In my own experience fasting proved to be an amazing tool for clarity of mind, deep and insightful retrospection, self observation and the 'aha' moments. The greatest surprise was that hunger is a psyche thing and is usually a craving, not an actual hunger that a starved / seriously malnourished person would feel. I have done 22/2 and 24h intermittent fasting for about 2 months straight. I would love to continue, but I am a petite creature and I wasn't able to fit my minimum calories intake within a 2hour window every day, and as a result my weight started to drop significantly. I now practice a 16/8 fasting on a daily basis and meditate early mornings on an empty stomach. It is so much more rewarding and I am able to sit for longer now than before I started my journey with fasting. Also, on a physical level, I noticed an increased stamina and a better overall performance. Fasting certainly won't hurt you and it's worth a try, but I know it's not for everyone. My partner gave it up the very first day we tried it out. He said it made him feel pretty miserable.