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Everything posted by Elshaddai

  1. Earlier today I did some strong determination sitting and I did it on an empty stomach (no food or drink the whole day) and what I noticed was that the meditation was so much easier! Can anyone else attest to the value of fasting as a spiritual practice?
  2. Yes. I believe even facebook employees admmited making facebook addictive so people would use it.
  3. Shout out to shpongle and all other psychedelic and trippy music out there
  4. Thanks, the enviorment friendly option is always the best so I'll see where I can get this plant.
  5. This is a question to anyone who tried DMT. Which form is more conducive to reaching enlightement and getting to the truth? or are the identical in their effects?
  6. I see alot of posts lately on the counterintuitive nature of life and started watching Leo's video on the subject. Now I didn't finish it yet so maybe he answered it in the video but why must life be counterintuitive? Why can't it be intuitive? Why can't humans be born and clearly and accurately know everything they need to know and do in life in order to be happy, successful and prosperous?
  7. Well I don't beleve in the power of prayer but I do beleive in the power of forgiveness. forgive yourself always for your devilry and evil and realize devils like us can't help ourselves be devils because of our low consciousness. Psychedelics can really help you heal but it's best to do it when your mental state is better. Also if you feel lonely feel free to reach out.
  8. Wow I didn't know DMT could be found in so many different plants! definitely need to try it out. any idea where do I get MHRB?
  9. I have Asperger's Syndrome so I understand how tough it can be. There is a site that helped me quite a bit with social awkwardness and other social difficulties I've had and he also has advice for people on the autistic spectrum. https://www.succeedsocially.com/ https://www.succeedsocially.com/articlesdevelopmental godspeed!
  10. @Leo Gura @mandyjw@Jed Vassallo Holy shit this is mindblowing stuff! I really need to awaken and verify all of this in my direct experience though since honestly alot of what is being said here flies over my head. Why is basketball more counterintuitive than football? I don't see the connection.
  11. You know It does vary from person to person indeed. I actually took one time 300 mircograms of acid and didn't break through! Maybe I have some crazy tolerance to acid and I should try other stuff also. Well in that case maybe for a beginner like me I should go with changa? I don't want to be too overwhelmed for my first time. Yeah freebase is also very expensive where i'm from and also the pipe to vaporize it so that is also a factor.
  12. @Farnaby Lately meditation, concious breathing And mindfulness have been helping me cope and I see good results so I recommend that you practice mindfulness if you haven't. Resisting anxiety doesn't really help me either, what resists persists.
  13. As someone who has alot of experience with anxiety, I often ask myself this question. Why does anxiety even exist when in the long term it doesn't seem to have much benefit for the person experiencing it?
  14. Well honestly i'm to psychedelics so I have no clue what hyperspace is or DPT. Still thanks for the response ultimately my goal is to have ego-death so I will research more about the different substances. Can Ketamine actually produce ego death?
  15. What do you mean exactly? How is being born a trick that reality plays on us? But how come material reality hinges upon god deceiving itself? can't god who created all things be omniscient and create reality as we know it at the same time? I agree. That right there I think is and has been a huge cause of suffering in my life and why I thought life is hard and cruel(although at times I still think that, in my darker moments).
  16. I agree mainly because I find willpower to be a limited resource anyways and therefore I think creating better habits is more powerful. I wanted to travel to the Americas, europe and Asia(places like China and Japan for example), but for now honestly I just want to focus on getting my life together where I am right now(Israel). @Exystem thank you for the sage advice. I used to do alot of do nothing meditation but ultimately it just makes me stir crazy Even there is value in doing nothing as a meditation which I couple with strong determination sitting. Cool Just make sure not to put it off too much and procrastinate
  17. I totally agree, alot of it does come from my fears. @BlackMaze Does the concept of tiny habits comes from the work of bj fogg by chance? his advice is very similar to what you are saying: start very small and work your way up. Right now i'm trying(and failing) to do a dopamine detox which basically means no more pleasureable activties for a certain period of time. I'm experiencing good results with it so far so maybe this is a good supplement to all the tips you guys gave me. Wish me luck and thanks again!
  18. That's a very strange way to meditate i'll try it out! Do you just lie in bed or on the floor in a dark room?
  19. LSD is very powerful so I recommend you take a very low dose for your first trip: something like 10-60 micrograms. Mushrooms I have no experience with but again start small and don't over do it. You can always take more if you want but not less so keep that in mind!
  20. I recommend a movie called samsara. It's a film about the different cultures on the planet. Truly eye opening and shocking at times. Here is a clip from it:
  21. @Exystem Wow so much advice thank you! I'll definitely work on applying everything you wrote(with baby steps of course!) Well quite a few things: 1)Iv'e been thinking of studying for BA in busniess managment but I have doubts whether I should even study at all even though. I am in the process of applying soon even though I'm so much of a procrastinator to even look at syllabus for the degree! Honestly i'm sure I want to even study but I feel the pressure to start since i'm 25 and without any real academic education. 2) I really wanted to go travel when I was younger, but I don't have any friends and I was too scared to travel alone so I procrastinated on that. 3) I really used to be a bookworm when I was a as little as 3 years old and I wanted to return to being a book workworm again so I got a bunch of books(something like 40 or even more), finished only 2 or 3 since I bought them some years ago. 4) meditate more and raise consciousness. Now I don't necisserally have to do any of the things I mentined, but I would like to grow, change and not be in this rut I feel i'm in.
  22. I don't think that is the issue, I think it has more to do with aversion to hard work and new experiences, but i'll check it myself to see if it's the case. Yeah this thought occured to me a few times, but I end up distracting myself even more to escape such thoughts as they only cause fear in me. Still I like your approach! it's actually similar to what my therapist recommended, to sit with uncomfortable thought and feeling and be mindful of them.
  23. This is exactly what I did to cause it. So from reading everything you guys wrote I see this completly normal and common so it's somewhat of a relief like the walls are moving, no big deal
  24. I also struggle from social anxiety with varying degrees of intensity and struggle to be authentic with poeple, how to you manage to maintain authenticity with others?
  25. First and formost for me it's to escape suffering, secondly to find the truth about this existance.