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Everything posted by DevOcean

  1. Have seen quite a few people say it is not a good idea to work with someone who is not a trained shaman. Even when you have very experienced shamans Ayahuasca can be hugely challenging and can drastically change your life. I went to the best retreat centre in Peru I could find and still ended up being taken to hospital. There are real risks involved.
  2. Sharing the story of my first encounter with Ayahuasca nine years ago. Hope you enjoy...
  3. Marten! Thanks for sharing man! Listened to the whole recording. Takes courage to share that. Such an outpouring of joy. It’s amazing you were able to capture it. “In God’s band now” it!
  4. Love this one by Rumi Gone to the Unseen At last you have departed and gone to the Unseen. What marvelous route did you take from this world? Beating your wings and feathers, you broke free from this cage. Rising up to the sky you attained the world of the soul. You were a prized falcon trapped by an Old Woman. Then you heard the drummer’s call and flew beyond space and time. As a lovesick nightingale, you flew among the owls. Then came the scent of the rosegarden and you flew off to meet the Rose. The wine of this fleeting world caused your head to ache. Finally you joined the tavern of Eternity. Like an arrow, you sped from the bow and went straight for the bull’s eye of bliss. This phantom world gave you false signs But you turned from the illusion and journeyed to the land of truth. You are now the Sun – what need have you for a crown? You have vanished from this world – what need have you to tie your robe? I’ve heard that you can barely see your soul. But why look at all? – yours is now the Soul of Souls! O heart, what a wonderful bird you are. Seeking divine heights, Flapping your wings, you smashed the pointed spears of your enemy. The flowers flee from Autumn, but not you – You are the fearless rose that grows amidst the freezing wind. Pouring down like the rain of heaven you fell upon the rooftop of this world. Then you ran in every direction and escaped through the drain spout . . . Now the words are over and the pain they bring is gone. Now you have gone to rest in the arms of the Beloved.
  5. I work as a concept artist and use paintings and 3d animations to communicate complex ideas in a simple & clear way. Its a huge benefit to have the skill to be able to communicate in that way. Ive relied on it a lot as I sometimes struggle to communicate as well verbally and have recently started trying to improve in that area. I really admire people who can fully express with their voice and body.
  6. Thankyou. I drew these on an ipad.
  7. Thanks PurpleTree. Here is an older one...
  8. Love going for walks all year round but particularly love the autumn colours with all the leaves on the ground. Drew this the other day trying to capture the feeling of a stroll and state of mind...
  9. Incredible. Thankyou for sharing!
  10. So funny, was feeling the same the last couple of days. That we’re here for the music and to dance. Feel so much like celebrating.
  11. Came across this channel that has some reviews. Sounds pretty bad...
  12. This was a few years ago but I love reading other people’s trip reports so thought I’d share my first and only psilocybin experience. A friend of mine in Amsterdam had grown some mushrooms for myself and my fiance and he was to be our sitter. We ate between 5-6g each and I went to lay on the bed. My friend was sitting in the corner but after about 15minutes I asked him to come over so I could tell him what was happening. I felt like my body was being scanned by the mushroom, like doing a systems check before blast off. Everything seemed to be in order. The next thing I remember was being confronted by the full immensity of what I can only describe as God. It was completely crushing me and I just made myself as small as possible on the bed before getting down on the floor in front of my friend and fiance and apologising for my arrogance, now recognising them as God also. I’m still not sure if I was fully recognising them at this time but overall it was being confronted with God and feeling my own arrogance and foolishness. As I got back on the bed I decided to play some bhajans. My body moved easily with the music and the movements seemed to have cosmic significance. As the music intensified so did the movements up until the point where I became unplugged. This literally felt like being unjacked from the matrix and whatever force was animating my body was just cut off and i flopped down on the bed. I was able to let my friend know I was ok. All I remember was after this God took over. I was God and was just inspecting things around the room including my body, admiring flowers and inspecting my limbs. Everything seemed ok, nothing to be concerned about. A few other things happened but my memory is a little fuzzy. I remember being God felt like the most natural feeling. I remember trying to show my fiance some clips of Mooji but she wasn’t having such a good trip and didn’t want to participate. The next morning we woke to a beautiful snowy white Amsterdam. As we walked outside we came across this large group of performers and their singing and dancing felt like a celebration of the night before.
  13. I don’t know, perhaps it isn’t. In simple terms I think about how fear keeps me safe while doing things like crossing the road or responding with fear to the sound of an alarm. In this way I feel fear has a place. I can relate to having many fearful thoughts. Recently I have been recognising that they are simply stories playing in the mind and I can dismiss them as such. Don’t know if that is any help. Also giving more attention to what is actually being perceived right now around you helps. Ive also benefited from speaking with a therapist about my thoughts. Helps unpack them. Hope you can find some peace <3
  14. Last night I had a beautiful meditation where I became aware of how Fear had “kept me safe” my whole life. I felt full of gratitude and saw how beautiful fear is. For a long time I’ve been trying to erase or avoid fear. There is no need. It’s possible to thank it when it comes up. Maybe its just trying to protect you. Doesn’t mean you have to follow to every fearful thought.
  15. There can be a natural evolution where you become more interested in the eternal story/play unfolding before you than the stories made of thoughts. You can be fascinated with every detail of another’s expression, not just their words but their tone and emotional expression as well as the context/setting. Where to place your attention...
  16. Just curious if others experience this in conversation with others, a dissolving of sense of self, where there is just the awareness of the other speaking and the responses that come up. I’ve noticed it happening since I started therapy. It’s like being in a meditative state but able to converse and interact. I’m finding it happens as the conversation progressively becomes more open with vulnerability on both sides. It’s stands in contrast to how I typically feel when interacting with others which is slightly contracted somehow. I noticed it in therapy, presumably because it was a safe feeling space where I could speak freely without fear of judgement. I enjoy the bliss of nothingness during meditation and when two people are conscious of it it’s a really interesting and fun space to explore and speak from with another. Curious how other’s find interacting with others, in particular close family & friends and if they find themselves in this state of awareness or perhaps this is their default?
  17. @Nahm, its interesting how investigating both aspects has converged in this experience. Somehow the psychological exploration has aligned with the self inquiry in a way I didn’t expect. @Javfly33 yeah, that’s it man. Same here, have been quite introverted previously and now finding myself as ease in these moments.
  18. @Serotoninluv thankyou so much for sharing. That perfectly describes the experience. I find myself wishing every interaction could be in that flow state but so far it’s just with my therapist and parents. @Nahm thankyou for explaining further. I can follow along somewhat and recognise that nothing that is being perceived is the disturbing factor. Its a thought about what is perceived. Can you elaborate on what you mean by “in the manor of a parent”? This stands out to me as my therapist talks about parent ego states where we have internalised our parents. Is that what you are referring to here?
  19. @Nahm, I am the safe space! Love that. Thankyou! Im trying to grasp the second part of what you said about the contrast but somehow not quite getting it.