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About b_woo

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  • Birthday 08/17/1984

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    New Zealand / Papua New Guinea
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  1. Best Systems, Techniques and practices for enhanced concentration
    Best Systems, Techniques and practices for enhanced concentration
    Shinzen Young’s See Hear Feel technique is really unique when it comes to how he presents concentration. 
    Long story short, concentration =\= attention stability, however attention stability can be a feature of concentration.
    The beauty of noting meditation is one can get into a state of shamatha without stabilizing attention on a single object. Instead, momentary concentration doesn't disrupt the natural rhythms and flow of attention, or activity of mind but still facilitates the benefits of mindfulness. We learn to ride the wave of this field of flux rather manipulating it. 
    Id also highly highly highly recommend Rob Burbea’s jhana retreat. There are certainly benefits to attention stability such as deep jhana work. 

  2. Is the notion of Holons the first step towards vMEME Yellow?
    Is the notion of Holons the first step towards vMEME Yellow?
    Is the notion of Holons, the first step towards reaching tier 2 level of thinking?
    And therefore moving from
    vMEME Green to vMEME Yellow?
    I've had that thought after watching a Ken Wilber video in which he says that after post-modernism reach its end, and destroys all the house of cards that were built in the previous stages, it turns out that its inevitable to develop more healthy hierarchies in order to create a more inclusive and more sustainable society...
    And the concept of holons present both by Ken Wilber and Leo seems to me to be a better conceptual foundation for development,  both personal and societal, because it brings some tier 2 thinking that's required to adress what it's left out by post-modernism in its excess, like:
    transcend and include ,
    growth hierarchies and
    "going meta"

    That's my thought on this issue, but I would love to see what you guys think about that, so that we could have a more well rounded discussion about that??...

  3. Finding social circles roughly at Stage Yellow
    Finding social circles roughly at Stage Yellow
    Do something that requires you being surrounded by Yellow people. It'll basically only happen if you align your life purpose with Tier 2.

  4. How to reconnect with your inner child?
    How to reconnect with your inner child?
    Just finished reading "The little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and boy it touched me deeply. Coming from a dysfunctional family, I had a rough childhood which made me to mature fast. As a result, I feel disconnected from my inner child.

    How do you regain the ability to see the world in all its magical wonderment and the playful attitude to life that kids possess?

  5. Tame your Gremlin
    Tame your Gremlin
    It is on the must read list:
    It is an amazing short book. Very well put together and the concepts in this book connect with the book Mindset from Carol Dweck. How I see mindsets is like this: according to your mindset you judge life experiences (such as successes, failures and effort).
    This book called "Tame your Gremlin" is focused more on your dark side. Your inner beast that a lot of people have a hard time taming. The book is basically focused making a distinction between your higher self (i.e higher observer of true self) and lower self (your Gremlin).
    It is a no nonsense book. I read it with two sits. It is a classic self-help style written book. Very reader friendly. I'm amazed it is not popular on this forum and elsewhere. 5/5.

  6. Leo's Latest Video Is Astonishing
    Leo's Latest Video Is Astonishing
    If you have a fear of being unlovable, or shame or self hate you should check out Teal Swan’s work.    She does a better job covering developmental wounds and shadow work than Leo (sorry Leo!)
         How could self-hate be a survival strategy, you ask?  Watch these videos on counter-intuitive coping strategies:  Shame (17 min).  Self-Hate (The Most Dangerous Coping Mechanism) (10 min).  Fragmentation (20 min).
         When you understand the pay off you’re getting from self-hate, or shame or being needy, it’s much easier to evolve your survival strategies and that reward mechanism Leo was talking about.
         Shadow work, parts work, healthy eating and exercise, good sleep.  If that stuff gets too intense, watch Leo’s episode on “Dealing with Strong Negative Emotions.”  Summary is here.  You can also add tapping or havening for intense emotions.   
         You should also check out IFS (Internal Family Systems).  You can actually talk to the survival script (Protector) that tells you to you need to "earn love" to be "good enough," or whatever shadow you’re wrestling with.  Forming a relationship with your Protector helps you evolve it into a healthy version of itself.  Derek Scott’s channel is good.  On Shame
         Your worst qualities are actually your best qualities with the volume too high.  So instead of being needy, maybe you’ll become generous with healthy boundaries.  Instead of an aggressive ball buster, you can become ambitious with a straight shooting talking style.
        Those maladaptive traits aren’t the truth of who you really are (Leo’s work does a great job covering that stuff.)  They’re survival strategies you had to learn to survive your childhood.  They’re totally arbitrary.  They feel like the truth of who you are because they were baked into your nervous system for survival purposes, but you’re in a different situation now and can make a different choice.  You can re-wire yourself.
         clip: Transcend Your Script [6 mins].
         clip: What Shapes You Most [5 mins].
         Your ego-mind will keep saying you can't change, but it's all self-deception.  Working with those aspects of yourself through shadow work, parts work, IFS and maintaining good health will make evolving yourself much much easier.  When you get through to the other side and look back, you'll realize how your mind was being a tricky little bastard because it's scared.  However, it's tough to see all that when you're just starting the journey, but the journey's worth it.    

  7. How to win friends and influence people
    How to win friends and influence people
    Having anxious feelings is a result of the limbic brain being in unfamiliar situations which can naturally be seen as a "threat" to the brain and is completely normal. Just gotta go with it, accept these sensations as they come and press on. In time you will desensitize to the new stimulus and not get anxiety anymore. Face that fear...
    Emotional mastery isn't about suppressing emotions or always feeling good, but about being able to sit with whatever emotions your brain throws at you and not react to them... Leo has videos about this.. "how to deal with strong negative emotions" and others... be an emotional superconductor... 

  8. Tame your Gremlin
    Tame your Gremlin
    1. Taming your gremlin gets you to practice becoming aware of what is basically your limiting, neurotic inner voice. By noting this, you just simply notice the thought instead of fighting yourself. There is more too it, like feeling into your body and being present in the moment. Good for increasing overall awareness.
    2. Guide to rational living is great for developing an understand of the difference between irrational and rational thinking that either create a happy meaningful life where you are able to see life in a way that allows you to achieve you goals, feel good about yourself and not have neurotic demands on reality, or belief about reality that cause you to create useless suffering and struggle.
    Now that you are used to noting your gremlin, you can also use that technique to notice irrational beliefs and thoughts and begin to replace them with rational thoughts. 
    Honestly, other books like the Six pillars of self esteem also come into play here. each book builds and fleshes out different aspects of a healthy mind.
    3. Adversitiy Quotient helps you develop your AQ (like IQ or EQ but with Adversity). I personally found that the lower your AQ the more neurotic and gremlin voices you have and listen to without adequate awareness. 
    So, by developing mindfulness through meditation and a noting technique like taming your gremlin you can begin to notice more often throughout the day when you have irrational thoughts or thoughts that are signs of having a low AQ score.
    The three books work nicely together towards cracking the nut of thinking rationally, and having an internal set of systems that allow you to live a happy fulfilling life where your thoughts are sane, rational and life affirming and nuanced enough to meet the demands and challenges of life.
    I can do it much justice here. Really have to read them, do the exercises for yourself I think.

  9. Tame your Gremlin
    Tame your Gremlin
    I like it, it's useful. I still use the noting technique. Its useful and in combination with Adversity Quotient and Guide to rational living they work together well. 

  10. Any good courses or books on breathing?
    Any good courses or books on breathing?
    Preferably a course. 

  11. Books like The Way of the Superior Man?
    Books like The Way of the Superior Man?
    I've read this book twice and am looking for other books like this 

  12. Should I do Radical Honesty online course?
    Should I do Radical Honesty online course?
    Radical honesty can be both a blessing and a curse.
    When one demands on speaking their truth regardless of the consequences and it just causes hurt and consternation. How does that benefit? It might help a situation on rare occasions but when expressed regardless of others feelings it can often lead things into a downward spiral.
    The following advice was given by Cynthia Bourgeault in an online course. I think it is somewhat applicable to this thread.
    Rather than moving too quickly to criticize and judge, you can exercise respect by practicing conscious speech. Before rushing to respond, stop, ground, take a couple of conscious breaths, then ask yourself these four questions: 
    Does it need to be said?
    Does it need to be said now?
    Is it my place to say it?
    Can it be said with kindness?
     I would do well to remember these four points. Like most of us though, I often forget myself and insist on having my say because of my being reactive and impulsive.

  13. 19 Lessons I Have Learned From Studying World History
    19 Lessons I Have Learned From Studying World History
    •You realize that ignorance is mostly cultural
    ...and that people have always lived in egoic bubbles constrained by time and place
    •You put events into context
    •You realize how privileged you are
    Peacetime, healthcare, laws, education, medicine, technology
    •You learn funny stories
    Marat was a French revolutionary who had to spend his days in a bathtub because of a skin condition, in this bathtub he wrote polemics against the monarchy which influenced the revolution. 
    •You realize development is very geographical
    China is surrounded by the Gobi Desert, Himalayas and the Pacific Ocean and so was  isolated from other nations for hundreds of years, which helped its development.
    •You become less racist/nationalist (because you realize everyone contributed to our modern world)
    Did you know civilization was started by modern day Iranians, Indians, Egyptians and Chinese? 3000 years before Europeans came on the scene? Have you heard of The Golden Age Of Islam? Do you know who Zheng He is? Mansa Musa? Did you know Chinese invented gunpowder?
    •You learn from past mistakes
    •You understand how long it takes to build a country that lasts
    It took Europe 1500 years of conflict to become united. (Although Europe is not a country, you get the point)
    •You become better at envisioning the future
    ...because you realize we will never peak, so many things have not been invented yet
    •You realize everything is impermanent
    Empires rise and empires fall, glory fades.
    •You become better at geography
    ...and perhaps you fall in love with the planet and its diversity of cultures and people
    •You see the unity and division over time
    •It makes you want to explore the world
    •You get shocked and inspired by the bravery of historical people
    Columbus exploring the ocean, Livingstone trekking through the African jungle, Gandhi almost starving to death for his countries freedom
    •You realize there is no simple solution to building societies and countries, you become a more nuanced thinker
    •You realize countries are just a concept and dont really exist
    •You realize morality is relative to historical era
    Our education system is way too limited in its scope of history
    ...why arent we learning about Asia? Middle-East? Mayans? Incas? Sumerians? Ancient Persia? Islam?
    •You become a pacifist!
    5000 years of bloodshed, cant we just talk it out this time?

  14. George Carlin On Consumerism and Education
    George Carlin On Consumerism and Education
    Im sure they’d have plenty to say, Trump’s  so easy to make fun of.
    Our education system is far behind many countries in Europe. Michael Moore made a great film Where To Invade Next where he goes to different countries and “steals” ideas from their cultures to improve the U.S.
    Funnily (or sadly) enough, many of the ideas he steals actually were inspired by America but were abandoned in favor of more profitable and unhealthy ones.
    Things like diet, healthcare, education, vacation time, prisoner reform systems, and school classes about love are showcased.
    We aren’t we taught about love in the U.S. school system. We could prevent so much corruption just by teaching people what love is and how to attract the opposite sex. Men who feel unloved and powerless to do anything about it are most dangerous to society. We’re  churning them out through stigma and lack of education.

  15. Noam chomsky on the education system
    Noam chomsky on the education system
    Man, if I were you, I would create an entire course on this. What epistemic dysfunctions our education-system causes and how to re-wire your epistemology and think for yourself if you're out of the factory-farmed education-system.
    Heck, I may do this myself! Because I can.
    I honestly believe that there is nothing more important for us, as a society, than to critically look at the education-system. It is, hands-down, the highest-leverage point to create permanent change in society.

  16. Noam chomsky on the education system
    Noam chomsky on the education system
    Teachers teach what they know - which is based on how they were taught - to take the material given, memorize it, and regurgitate it.  To them, the book/teacher/answer key is truth.
    The school system does not value questioning ideas, using multiple perspectives, and developing how to think for oneself, creativity, self awareness, emotions, etc.
    So many jobs are board game jobs - based on how well you can comply with the standards of "this is how it is done" now "get it done" - play the board game where the rules and pieces are already set and created.  It can take a long time just to learn how to play the board game - it can also be lots of pressure to get certain outcomes from the game.  
    The more obedience you have, the more your survival is guaranteed.  If you are questioning the reality society has created, your survival is at risk.  It can be harder to perform at school, at work, in relationships, etc.

  17. Visiting The Venus Project. Drop Any Questions
    Visiting The Venus Project. Drop Any Questions
    My conclusion: I visited the Venus Project to learn. Learning includes both discovering things that work and things that don't work. And I believe I found some of both at the Venus Project.
    I do not believe their ideas for building a resource-based economy and getting rid of all government are possible any time soon. But when I toured their facilities, 99% of what I saw was not related to that. Mostly what I saw were engineering models for transportation, housing and urban design. Ways for buildings to be safer. Ways for cities to converse more energy. Ways to make transportation more efficient.
    Jacque Fresco was not an economist or a business man. He was a scientist and engineer at his core. That is what he did best. And that is what the Venus Project should be focused on.
    Forget the resourced-based economy. It's not going to happen, and we don't need it to happen. We can largely remove the deleterious effects of the current money-economy without actually getting rid of money. And if we do eventually want to get rid of money, great. But we are not there yet.
    Proponents of TVP may say that I am ignoring root causes by saying they should leave out the resource-based economy. And perhaps I am. But you cannot always address root causes. Addressing root causes is an ideal. Sometimes you have to address symptoms and work within the parameters of what you got.
    Focus instead on the engineering. I'm not an engineer who can validate Jacque's ideas, but I suspect many of them are very good in that department. And much more feasible than restructuring the entire global economy / political system.

  18. Why are modern people unhappy?
    Why are modern people unhappy?
    Modern people aren't the first generation to be unhappy, modern people are the first generation to wake up to the fact that we are unhappy because we aren't so wrapped up in survival for the first time!

  19. Why are modern people unhappy?
    Why are modern people unhappy?
    Overabundance of information.
    Unfair distribution of resources.
    The decline of healthy stage blue values  such as ethics, discipline, dedication and family values
    Extreme egocentric behaviour regardless of the costs to the environment, other people's health and the suffering of animals
    Lack of mental challenge, decline in willpower, patience and strategic thinking about one's life -> tendency to favour quick solutions and shortcuts
    The illusion of choice (why settle for one person when I could be shagging all these super hot models) 
     The illusion of other people's success (omg look at this successful guy with 4 million followers who btw suffers from crippling depression, takes drugs and his family life is a mess)
    The illusion of beauty standards -> ehm.. Kardashians
    Lack of dedication to a particular cause 
    Inability to sit down with one's thoughts for half an hour in total silence 

  20. Do you have to Be a Psychopath To Become a Billionaire?
    Do you have to Be a Psychopath To Become a Billionaire?
    The problem of hunger is actually a much harder problem to solve than achieving World Peace. I think we should first focus on achieving World Peace because only then can our solutions to the hunger-problem be sustainable!

  21. Do you have to Be a Psychopath To Become a Billionaire?
    Do you have to Be a Psychopath To Become a Billionaire?
    @SQAAD You can, technically, become a billionaire if that is what you want. If that is where your Life Purpose takes you.
    At those high levels, life just isn't easy in general. You have to make tough decisions, you literally decide who lives and who dies. If you are in your Life Purpose though, you will have principles higher than you guiding you in making those decisions. As a human, yeah, you may come across as a psychopath to the world. To your critics. But, if you are in your Life Purpose, the overall legacy you leave behind will be something you deliberately choose! You can choose it to be something that is a net positive.

  22. Is it possible to feel like you are yourself at workplaces?
    Is it possible to feel like you are yourself at workplaces?
    A company employs you for your value to the company. Secondary to that, you are expected to fit into the culture of the company, because it is a community with it's own rules. But, being a member of that community, you are actually a part of that community. In other words you always have a small amount of influence over what happens and what's accepted.
    You can increase your influence over time, because colleagues come and go, you become the keeper of the community's rules and understand more deeply how it works. But in the shorter term you can increase your influence by increasing your value to the company. You can take on more responsibility or do things other employees are not willing to do, or simply have great ideas or work smart.  The more value you have to a company, the more leeway you have in being yourself. Bosses are more likely to tolerate behaviour that doesn't fit the community if you are providing great value. 
    For example, I don't like working to deadlines or working through tasks in a strict order. I like to be free with my workload, it's my character. I get a lot "moaning" about things not being finished, I simply don't care. I also push back a lot with clients and my bosses, because there's a lot of BS. This has got me in trouble with previous jobs, but in this job I provide so much value that it's tolerated. Occasionally, they even realise that I'm right!
    In short, play the game and you can be more yourself.

  23. Is it possible to feel like you are yourself at workplaces?
    Is it possible to feel like you are yourself at workplaces?
    I've suffered from this myself too so I can definitely relate.
    I work in highly competitive and capitalistic technical field doing different project management tasks and it requires me to partake in bureaucratic stuff like going to meetings and partaking in negotiations and dealing with people, and so I'm forces to get involved in lots of stage Red and Orange egoistic games. Most part of the sub-field I work in is really toxic and that toxicity can be seen in everything that this field represents. You see it happening with every party of the projects. Every party just plays the game as well as possible so they could win the other parties and work things in their favor without caring about what's most beneficial to the whole project or not to mention anything even further like environment. There is very little healthy co-operation going on. There is no room for defying the value base or the so called ''center of gravity'', otherwise you will get a quick kick to your ass and get replaced by another rat in the maze, who will also ether get corrupted and manipulated by the system or get kicked and replaced.
    I had to learn that the hard way too. About 3,5 years ago when I started working here I was just so confused when my Green ideas were ignored and mostly just pissed on. I've already faced several interventions with our executives where I've been close to burn bridges and get the hell out or been close to get fired in a heat of a debate. Today, with Yellow understanding I know how to cope with these circumstances, understanding development and the difference in values that come with it. Today I have absolutely zero confusion about anyone's or any systems behavior here.
    You can learn to cope with all that BS but it really requires you to zoom out and be flexible by understanding the system. @LastThursday described it well, it's usually just the value you offer to the company, and when you provide value, you will usually create more creative freedom to yourself, which might free you from some of the struggle. But again, offering value almost always requires you to learn towards the value paradigm of the company, but it can be done healthy and smart ways.
    After all, it all boils down to how much of personal integrity you are willing to sacrifice. Where you work at is on your responsibility and if you want to express your higher values more, you better get progressive and proactive about it. You might need to start developing new skills, which will allow you to find your niche and allow you more creative freedom. That's what a big chunk of Leo's teaching are about, to get you to put your career life in order so that you can have a healthy and functional so that you can be able to go for higher things in life. Leo's Life Purpose Course is a killer there.
    Also Leo's latest video ''The Social Matrix - How Society Is A Mass Hallucination'' gives some really deep perspective to your issue here. It's actually a golden nugget in that regard.

  24. How to motivate myself to do great amazing work ?
    How to motivate myself to do great amazing work ?
    I don't know you Preety so this is only what I belive.. I think you use the wrong productivity strategy. The general idea of productivity doesn't work for everyone.. it only works for a self few. If you're more creative ( which you are) you need a different approach
    See... your mind is like the wind. It has high energy bursts that burn out but replenish quickly. 
    These are LIFE CHANGING VIDEOS if you're anything like I described.  It changed everything for me.
    Exactly Preety. Wanna know why? - because you're a Vata baby. You're like the wind and you should therefor structure so that you do multiple things at the same time.
    Use your energy, passion and interests that you have for life to your advantage. Don't play a different game.
    Please please for the sake of your life, not mine watch the videos I shared you. It changed my life. ( you do whatever you want though but I really want you to nail life (: )
    You get huge bursts of energy and then you get bored... see you can align your life so that you take advantage of your passion and life energy.
    I really feel you. I struggled with this aswell so so much. It's super frustrating.. I really get it. Watch.the.videos. pleaaaseeew

  25. Mouth Taping
    Mouth Taping
    Came across this idea to help you not breath through your mouth at night. Just put a piece of gentle medical tape over your mouth before bed. It's already been helping my nasal passages immensely as well as my quality of sleep after just a few times. 