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Everything posted by David1

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transhumanism The ultimate self developement trough technology. Think enhancing your brain with nanobots or bio engineering. Once they get a handel on enhancing cognitve abilities in a substantial way trough technology, bio/genetic engineering or even artificial intelligence, this will create a snowball effect where enhanced humans will be abel to create even better, smarter technology...leading to a technological singularity According to the pope of transhumanism, Ray Kurzweil, humanity can reach such a technological singularity by 2045. Any thoughts on this? Would you be willing to enhance your cognitive abilities with technology?
  2. I never said that. Bloo said that himself He sais first his age and then that he's fat. As if that's the second most important feature of him.
  3. No, forget about meditation. You're trying to do advanced stuff as a beginner. Do sports instead. Sport is a kind of meditation too in my opinion. It calms your monkey mind and it brings you in the moment. Calculte your BMI, and calculate how much weight you have to lose to get it to 22. Get a scale, and get going. The real meditation will come in later.
  4. Fix your body!! That's where you should start. If i remember correctly..that's how Leo started too. You say you never worked hard? No discipline? Passive lifestyle? That reflects in your body. You will learn discipline, persistance, being ok with discomfort (hunger), all the things you need. Your mind will get stronger as your body will.
  5. In his latest vid, Leo asks himself the question how its even possible to have a bad experience on mushrooms. So i'll explain my bad experiences and how they came to be. There are a few different ways you can have a bad trip, at least in my experience. The first one, and Leo indicated on this, when you are not familliar with meditation. This is what happened to me: many years ago, i didn't know anything about psychedelics. I wasn't into self developement and i didn't know anything about meditation or spirituality. A friend of mine got hold of some mushrooms, and we decided to take them one evening. We each took about 2.5 grams dried psylocibine cubensis. My expectation was that it was going to be like smoking a few joints. I was wrong. At first it was all funny, untill the waves started to get stronger and i started to lose coherency in my thoughts, the boundry between external and internal reality started to disolve. Ego death started to set in. At this point, my monkey mind started to get alarmed. The first thing it said was : 'i don't want this'. And from there on a whole train of thoughts started, and because i wasn't familiar with meditation, i had no defence against it. I was lucky to have my friend there who helped me through it. If he wasn't there, god knows what would have happened. I probably would have called 911 or something, and then things would have really gotten out of hand. Later i learned that i took a dose that was 'on the verge'. Ego death starts to set in, but the ego can still struggle against it. It is not completely overwhelmed by the mushrooms. Another way things can turn bad is : other people. Be very careful with having other people around. Especially with people that you are not that familiar with, or people who are ignorent about psychedelics and don't know how to behave around people on them. On mushrooms, you become very sensitive to 'vibes'. And people can (unwillingly) 'contaminate' you with their bad vibes. Once you start to have negative feelings, 'vibes' or thoughts they can snowball into a full blown bad trip very fast. And it's very challenging to stop this snowball effect. Also TV can have this same effect. I would advise to not watch TV at all while on psychedelics, but if you do, make sure you chose wisely what you watch. Most people don't realize this, but TV is a very negative and toxic medium. Another time i had a bad experience, and this one was the worst i had, is because of overthinking an 'insight' i had. I entered this 'non dualistic' state, where there is no boundry between internal and external reality, and i had a profound realization of oneness and wholeness. While i was contemplating this, at first wonderful and magical feeling and insight, this suddenly turned on me because i somehow got the idea that all the bad things in the world, all the misery and suffering that is going on in the world was my fault . I felt ashamed and upset by this, and from there on the snowball effect started to kick in again. And this time i had a really hard time getting out of it. I got stuck in a thought loop for a while, and a feeling of unimaginable despair and sadness started to get a hold of me. I felt like i was being judged and condemned to an eternity in abandonment and isolation. The inscription on the gates of hell in Dante's Inferno maybe best describe this feeling : Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. Just to point out, things can take a turn for the worse with psychedelics. But whether the experience is good or bad, there is always a lesson to learn and maybe the bad experiences teaches the most valuable lessons.
  6. Yes, this is very true. The body is a reflection of the mind and vice versa. The easiest route is to start with the body. Work out, pay attention to your diet, and your mind will also become more disciplined and stronger. But it works the other way around too. If you start with cleaning up your mind, meditating and doing conscious work, you will almost automatically start to work on your body too. The body is the mind. Everybody has to walk their own path. What works for one person doesn't necessarily work for someone else. Some people claim that enduring extreme pain works for them, gives them spiritual insights etc. It's not for me, but i can see and understand how that would work for them. Try to keep an open mind.
  7. Thats perfectly fine, nobody is forcing you to take anything. Psychedelics are not for everyone. People who cling to their ego, or have problems with giving up control and surrender, will not have a good experience. They will feel as if they're going crazy. If you can't shut up your monkey mind, you're going to be in trouble when you take these substances. People who do psychedelics are not the ones who will rob liqor stores or break into houses in order to get money to maintain their addiction. The opposite is true. They cure addiction. Besides, i bet that you take drugs too. You just don't call it drugs. Alcohol, nicotine, tobacco, sugar, TV, sex...everything that alters your brain chemistry can be seen as a 'drug'.
  8. Uff. Please, don't patronize people. We are all adults here (most of us i suppose). And for those who are not an adult, you're absolutely right. They should stay away from all substances. I can perfectly determine for myself what i can handle and what not. I don't need laws or rules or whatever. I do my own research. In my opinion, all substances should be legal, including cocain, heroin and what not. If you're stupid enough to get addicted to that crap, you deserve it.
  9. The risk of having a bad trip can be minimized, but never completely eliminated. A bad experience can also be very valuable in restrospect. Yes, dosing is very important. As a rule of thumb, i never use something that is not natural. I will not take for example LSD. I only take the pure mushroom. Nothing powdered or extract or whatever. I have to see what it is i'm taking. That makes dosing a little trickier, because i'm never sure how potent the mushrooms will be. But i don't use test kits, and this way i am sure of what i'm putting in my body. Mixing alcohol and psychedelics is a big mistake obviously. Cannabis however is different, it is more symbiotic with mushrooms. I use cannabis sometimes to push me over the 'threshold'
  10. @Paul EMD I take them about twice a year now. The vast majority of my experiences were absolutely stunning. And of those few bad experiences i had i know that it happened because of my inexperience and carelessness. I was young and ignorent, we didn't have the information that is out there now.
  11. @Philip you can look at the human body as a robot allready. A cell is in fact a nanobot, and biotechnology is nanotechnology. We don't have to invent the wheel again, we just have to improve it. There is no need to upload consciousness into another substrate, we just have to find ways to improve our brain, immune system etc.
  12. This sounds very similar to what Hill talks about? I'm not a doctor but ejaculating up the spine is not physically possible i think. If you have sex without ejaculation, the 'drive' will stay intact...you can use that to improve your love making, but also transmute it in creative energy, motivation etc. I don't know if a man can have a real orgasm without ejaculating, the only thing i can say is that i never had
  13. @Paul EMD Napoleon Hill has a chapter (11) in his book Think and grow rich, in wich he claims that most males only reach succes after age 40 or even after 50 because before that age, they don't controle their orgasms (ejaculation), they are too sexually active.
  14. Yes. The biological/neurological correlate of a thought is like the ink in a book. The neurons firing, the ion gaps etc. exist in physical reality, but not the meaning. Just like the ink in book is physical, but the story isn't.
  15. @LadyfaceLou imho, behind every negative feeling or emotion, there is a positive desire hiding. Try to find that desire, and focus on that. İf you have alot of negative people around you, and you feel frustrated or angry about that, the desire might be to go out and meet new people. Keep in mind that your friends are not responsible for your emotions.
  16. @InsidesOut i'd suggest you find a yellow person, watch his/her behaviour, learn how he/she thinks and mimick that. İ'm sure after some practise, no one will be able to tell the difference. You will be a yellow person too. Good luck!
  17. Be careful not to label yourself and others too much. Models can be useful, but weather your're twins, green, a plant or 4...never forget that your behaviour does not equal you. To cultivate and adopt behaviour, thoughts and habits implies that you seek to 'act' them out. Be aware that all it is, is an 'act'. Don't confuse your role with the true you.
  18. @Leo Gura "The whole idea is moot. There is no universe. Reality is nothing at all, and it's already a perfect unity. It always has been and it always will be. You don't need a technological revolution for that to happen. It's already the case. You just need to wake up from the dream you call life." Sorry, for some reason i can't use quotes on my mobile device. This is very true...we already are one, but it will take a technological singularity to wake all of humanity up from this dream. The singularity will be a massive enlightenment event. Hence the quote 'it will be the universe waking up' İts undeniable that novelty seems to be the driving force in the universe. Since the universe began to cool down, complexity increases at an ever greater speed, with the human organism (as far as we know) as the most complex, 'thing' currently in existence. And imo it won't take long (or maybe we already have with the internet) before we will bring forth even more complex things.
  19. İ wanted to, and i ordered Dream Leaf online. But it got confiscated by customs in my country + i got a warning for trying to import illegal substances
  20. @Leo Gura Science doesn't give a shit about how consciousness works. They only look at how the brain works. And they're making rapid progress on that. Personally i think the singularity is a spiritual concept, because what it really means is that we will literally all be one. İ remember Kurzweil describing it as 'it will be the universe waking up'. Whether it happens in our lifetime or not, doesn't really matter. What matters is, can we reach this point, or will we do ourselves in before?
  21. Gym

    No, the bigger muscles are not worth it. The discipline, willpower and persistence you learn are definitely worth it. The muscles are just a by-product.
  22. Eye on the TV 'cause tragedy thrills me Whatever flavour It happens to be like; Killed by the husband Drowned by the ocean Shot by his own son She used the poison in his tea And kissed him goodbye That's my kind of story It's no fun 'til someone dies Don't look at me like I am a monster Frown out your one face But with the other Stare like a junkie Into the TV Stare like a zombie While the mother Holds her child Watches him die Hands to the sky crying Why, oh why? 'cause I need to watch things die From a distance Vicariously I, live while the whole world dies You all need it too, don't lie Why can't we just admit it? Why can't we just admit it? We won't give pause until the blood is flowing Neither the brave nor bold The writers of stories sold We won't give pause until the blood is flowing I need to watch things die From a good safe distance Vicariously I, live while the whole world dies You all feel the same so Why can't we just admit it? Blood like rain come down Drawn on grave and ground Part vampire Part warrior Carnivore and voyeur Stare at the transmittal Sing to the death rattle La, la, la, la, la, la, la-lie Credulous at best, your desire to believe in angels in the hearts of men. Pull your head on out your hippy haze and give a listen. Shouldn't have to say it all again. The universe is hostile. so Impersonal. devour to survive. So it is. So it's always been. We all feed on tragedy It's like blood to a vampire Vicariously I, live while the whole world dies Much better you than I
  23. Banana hard boiled egg with celery salt cauliflower or broccoli with a dip sauce and ofcourse the unavoidable chocolate flavoured proteine shake I avoid fast carbs and sugars as much as possible. I do have a habit of chewing (sugar free) gum.