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Everything posted by Onemanwolfpac

  1. He would be moderate compared to the idiocy and rhetoric of the day.
  2. The multiple attempts at impeachment, the fbi involvement in boosting the Clinton (emails and pedo accusations with epstein), the world pandemic, WHO collaboration with the Chinese government to shield malevolence (failing to disclose the information to the world about pandemic while closing the area in China), and a number of other things leaves me to believe that it will be another 4yrs. BLM is a political play on identity politics. Weeks ago, everyone forgot what blm was. I think politicians are crooks mostly. More nonsense will continue regardless who wins.
  3. It sounds like cognitive dissonance. You are talking but you aren't actually being sexual. You can deem your doing something but as you say, its been over a year since sex. If you were pumping and dumping, it would be a asshole move especially if you were telling people that you want something more. You aren't doing that. You sound confused. I have other experiences where, i think someone is great, we hookup, i get to know someone, and then i get bored or put off by something which i blow up. It could be some sort of serious red flag, identity politics, victim card or something manipulative. I don't see the point of talking to anybody with no interest romantic, sexual or other? What do you want?
  4. That's your opinion lol. Models don't have trouble finding attraction. Its people like this that make communities off putting. When he gets married and has a dozen kids, I'll bump this. Hopefully, you will have found someone by then and put your bitterness down. Its not attractive.
  5. The difference between a coward and a hero is that, one is a victim consumed by fear. A hero goes through the fear and comes out the other end transformed. The biggest regrets aren't so much what you do. Its typical of the things you don't do. You can cultivate being more social gradually and put work in towards being a better man assuming that's what you want. There's social and then there's being a dancing monkey. Its likely she likes you or wants to be friends. I always take my shot and throw caution to the wind. You won't ever know otherwise. Good luck.
  6. If a woman sleeps with ten men from 16 to 26, she's at 100 body count. In the modern era, probably more. More common is rants that men are insecure for not wanting high body count despite the countless stats that guarantee divorce and likely infidelity. This is called delusional. Read again. Model. When I say he smashed hundreds and hundreds of models, pageant winners, fitness models. We went clubbing once and a girl rolled her window down to blow him. You are shaming him. How about these women who only wanted him because of how he looks? Today, he is a new man. He found God. He doesn't do casual sex, porn or fap anymore. Its barely recognizable. Its funny you make hijab jokes. He was Muslim and once said, "treat women like dog!" Spent decades pumping and dumping. Today, he quotes scripture. Praises God. Currently, he is in solitude. He is a good man. Good heart. The world wanted him because of how he looks. Women worshiped him. He was paid money on looks. He is a brother from another mother. I couldn't be more Happy for him. He describes the experience like having died and been born again. One of the more disgusting aspects in "spiritual" communities is the judgE, holier then thou high horse. Its jealousy and ego. Try to breathe and let go of that resentment. Its not good for you. Maybe you can find peace and happiness like playboy!
  7. I didn't click bio to see if your male or female. My advice would differ particularly IF you want children. Similar to you, i felt something off putting at Wedding's or group events that are all couples. I noticed I would want to leave. I was unaware of anxieties. I have done a lot self actualization work. I am better now. South park had a episode of kid couples acting like married couples with purity rings and being lame watching greys. Its a silly cartoon but it points out truths and makes comedy of the situations. If you want kids, biological clock is real. Don't rush in but use common sense. I see bios online and it reads, "want kids some day" and they aren't young. More off putting when searching for "casual." Many of my friends are married or engaged. I am a bachelor. I LOVE IT. I am actively dating in pandemic but, I put myself out Lots. I met girls today at the park walking my dog. I met girl's yesterday running. I can't stress the importance of staying fit and making moves especially as you get older. Its pandemic. Guess what? People aren't isolated in riots nor protest's. Dating is about to explode. Where I would envy married friends before, they admire my freedom now. Its all perspective. One of my mates wants to get married after a lifetime of modeling and being Playboy. He smashed hundreds of girls. He now "found God" and wants a wife. Its a crazy 180. Enjoy the journey.
  8. Small chunk it. Thread starter, there's coding boot camps and udemy. Give it a go.
  9. The Post reminds me of a smug vegan. As if to say, "I eat plans. I am better then everyone." Its posts like this that give communities like this a bad name. Its even more funny. The same internet tough guy wouldn't talk to girl's a gun point. YouTube is full of these characters. Pychedelics brah. You'll get stuck in a bardo.
  10. YouTube Eckhart Tolle. Power of now book pg 170. He just says to be present and notice one's being hyper reactive. Just observe.
  11. 16:8 check amazon. Scribd or PDF drive for author name. I sweae by fasting. My sleep is better. My dreams are vivid and lucid. I have my six pack back. I look more aesthetic.
  12. The psychoactive properties are unreal.
  13. Japan had two damn atom bombs obliterate the country. I never seen Japan rioting target or stealing TVs. Too busy crushing it in life. If we look at history, Asians were taken advantage of. Asians as a culture do better then white people. Despite injustices to Asians, I never see Japanese playing the victim card, flipping cars, and burning down their cities. Asian culture forces on nuclear family. Father's in the household. I haven't looked at death but I don't see stats on high abortion rates and Asian on Asian killings. I think a lot of communities would do 100x better by not majoring in stupid shit. Asians tend to study STEM. Single moms isn't a common practice in the culture. Its not a celebrated feat. Furthermore, government programs are a detriment as is rap and hip hop. You have idiotic athletes and celebrities cheering riots. Defund police is a chant? Lol does anybody have an idea of what's to happen IF police were gone? Quinton Jackson made this comment yo hype this fight. Its something blm doesn't touch. Its something that needs to change but the convoy is hijacked. Morons scream racist. I watched a podcast last week. A white male preacher mentioned a church football league. He mentioned the congregation is mostly black. When pulled over, the guys were all jumpy around cops, and twitchy. High cortisol like each had a key of blow on them. The preacher taught them to chill out around police. Relax. He all went onto say, they had no fathers and he wants was the closest thing to a father figure. Very sad.
  14. I don't know its possible to be bad unless TEEETHHHHHHH! Seriously speaking, I never knew how fucked up my sleep is. As a kid, girls got furious after sex when I left. I didn't understand why but I was unaware. I realized now itsy sleep. My bed own. What is home symbolic for?
  15. So, I am in a hotel room. I see this really cute girl next door type. I make small talk and bring her back. She's in my room. We fool around. After oral sex she tells me, she is a escort or has escorted. Wtf. I'm now freaking out. She never said that until after. I have far too much anxiety for this. Worst, she won't leave. I am now thinking gang of pimps are going to trash the place. I'm trying to get her out of my room. My friends are on the same floor. I am trying to figure out what to do. She tells me she wants food so, i microwave something quit to get her out of my room fast before anybody else sees. I can pray and get rid of this gross feeling. That's when I wake up in my bed. Safe sound. It was a bad dream but lucid and felt so, real. WHAT THE FUCKKKK? I don't know what happened. My dreams are super vivid. Lots of lucid dreams. I have been struggling with my sleeping pattern until fasting. My cousin says my electrolytes are deplete and I should supplement. The following comes at a time i found my life purpose. I suspect that the dreams a warning about doing my due diligence and whatnot.
  16. I was terrified. She said she was a escort or escorted. I have too much anxiety even in a dream lol. So, the life purpose feels abstract but I know what to do. Where I am going. I suspect the warning is CAUTION. HUMBLE. FOCUS. PRESENCE! I am excited.
  17. The weirdest for me was high school. It was like pornstar like humping nonstop. It was lucid. Felt more real then anything. I might have been 15. Woke up and was like what the hell? Here's where it gets weird... I met her AFTER. I was skateboarding. I saw my buddy and his gf. Never met before ever. She was the girl in the sex dream. Its a Buddy's gf so, I couldn't creep. I was a kid. We couldn't make eye contact. I hope it happens again lol.
  18. I got AP and lucid dreams. The combo with fasting is next level. I am more focused on sleep as in get older.
  19. Lazy. Why study stem when you can get a degree in fluffy bunnies? Its the same for body positivity. Fast food and high fructose corn syrup is killing everybody but shutdown the global economy for covid. Little did we know, the cure to covid is mass rioting and looting (not serious). Its laziness to answer your question. Fitness and health is a better look. Proven longevity and quality of life.
  20. 100%! Its going to get bad and end up in the history books for what not to do. Protest is fine. The riots must end by whatever means. Fortunately, I don't have to make a decision here.
  21. I saw a link online, white female deficated on a cop car. The levels of insanity continue. Peaceful protest is fair game but, we have censorship and fact check links on twitter that navigate to CNN opinion pieces. Its that stuff that will swing voters. Nobody promoted the cops behavior but in have seen lots of "people" cerebrating riots which is disgusting. I don't know what the solution is. Stephen A was saying, white people nerf to give to black people lol. Earlier this year, he trolled ufc fighter Donald Cerone fighting. He got trashed by people when we see him punch focus pads. Freebies and more government handouts are not the solution. I am for BLM calling out bad police as they should but, no comments on abortion or any mention of black killing black people. Any mention of the following is met with racism cries. A honest insight, father's in the household is a key.
  22. Do it. Make it routine. Similar to cardio, you get the lifters high. I get angry if I don't train.
  23. Its freaky. Fun too at times. I get sleep apnea, sleep paralysis, Lucid dreams, and AP. I actually started the yoga sutras and meditation because. I am think I got corona. I partied just before pandemic. I got deathly ill. I bet I have antibodies.
  24. You am annoyed with the robberies and looting. More so with celebrities and athletes justifying riots until it comes to their neighborhood. The cops and the riots are disgusting.
  25. Not shocking. Morons murdering civilians. Civilians stealing TVs because the dead watch. The ridiculous aspects is social distancing. South Park poked fun at this nonsense before. Antifa is a terrorist groups and should be treated like it. Peaceful protesters are fine. The morons looting should be jailed.