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Everything posted by David1

  1. @abrakamowse Whenever you say 'i am' followed by such and such, it's not just a thought. It's a belief. I know the self is an illusion, but the power of grasping that lies in the fact that you can change the illusion. Change 'i can't take initiative' to 'i'm motivated and enthusiastic'. Write it down, repeat it to yourself often. Try to 'feel' it and act it out until you become it. This will feel fake, 'not who i am', and awkward in the beginning. But that's the point...changing who you are.
  2. It is how you say it is man. If i 'say', or tell myself, i'm bad at math. Then it is that way. I won't do effort to understand math, i won't be motivated, because i tell myself i'm bad at it to start with. You have to get rid of these limiting beliefs. Stop negative self talk. Make your word law. I mean by that...you have to get to a point, when you set yourself a goal, you'll say "it's already done, it's just a matter of time".
  3. Just unconfirmed rumors and probably lies . Yes, i'm a huge Mckenna fan lol
  4. Everybody who has cut sugar from their diet for a while, in the context of weightloss or fasting, knows how it feels to eat that first piece of chocolate again. That rush is even stronger than alcohol or nicotine.
  5. I know this, but apperantly the doctor (MD) in the above vid doesn't. In the first ten minutes of the clip he's already talking loads of BS. This video is a real eye opener... Like you said, sugar spikes insuline. And insuline is a lever for the body to switch to carbohydrates for fuel. So all the fat you eat, while the body runs on carbs, gets stored. Ofcoures, if you eat alot of carbs (sugar) and not much else, like many poor people have to do, you're not going to gain weight. On the contrary, people who survive on carbs look very weak and atrophied.
  6. @Mppdidi I'm not a doctor, but i never heard of a mechanism in wich the body can turn fat into cabohydrates like this guy sais. Nor can i find anything about it online. All indigenous people eat alot of protein. Look at all the cities around the world...most are near the coast or big water streams. That is for a reason...fish. The mediterranean diet is packed with seafood and olive oil, and is traditionally low in carbs. The people around the world who have to survive on rice or pide, have to do so because of poverty. And they don't look particularly healthy if you ask me. The obesitas epidemic that is going on right now (and all the diseases related to it) is because of sugar overconsumption. And sugar is a carb. Didn't watch the vid...turned it off after 10 mins.
  7. @The Obedient Listner Don't watch all this crap on tv, youtube or in the media. You have to realize, it's all about you. Your experience!! Your life. This may sound very selfish and ignorant, but you can't do anything about a girl in Guatemala. Fall back on yourself and your own experience.
  8. Don't worry about smoking weed. My experience is that it does have the potential for abuse (but not addiction). I mean by that, be careful that you don't use it more and more. First only in the weekend, then the weekend and one or two times during the week, and soon every day. Also, be aware that it messes with your sleep. Cannabis supresses rem sleep. Some people are very sensitive to this. It makes you tired and apathetic, and can even lead to psychosis. Substance use is very much cultural bound. The worst substances, like alcohol and nicotine are sold legally in supermarkets. They kill thousands of people every year, they destroy lives and families. Caffeine and sugar are also very much socially accepted. Now some will argue that sugar isn't a mind altering drug. That's just because the body has gotten so used to it. Give a young child a few sugar cubes, and you will notice how it alters their mind.
  9. Science is like doing something and while you're doing it, asking yourself 'How the hell am i doing this?'
  10. @Prabhaker By that reasoning, all the Buddha's teachings would be obsolete. All meditation techniques worthless. Buddhism would have no reason to exist.
  11. @Prabhaker Yes, i understand perfectly what you mean. It's just a matter of using the correct term. Intelligence, knowledge, creativity are all very different concepts. Knowledge is very mechanical, yet it is important. For example, it is important to know about history so we can learn about it. An intelligent society will not make the same mistakes its predecessors have made in the past. It can recognize patterns and, because of the knowledge of history, adapt in order not to make the same mistake over and over again. How it adapts however, can be very creative. It can find a radical new, efficient solution to a problem that others, in the past, failed to come up with. An intelligent person who has no knowledge, risks trying to invent the wheel all over again. "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Isaac Newton.
  12. @Prabhaker I agree, but then you're talking about creativity. Picasso, Beethoven etc. were very creative. That doesn't mean they were very intelligent. A computer can be very intelligent, but at the same time it's not creative at all. To pick back up on what psychonaut said... "I wonder if memory is just thoughts repeating itself. If the thought is not repeated again it is forgotten. " No, memory is not thoughts repeating itself. Memory is about experience. I only fell in the nettles once. And i almost never think about it, but still i remember it vividly. But if you ask me...'what were you thinking last saturday at 2pm?' i can't remember.
  13. @Prabhaker It depends on what your definition of intelligence is. Let's look at IQ tests...intelligence is the ability to recognize patterns and to predict how a pattern will evolve in the future. And ofcourse, adjust your behaviour according to that prediction. With that definition, intelligence is also very 'mechanical'. You need to remember how a pattern evolved in the past to make a prediction about the future.
  14. @Psychonaut I don't think so. I think there is a much greater correlation between experience and memory. I don't remember what i was thinking a few hours ago. But i sure do remember that time when i fell into a bunch of nettles when i was a kid.
  15. Drawing!! It teaches you to really see. It counters our reading and text based society. It's cheap, you can start right away. There is a ton of information and material online.
  16. @stevegan928 You have to realize that everything that happens to you is because of you. Because you made a choice in the past. For example, if you're in a car and your friend is driving and causes an accident in wich you get hurt. You got hurt because you decided to get in the car. You could think at first that its not your fault, but actually it is. You have to take 100% responsability for your life and your choices. In every moment, you have a vast amount of choices. Your future depends on what choice you make. The more radical the choice you make, the more radical your future will change. We make most choices automatically (unconscious) however. Because of our culture, fixed thinking patterns etc. If you meet someone, you usually are not aware that you choose not to kill that person. Still, unconsciously you made that choice. The law of attraction is just this...the more you think about a goal, the more you will notice the choices you can make to obtain that goal. But those choices were there all the time, you just didn't notice them. For example, if you think about a castle consciously, with intent, multiple times a day. You will see castles pop up everywhere...while you're on the road, in magazines, newspapers... So, being grateful for bad things is really just the same as being grateful for the good. Both bad things and good, happen because of the choices you made.
  17. You say you see money as a tool...then how come you put it on your goal list? I used to struggle with the same issue though. Seeing money as a goal on itself. Hoarding money, just to have it... Having money as a goal, is a poverty mindset. That mindset will make you a scrooge, afraid to spend and use money. Money is a tool. It's not even a real thing, it has no value in itself. It's an idea, ableit a very powerful one. I'm sure you've heard this before...but make sure you have multiple sources of income. However small they may seem at the start. Consistently Invest, even very small amounts, into assets.
  18. @electroBeam You don't want to be an asshole. That's even worse than being bullied, because a genuine asshole lives in complete ignorance. And sooner or later he'll be confronted with that. Read up on nonviolent communication and try to improve your communication skills in general. It's worth the effort.
  19. @Tancrede Pouyat Seems to me, you want to move out? Maybe you can find some room mates and rent a place with them. Rev up your business to make more money. Or get another stream of income...
  20. The elevator to success : winning the lottery, inheriting a fortune or business, having a liposuction, using steroids... There are elevators to success, but often people who took the elevator find themselves back on the ground floor in no time. Because they didn't cultivate the mindset, discipline, willpower etc.
  21. Worry is a misuse of imagination.
  22. True. You can not 'unrealize' something. Maybe if you have a car accident and you have amnesia?
  23. Try to just act enthusiastic. It will take effort in the beginning, but you may just become real enthusiastic after a while.
  24. I don't agree with this. I love reading, and i've read some novels that are just mindblowing. Reading develops your imagination, and a well developed imagination is priceless.