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Everything posted by No-Thing
No-Thing replied to No-Thing's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I'm missing the joker archetype here ;-) -
No-Thing replied to Leo Gura's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
staying in the heart space -
@Leo Gura I feel you! I also struggle from some chronic issues that I don't even have a name for. Here is what brings me relieve from chronic fatigue: Coffee enemas (have you tried them?) Ashwagandha Cold showering (completely surrending while praying for example) Fitness (pushing myself beyond my comfort zone, it works on mental + physical levels) Take care!
No-Thing replied to Tom T's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
suicidal depression lack of motivation fear of loss (pain of being unworthy) -
Here is a talk by Ram Dass check out especially the last 2 parts. "When we (I) are all enlightened there is no universe anymore because there is no desire and the universe is created out of desire/love but at that point it doesn't matter because nothing is desired by no one" If you want to know god and stay there all desires must go even the desire to know god
Hey guys, I am a little drunk. otherwise I would probably find reasons to not write. I mean, I don't know if you exist, so why bother? Anyway. I am facing the problem that I am pretty deep into this shit and I don't know how to relate with other people anymore. How can I play an act when I see their ignorance staring into my face? Also, why should we educate other people? You are probably too deep to go back anyway, but why should we destroy other peoples dreams. Ok let's get real. This is an amusement park we created for ourselves. Thinking it is real is like most of the fun. Why would we want to change that. Yeah, things get messy but absolutely that doesn't matter ... I am facing the problem that I am so obsessed with it, that I find it hard to pretend and not to shake 'em and scream, "Wake up". I know, I know I am not fully there yet. My ego can't fathom it yet. It is me, ME it is fucking ME!! ME is nothing. ME is no self they are actually talking about me. It is actually real. I read this stuff for years but only now I grasp it. It is terrifying. But I know it is the truth. It is home. It is your mother. It is your womb. Is it ME YOU I. So my question to you/me, "should we burst each others bubbles? Should we teach?" I know there is no right or wrong. But maybe you have a perspective that can help my ego for a couple of days. Cheers, sweet dreams...
In the video the guy stated "the voices in my head were convincing me that whatever I was thinking is the new truth but I was able to be sober enough to remember that I was on salvia". Here is where the misconception lies. He has this idea of what is truth, like he is this man in this world taking salvia and entering the salvia space. But in actuality neither the salvia space nor the current apparent reality is true. If you take something like salvia you come to realize that an altered state of being feels just as real as your current state of being, so you start questioning your current reality. That realization still has nothing to do with enlightenment. The path of enlightenment is the path of stopping to react to the dream as if it was real. Every thought and every sensation needs to be seen through as illusion. ultimately you reach the primordial thought/sensation "I AM", which also also has to be seen as illusion. Then you collapse back into who you actually are and truth is realized. The problem is that the substance of what you currently think you are is the reaction to the dream so how can reaction stop reacting? As a sidenote. If you have an interest of exploring psychedelics, then that is an interest in the mind which is the opposite direction of enlightenment. For absolute rest all interests need to come to rest. (I'm still full of shit for writing in this forum thinking there is anyone out there needing my advice. Just an old pattern )
It's good to face opposing perspectives to check how grounded you are in your own truth. It also shows you where your ego still lies hidden. If you watch this video and feel anger or resistance within you, it shows that you still have an ego around meditation or leo's teachings as such. Otherwise I'd like to hear your ideas on his perspective. Enjoy!
No-Thing replied to No-Thing's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nice way of putting it. I also felt his perspective and I do get it. This is very confusing and painful to the mind and being safed by Jesus seems like a good option. -
No-Thing replied to No-Thing's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I read your new text on the blog! I liked it. Reminded me of https://highexistence.com/mind-blowing-story-talking-to-god/ But isn't this voice not just another party of yourself. So you were talking to yourself :-) -
No-Thing replied to No-Thing's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I hope it turned you on :-* -
No-Thing replied to No-Thing's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Rilles Nothing bad about that. I said in a way of "look at the stars and look at this formation of stars" and then you assumed what you assumed. And I am currently lying to you. -
No-Thing replied to No-Thing's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura Looking forward to your (our) integration process. Through sharing content we are already linking up our minds but I sense there is a deeper link to be made where the whole system of a group of people or species is vibrating at the same frequency. Are you planning to meet groups in physical form? If you allow me feedback on one aspect of your sharing. There have been a couple of moments where you shared something and clearly strongly felt in the moment what you were sharing. These moments often have a greater impact than creating mental constructs. I feel the more capable we are to feel a sensation or emotion while speaking, to communicate a message not only on the intellectual side but also the body side, the more powerful of a communicator we become and the greater the capability to connect with people through sharing body sensations. -
Leo recently shared this video on his blog: I watched the first half of the video and my seeking voice flared up saying, "I need more psychedelic experiences, I need to go deeper". The second half of the video struck a very different chord in me. In most spiritual seekers there is a deep yearning to transcend this world, to go back to the source. It's the first spiritual movement, it's what adyashanti calls "up and out". It's the recognition of your divine nature. The second movement, "down and in". Is the integration of this recognition into your current physical form. What I want to bring to you through this post, a realisation that Christopher Bache also shares in this video, is that the point of this physical life is not to transcend it but to integrate the transcendence in your current form. In his blog post Leo mentions the 70+ trips and depth of this mans experience and compares it to his pursuit. When Christopher Bache talked about his trips, it was something very interesting to my mind and it even reactivated my seeking energy. But now after finishing the second half, what I am left with is a sweet energy of a loving and tender being. Maybe we can have a discussion about this here: Transcendence vs Integration Even though Leo has probably gone further than 99,999% of all human beings in terms of transcendence, I would still say someone who integrated divine loving energy even without these experiences is further on the spiritual path than him. (So maybe you don't need push the envelope as far as you thought, and rather work on anchoring stillness and love in your everyday experience)
No-Thing replied to Dodo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Here are my favorite ones: -
No-Thing replied to Itay Spiegel's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The absolute is unmoving, unchanging, can not be perceived or experienced. It is the stillness underneath everything. Everything you perceive vibrates, the absolute is absolutely still. It comes before space and time. The mind can not understand the absolute, all these concepts have only one purpose, to quiet the mind. The less thought patterns are solidified in your sphere of presence, the more the underlying stillness shines through. In the example above it seems like you momentarily dropped a bunch of your concepts and you felt the infinity and the completeness of your true nature. To experience it again you have to drop that experience. Stop longing for it to come back. It's paradoxical, the less you want it the more you have it. Stop all thoughts, all conceptualisation. You are stillness with a bunch of thought patterns on top. The more thought patterns you are attached to the denser the vibration in your body, the less you will perceive the stillness. -
No-Thing replied to SoonHei's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Here is you talking about yourself -
No-Thing replied to SoonHei's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Look at your arm. Talk to it. Become it. Meet it. That's god. Only god makes it possible that there is an arm. What you mean is that you want a confirmation in form of a story. Your own existence which is a magnificent miracle is the biggest confirmation there is. You are just so used to it. -
No-Thing replied to SoonHei's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Ego Death is only a problem to the ego not to you. It's a drama queen, "ahh ahh look at me I'm dying". It's all god, it's all a play. Life and death is a fairy tale of the mind. -
No-Thing replied to SoonHei's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What is it that you are holding onto in this life? What if there was nothing that would hold you here? Not in the sense of I don't want to be here but, there is nothing here I want and there is nothing beyond here that I want. -
No-Thing replied to AlwaysBeNice's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No-Thing replied to Uchira's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Why do you want to understand it? I assume you think that it might have relevance for future situations? If that is the case then from my experience I can say that all things from the past (traumas, emotions , behaviour patterns...) that will manifest again in my future are stored in my body right now. There is no past and future, only right now but the change of scenery in my field of experience is dependent on what is stored my body. Stored meaning not let go of. So if you want to understand why you behaved like that, observe your body and directly experience the emotions and traumas that caused your behaviour. If you then stop resisting those trigger sensations, you will dissolve them and let them go and they won't bother you anymore at all. So my 2 cents. Stop intellectually trying to understand it and start to experientially observing your body and the intellectual understanding will come on it's own. -
No-Thing replied to Uchira's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Hey if you feeling you are loosing the grip on reality, here is what helps. Focus your breath for a while, relax. Your breath is there. Sense your being, your presence. Ok that's there. Good. Now whatever happens beyond that is a game. It doesn't always need to make sense. From all what you have read, you probably realised that the most of developed souls are full of love and compassion. So the one who developed this game we are in is also full of love and compassion. Can you trust that? Can you have faith in goodness of reality? Relax into that. Just sit there and dwell on the goodness of it all. Your breath is there, your presence is there. Check. Confusing thoughts are coming in, intense emotions arise .... What to do? Are they about love and compassion? No? Ok then they are part of the illusion, the goal of the game is to let go of these forces. The "normal" is also just an act. If you fear you are loosing it. It is just that you loose the grip on what you thought is normal. Relax, breathe. You can always come back and play along with other people. There is nothing wrong with that. Don't resist the normal. Don't resist the crazy. Don't resist the aliens. Don't resist the feminists. Relax, breath. You are here. -
No-Thing replied to riplo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Every experience is an enlightened experience. You are the light of the world! NEO wake uP!!!