Princess Arabia

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About Princess Arabia

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  1. The "me" is in a desperate state of despair. Just check out the forum threads. It seeks and can never find. It doesn't realize it doesn't exist and that it's life is all imaginary. It doesn't have a life and it seeks the end of itself. It's pretty obvious at this point. I this and I that, I, I, I, I, I. My life this and my life that. I can't seem to this and I can't seem to that. Oh my, what a dilemma. So brutal and yet so beautiful to recognize that there's no one there doing that. It's this appearing as that. This is unconditionally free. So free it can appear to be bound and enslaved. There's no point in even giving any advice in these situations because advice is not what it seeks. It seeks to DIE. Sob, sob.
  2. This melted my heart.
  3. They are feeling what is there. The opposite of that is all the stories we're telling. It's what the true nature of existence is. Empty. Emptiness Void. Nothing, zilch, nada....but an emptiness that's filled with stories. Don't be fooled, it means they are more connected to life than us but only on the mental level because there's really no disconnection. Impossible. Everything you've said about yourself as to why do don't feel empty are stories you've constructed.
  4. Seriously? From Dec 2023. OP, you need to learn the art of letting go. Especially from someone you don't even know. I'm saying this with love in my heart. Almost every post from you is about someone abusing you. Not to mention the women in your past. Please understand that life isn't about you but how you respond to it. Life is cruel and will eat you alive if you let it. You have every right to feel the way you do, but understand that "the feeling is the secret" slogan is exactly what life is about. We're trying to feel a certain way but life isn't cooperating because life is neutral and doesn't base how it operates on feelings, we do. THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE TO MASTER IN LIFE IS YOUR FEELINGS TOWARDS IT. That's it. Everything else is happening on it's own. This is what "the feeling is the secret" actually means.
  5. I hear you and understand where you're at with this. Very thoughtful of you to consider the feelings of others and how you're impacting them. Sometimes we just need to reflect on our own state of being and try to see what it is inside of us that's making us so angry. I've learnt to stop putting the blame on the circumstance and the people involved and to recognize its something deeper than that that's troubling. It's usually fear of something. Once I recognize the root cause of the fear, I try to resolve that or come to grips with it. There's usually a deeper issue at hand like fear of abandonment, the loss of something, feelings of lack, self-love etc. Try to identify the root cause and not pay so much attention to the contents and maybe that will loosen up the contracted energy a bit. I know it helped me, even though I never really had that much of an anger issue. My main issue was needing to be understood, bur I've overcame that by understanding everyone is where they're at and are seeing the world through different lenses and not everyone needs to understand you as long as I'm being respectful and giving people their space to be themselves and trying not to compare.
  6. Would you make a post asking how to deal with happiness. Why single out anger. Stop picking on anger and it won't bother you. Do you see how we create our own dilemmas. Let life flow through you. It's only a problem because of your stories surrounding anger, like the ones you're giving in this thread. They're just stories. Life is present, why bring up the past. You will be 80yrs old asking how to deal with anger. What I do is, I get angry....I notice it and I move on. No issues. I don't chastise myself or blame myself or judge myself or criticize myself for it. In two minutes I'm fine again. Keep doing this with every emotion and you'll notice how they pass like the clouds. Happiness, sadness, joy, anger, doesn't matter. Stop making a big deal about them. This is why the search for happiness is a curse. Can't have one without the other. Bliss my ass.
  7. The me is never satisfied..hehe
  8. Who says shit like this. An insecure person who doesn't value themselves and looking for others to value them. You see Brad as worthy, maybe she doesn't.
  9. You have entered into this with the mindset that this woman has caused you suffering before. No matter what she does or not do, this relationship is doomed. You will see the suffering in your mind and the brain will concoct up some images before hand and create a suffering story behind everything associated with this woman before anything even happens. This is what I mean by we're living life and responding with trauma. All this "decent girl" has to do is do something you're not comfortable with and now she becomes not so decent. You're like a child whining and throwing there tantrums about life and looking for it to be about you. IT'S NOT. Be prepared for more endless suffering if you haven't seen through life's dilemma. Drop the seriousness, laugh a little and stop labeling it as much. That's a sure way to feel disappointed when it doesn't live up to your labeled expectations.
  10. I will stay on this forum just to see you keep coming back for more and more and more and never getting anywhere. One cannot deny the me because the me is it's own "entity" so to speak. It doesn't even recognize itself muchless to deny itself. All that you've described above is life appearing as those things, spontaneously. There's no me really doing those things. In fact, there's really no me because it's THIS, whatever it is, appearing as a me. So it's all good. Even all your endless judging and criticizing of people on the forum is THIS appearing as all that. Its just that the experience of me in your case is so unsettling and doesn't feel right, it looks to others to settle itself. Doesn't matter either way as there's no one doing either. I'm a perfect example of what life is doing, thank you very much and it can't be any other way, just as the me cannot stop itself.
  11. It's all genius. Don't be fooled. It takes a level of genius and intelligence to maintain idiocity and stupidity. It's like genius turned in on itself. It's like genius, so genius and stupidity collapsing and becoming stupidly genius.
  12. That's because you're not in control and there's no such thing as high consciousness for the person. It isn't yours. It appears as a concept and disappears. You're trying to grasp it and hold unto it, it cannot be owned and claimed. Just like happiness and sadness, they come and go, appear and disappear. Life cannot be held unto. THERE'S NOTHING TO KEEP. That's just me energy trying to hold on for dear life. Life is free and spontaneous.
  13. This is exactly what the "me" does. It goes away because it's not getting what it wants from somewhere or can't find what it's looking for; and when it still doesn't find it elsewhere, it comes back crying like a baby and whining to everybody how they aren't giving it what it's looking for. THERE'S NOTHING TO GET AND NOTHING TO FIND. Sorry to break it to ya. Life is very unfulfilling to the me. Keep, maybe you'll catch your tail someday. .
  14. Of course, everything that appears is relatively real. Don't need a rocket scientist to figure that out. The question is, is relatively real, REAL?
  15. You don't want to awaken, trust me. Don't do it. Stay dreaming. If you realize it's all a dream and that there's no God, no you,.no life, no other, no world, nothing,.zilch, nada, you might go mad. All you have to do is look at your own so called life to realize there's none. How it so-called falls into place, but not in a way you want it to, but to keep you alive and feeling like a somebody. Jesus, I'm so done.