now it has become mundane just like the rest of your ordinary life that you try to upgrade by doing different things and getting more knowledge and experiences to feel and achieve. This is why boring men have such a hard time with women. Women aren't sleeping with your dicks. They're sleeping with your personality which can be re-invented and changed up, so it takes a little longer to get to know as an exciting man. A boring man gets old quick because he has nothing new and exciting to bring. She still knows the exciting man, but different parts emerge from time to time to bring a newness to the table, so it doesn't get old for her that easily while the pussy remains the same ole knowledge and starts to become mundane. You are one with everything, are everything, until you've had the knowledge and experience of something. Now the apparent separation starts to take effect. That's part of the magic of Reality. There's none until you appear and make it so. You are one with all potential. Once it becomes manifest, it separates and becomes duality. Knowledge is an illusion. You really do not know a thing because it is you but it can certainly appear that way. Before you, nothing exists but existence, after you everything exists - in your reality as your reality. Don't know, this just came to me as an insight. Could be horseshit but it certainly doesn't compute as such. Seems to be the case in my mind. Have to put a disclaimer as I've been accused of being a Zen devil that spreads mis-information as if I can't speak my own insights and understandings that can still be wrong. Treat everything I say as such and it's not meant to teach or intentionally mislead. This is why I'm over here talking shit to myself. Proceed with caution.
  4. Just random stuff about anything.
  5. Exactly. You made me understand something i queried about in the past and also wrote about in my journal. It has to do with why people that can explain reality so well or have a greater understanding of it seems to be intelligent people overall. It's because it takes great intelligence to be able to do that. Reality/God/Absolute is Intelligence; the higher, the better at understanding and knowing itself. That's why I write sometimes, for the answers to reveal itself. I notice that happens sometimes. Love the latter part of the video.
  6. I stated this before recently and it was challenged. I believe it was the thread about "why I'm leaving pick-up in a convo with Something_else. This explains my behavior and mood and why it changes depending on who I'm with. Good one too. Same as above - mirroring vibe. So true. Unique one. Never heard it put this way, but I love and understand it. Very important for a logical mindset to grasp. All are good. These ones stood out. Very nice.
  7. I can tell you didn't watch his latest video, "Why God Can't Be Proven". I understand you don't take any and anybody's word as truth for everything, but there are parts there that explains this. The understanding of other aspects in this field allows for certain things to come together for a greater understanding such as how mind is Absolute and why it can grasp itself. The last 50mins (approx), best illustrates this.
  8. Vegan Lion's Mane Mushroom Caesar Wrap.
  9. Post some healthy foods, recipes, video clips, articles or products here. Read this story from István Darabán on Medium:
  10. Lol. Why not, it's Infinity talking. Hehe. Take it up with Infinity. Ok, I'll stop and start talking about the Absolute. There's no one. 😛Ouch! I just stubbed my toe.
  11. I guess excluding achievements. Everything has to be the way it is but achievements are not included. The Absolute is everything but achievements. I should not go out and try to achieve anything because the person over there that learnt how to play the piano and achieved that skill is from a different Absolute than the current one. I will go sit on my ass and do nothing since I'm in charge of my own actions and the Absolute is in charge of it's own. I say "no one told me" because if I was parroting some guru or whomever, he wouldn't be this Absolute but another Absolute, so I have to clarify that I figured it all out by myself which is outside of the current Absolute. " Has to be" indicates an intention. There is an intention (limit) on the Absolute saying it has to be a particular way or is absolutely necessary. Any other way is just not possible; yet another limit. It expresses obligation, requirement or necessity. Understand what you've been told before trying to express it your way or it will come out flawed. Ok, Absolute. You are putting limits on yourself saying you have to be.....You are Absolute and can appear as absolutely anything including a flawed statement. That's what you've achieved.
  12. Proof of God: You exist. Proof of God: You don't exist. Somebody's got to exist. Either way that's proof God exists. Just a bit of humor there. Now back to the long ass video. Next time make it 5hrs please. Is there a part 3. How to prove proof. Let me go finish watch this video so I can prove if I exist or not. Hehe. I just love to put these thoughts on paper so I can prove the existence of thoughts. Silly me.
  13. It takes a level of intelligence to appear "stupid" or "dumb". Have you ever observed stupidity. It's genius turned in on itself. Don't you dare. The mind is tricky.
  14. "I will out-skeptic you". Lol. Leo you're funny. Marker 34:15.
  15. How can one be what they're not.
  16. Watching now. Love the thumbnail.👁️
  17. Didn't know cigs were pipes. Yea, American Spirits.
  18. Absolutely. Hehe
  19. I thought I was bad. Lol
  20. So many are doing things without even knowing why they're doing them. Seeking things they don't even know or understand. Some are seeking Truth without even understanding what Truth is. Seeking God without even knowing what God is. Seeking enlightenment without even knowing what it is. Someone told them about it and now they're seeking it. Abstract things are harder to define and pinpoint. Where is the mind. Where is thought coming from. Where are you located. Where is the I Am. Who are you, where are you, what are you. Some can't even explain these things but they're seeking. The blind leading the blind. I just saw a word on the forum, "truth-realized"; what is that. Can you realize "un-truths". Can you be "lie-realized". You see, in this relative works you have to also be aware of the opposites. You might say Truth is Universal and stands on it's own. Well then, doesn't that mean everything is Truth. Every other "thing" is in relation to something else. How can one realize Truth without realizing falsehood. Are you judging that from relative lies and truths. Maybe not, but how can one realize Absolute Truth. Isn't Absolute everything. I don't write these things from a place of knowing but from a place of inquiry. Rationalizing. Thinking through. Trying to see for myself. Open-mind. When I see something that fits in, I will say, "aha, that makes sense". Then I may change my perspective and perceptions. Until then, I work from the place I was already at and take it from there while still not holding any firm positions and keep it fluid. It may seem like I think I know it all at times, but it's just i don't say every time I speak this is just an opinion or my perspective - that should just be understood.
  21. What some people fail to see sometimes is the sameness of things and circumstances. We focus on the differences. My mind works in a way where I tend to gravitate more towards the similarities. Both sides. Good to see it both ways. We see how neighborhoods, cities and countries have different sides to them. Meaning the rich side of the same city VS the poor side. Most cities have them. Boroughs towns, states etc. You can see a rich side blocks from the poor side sometimes. For example, Mexico has very rich sides and very poor sides; sometimes one not far from the other. Rich side of the same neighborhood VS the poor side of the very same neighborhood. Schools have the same polarity, churches, buildings everything. We accept that as part of reality, but we can't see and complain about other things that have differences like this forum for example. We want it to all be perfect in our eyes. We can't accept the "high conscious" parts VS the "low conscious" parts. We complain. We want to see it all as "high conscious". No it can't be that way. Can't have white without black, dark without light, good without bad, etc. Everything is that way. Perception is that way. The manifest is that way. Why complain about it. See it for what it is. Different. Not something to bash, but to embrace. I'm also telling myself this, too, and a part of my writings is for me to understand and recognize these things. I'm a part of the herd and I get influenced also. It's just when I read or gear somethings, it reminds me of this and I want to write it down so it sticks better in the brain and I capture an image of the thought.