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Everything posted by Marten

  1. Lol, how has life treated us from your view point?
  2. This one is pretty wild, zooming out.
  3. Simpsons on acid.
  4. LOL - bad trip simulation (don't watch while tripping)
  5. This one is INSANE - ego be like: "Please, I give up, just make it stoooop! I surrender!!!"
  6. Set and setting friends, set and setting!
  7. Yes and the colors are just out of this world... it's similar to a low dose of mushrooms or LSD... so beautiful, like you can really appreciate the simplest things.
  8. BAH - this is like trying to find yourself only to realize you're the soup of Infinity!
  9. @SirVladimir The military service was such an extreme mixed bag of experiences and feelings. All these young boys with some of the most leathal weapons produced, out adventuring in the Swedish archipelago without realizing the seriousness of the situation. At least not until after one of them got shot dead. It was a total shock to my peace keeper ideals. I learned that an army is more like a raging tornado than a scalpel cutting out a tumor.
  10. This thread is so encouraging, love this video, thanks for sharing! I started life coach training after doing Leo's life purpose course a second time. I didn't know I am INFP until a couple of days ago. This really confirms to me I am on the right track - feeling quite relieved as I've invested so much time, money and energy into coaching. It's beginning to make more and more sense. I currently work as a registered nurse since several years, which I am only now starting to really enjoy, as I've been getting started with exploring psychedelics in the past five months. I love the idea of helping others heal and awaken. Awakening is the greatest magic. Have been trying to get a coaching business going but find marketing challenging. I got to the point where I wanted to work specifically with people who want coaching/ support on working with psychedelics, but found I wasn't ready to talk about it/ market myself that way. I've been feeling inexperienced and inauthentic. So I've pulled back on the business part, for now. Slowing down to give myself more space to integrate. Now that I've realized that *everything is Love*, it's become a lot easier to do so. Embracing being a nurse like never before! I'd love to hear from other INFP's, your impressions, any thoughts/ feelings that come to mind with this. I know it is hard to share as an INFP, but man it would be awesome if you did!
  11. @abrakamowse Wow, sounds like your ego got the best of you. Great lessons! I had some ego take overs in my first higher dose mushroom trips, but I also learned a lot from that. I guess some suppressions that came out so I could deal with them. Haha, "special circumstances" like having drill sargents kick you as soon as you fall asleep? Totally keeps you awake! Like being hit with a stick in the head when falling asleep meditating. LOL. It was interesting how wakefulness and tiredness go in cycles. Over those days I was awake I would have several hours of very strong wakefulness (sometimes with hallucinations) only later to fall asleep while walking, continuing to walk, and then wake up again walking. I honestly don't know how we all did it without going crazy.
  12. Oh man, I just love Van Gogh, if you haven't seen his paintings IRL then put it on your bucket list. It is totally different IRL than on a computer screen. I saw the exhibition in Amsterdam, just wow. I got the feeling he had psychedelic vision. I even had a sober realization of Oneness while in the gallary. Anyhow these renditions are amazing too.
  13. @abrakamowse Goodness, what kept you awake? As far as I know all my company mates were fine who went through the drill. I was drained as fuck when we were done. Had some swiming/ diving/ life rescue drills at the end, it was so cold in the water, body temperature must have dropped. I cried so bad as we ran the last bit back to the barracks. We only got five hours of sleep, my hands were numb and swollen, then we headed out for a torch lit cermony as a way to end, and we earned our badges as marines after that (this was in Sweden). Like our final exams.
  14. @abrakamowse Wow very cool! This reminds me of when I was in the marines. I was on a drill where we stayed awake for about 90 hours straight. Had a lot of hallucinations. The tree tops looked like the masts of pirate ships and as we patrolled through the woods it looked like we were heading down a cave. I saw people who weren't there sitting in ditches. I saw a military truck in the forest which also wasn't there. Only time I've ever fallen asleep and then awoke standing/ walking - very strange experiences!
  15. If you ever wondered what would happen if you took LSD and went mountainbiking @Leo Gura Yes, best rendition of tripping I've seen. So far my trips have not been morphing this much. I had a hoof once and my face has been melting and shifting to other faces, like Hitlers.
  16. Wooow, so looks like these videos are made with a Google algorithm called "Deep dream". Computers are becoming artists, and for some reason they turn out psychedelic?! From wikipedia on *DeepDream*: "DeepDream is a computer vision program created by Google engineer Alexander Mordvintsev which uses a convolutional neural network to find and enhance patterns in images via algorithmic pareidolia, thus creating a dream-like hallucinogenic appearance in the deliberately over-processed images." Some are more trip like than others. Here's a fascinating description how it works. So awesome.
  17. More from the same, mesmerizing...
  18. Wow... I love her smile... that's exactly where I was taking LSD and realizing *everything is Love*... that big wide open radiant smile... amazing video, brings me back. Everything is Love, everything is Perfection!
  19. Fascinating... I'm amazed how accurate this is, I am a INFP-A and my wife is ENFP-A. Just spot on - wow. Lot of cool insights coming. I do struggle with structure, being too idealistic starting projects and having a really hard time finishing/ continuing. Also taking care of myself, having enough alone time, saving money etc. Psychedelics have really helped me to love myself more as I am, and thus let go of a lot of forcefulness and restlessness. And as I gain clarity it is easier to deal with my weaknesses. I am doing life coach training since 9 months and have been really blown away by the personal growth (much thanks to gaining the clarity and courage through being coached to work with psychedelics). I feel I'm becoming more balanced, patient and loving. I'm slowing down, realizing how much I love HARMONY. Now working to integrate insights about *everything is Love* to make the many aspects of life flow harmoniously together. Has anyone read the "Mediator Guidebook" on Looks promising!
  20. This reminds me of Leo's latest video "Why liberterianism is nonsense...". Kids reverting to red/ purple. I liked the book more than the movie. Still I sense it is quite realistic (despite the plot holes). Also reminds me of the Vice documentary on YT of child soldiers in Liberia cannibalizing each other (not posting link here as if I remember correctly it was gory). Maaan we should be so grateful our parents and teachers kept us from killing each other... and yeah thanks to Loving government
  21. This still makes my heart beat faster. Great example of red. Were my idols as I had a red phase when I was about 9-13 years old, lot of wanna-be gansters in my school. Kids walking around with butterfly knives, looking to create trouble. Red is A LOT about FEAR. I remember being so afraid every day of school and acting tough to try to scare others away. It really didn't work as I've always been a softie inside haha So I had a break with all that after a traumatic encounter with a bully. I decided to be a rocker instead and grew my hair long, started playing guitar and singing when I was 14, writing songs. Was a great way to express anger, fear and loneliness. It was really shocking for me to start school, because before that life was like heaven, I was so sheilded, like a orange/green kind of home with lot of abundance and care. Now thanks to meeting God through LSD I understand that it was all Love, and I am grateful for all this as it made me who I am (or am not? haha) today...
  22. Thank you! ? How do you best dose it? Are you still using micro scoops for dosing DMT or is it better with a scale or some other way?
  23. When I realized all is Love, that there is nothing to fear, all I could do was cry. ? ? ❤️
  24. If this isn't bliss then... “I opened my eyes. The first light of dawn was filtering through the curtains. Without any thought, I felt, I knew, that there is infinitely more to light than we realize. That soft luminosity filtering through the curtains was love itself…” - Eckhart Tolle
  25. "Eckhart Tolle spent the following years [after his awakening] deepening his understanding while living a marginal life in London. Unemployed and homeless, he had a habit of sitting on park benches and blissfully watching the world go by. Spiritual seekers began congregating around him to share in his state of peace. Thus began his work as a counsellor and spiritual teacher."